This is my new blog of the AM 540 Truth Talk Radio activities and programming. Right now I have not get time yet to change the playlist from Christmas to regular music on the page, cause I have not been feeling too well, and also the draft from the cold snap is keeping me under the bundled up. The temperatures are ranging from 27 to 31'F
and why are we calling this Global Cooling??? It's a big lie like Alex Jones has been talking about for a long time, the weather seems normal, and I heard we are supposed to get a big snow storm. I may get the Alex Jones show back on tommorrow I think that is if I don't have another Doctors appointment. I may have to air the podcast on the radio station if the humming is not too annoying. I will see.
UPDATE: We just had a big snow storm, and it came and went.
WTRH-AM - Broadcast Engineering - Update - Jan 5, 2010.
This Christmas and other days the station was working well, but there is a new hard to solve problem right now at this time, which is keeping my station from sounding good, so the station is off the air until further notice. It's a ground loop problem that is coming from some un-shielded speaker audio cable that is connected to the speaker crossover of the transmitter. On the other side, the FM stereo transmitter set to 88.3 is able to get on the air still. I have plans on getting 2 new kits called a AM-1C transmitter kit from Ramsey Electronics, and a FM-10C stereo transmitter kit from Ramsey Electronics. I hope I can get these kits before the prices start to pick up again. Stupid Inflation!! Quit making money out of things.
WTRH-AM - Broadcast Engineering and Programming Update - Feb 11, 2010
Valentines Day is coming up, and people are still going out getting Chocolates, Cards, and Flowers, and other
things. WTRH-AM is taking a big break from the "truth movement" but will be back to the regular programming around Monday Feburary 15, 2010. GCC Radio is making WTRH-AM do their own version of Valentines Day
which has nothing but love songs. So WTRH-AM is showing the love here at GCC Radio and the Mayfair Community Happy Valentine's Day 2010!