This article is shared only with my friends cause of google and their spying techniques and threats to roll in internet 2.
I tried to get DRM on my receiver, one the process is very hard to do even for beginners. One you have to know computers, electronics engineering, and know what the hell you are doing. I tried to even connect my shortwave radio receiver to the input of the sound card without a converter box. A converter box is something you cannot find in Sears or a Radio Shack. This converter box is specially made for receivers with an AM intermediate frequency output jack at 455 kHz. I was trying to find a converter box, and the only place I found it was ESP, a company that does special boxes for Single Side Band reception on vintage shortwave radio receivers.
The schematic diagram is good, if you know how to read such a thing, which I have been doing that for many years as a electronics engineering hobbyist. Problem is that they do not have any kits out there for such a converter box that you can just order and have it shipped to your house, apartment, or even school So that sucks.
The receivers are getting hard to obtain, Sangean first came out with a MP-40 DRM receiver that receives DRM, but they did not want to sell it to the Americans. It had alot of updated features even a optical output jack, which is rare for a DRM receiver to have. Some french company offers the DiWave 100, and its finally available in the USA, but the price is extremely steep for this poor economy and only the rich and afford. Problem is that that is the only receiver offered in the USA which is being sold out like the netbook which there are many others offered in other countries even third world places. The FCC is like the Customs, you have to get every receiver approved and tested before it can be released to the Americans. How socialist of a country is that??
Meanwhile, DRM signals on 9880 kHz via shortwave sound very very scrambled and not intelligible to the human ear it sounds very noisy like a digital utility signal, which means that shortwave broadcast station does not have alot of listener ship since even the cheapest receivers only have AM mode. Get this, you know the BBC right? They just switched off their analog AM shortwave service and just switched to DRM so they can talk behind our backs and the rest of the world. They could have a AM shortwave service, but they did it to stab us in the back to make us go to the internet for more information.
The FCC is held to blame for not allowing a lot more receivers with buiit in decoders for DRM. What are they trying to hide from the American people? They can can sure implement HD Radio, but not DRM?? Why? One thing is that the FCC is against listeners in the USA to have such nice radio equipment to receive more stations. Another reason is that we have corruption in our country and all American sales must go to China. China is probably the reason why we cannot have DRM in our country, cause of their ways of hiding the information from the American people and being very lazy not making enough receivers with DRM. Not having DRM puts Americans like you in a nutshell and being shielded from valuable information that we need in a event of an emergency or when it's important. Until we get enough receivers being sold with DRM which people are doubting too damn much, then that is when shortwave should do the DRM mode. DRM is just a digital AAC+ format that instead of jamming the signal it can be transmitted digitally or maybe even encrypted digitally with a password or subscription, but some modulators are not ready for this and the receivers are not unless they are a computer with password access, but when you just have AM and SSB and no DRM reception you are left out in the cold.
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