Infowars - Commentaries and Censorships, and Moderation
Infowars used to be a great place for posting and research. But ever since some dumb ass was posting something threating, they started to use passwords and now they are moderating commentaries. Good thing 12.160 does not moderate blogs and censor material.
I see why one caller called Alex Jones a shill. He is just is there to make money and pick and choose who has to be on the air and let callers on and cut them off. Alex Jones and Jason Bermas are not my social networking friends anyways, they do not want to be my friends or followers. We don't need another George Noory on 12160 kHz! His show is becoming boring to listen to, and a waste of radio battery power. Alex Jones is just another top paid popularity on shortwave that gets heard and then turned off for the day.
Infowars, is a place, but now it's controlled by some media circus like some company, and they are controlling what you can and cannot say. and you cannot express concerns and opinions. We use to be able to post links and send text graphics there, and people did some neat pictures with text I like to add. We should have the freedom to do these things. Us at the GCC believe the internet should be like before when the DMCA was signed like in 1997 and always should be with unlimited downloads, unlimited access, and good security without, but since there are cyber threats, I can understand why this modern internet SUCKS! It has too much moderation and regulation these days. It used to be good, and we are being regulated and moderated. We need to old infowars back and running normal! I feel like we are in a computer lab or the internet is the computer lab of the CIA and we have to pay for our regulated access. I cannot believe my internet is so slow than it was, Cox said it was supposed to be lightning speed, this internet, however is like High Speed DSL. I did speed tests and they are coming to a dial up speed soon!
The internet, however is becoming bumf*cked Egypt networking, we have to be treated like little kids and put in In School Suspension (ISS) for addressing our concerns and opinions even if we are outraged. We are being controlled, regulated, and soon we will have to get a license to use the internet.
**This video is a selected clip from the full-length film, "The Heavens and the Earth: The Final Card"*WATCH the Full Movie HERE!*The Heavens and the Earth: ...
The Seven Noahide Laws, often seen as a precursor to a global system of judgment, stand in stark contrast to the teachings of the New Testament. Jesus Christ...