You are Being Watched  and it’s Not Okay!

Image result for AI facial recognition everywhere


With the new roll out of an artificially intelligent facial recognition system that will be implemented throughout the public place, are bragging that only 7 out of a thousand facial observations resulted in false arrests! How many is 7 out of a thousand percentage when you add up 330 million possible Americans alone that make regular appearances in public to shop, attend restaurants and performances, or even simply walking down a street that may be laced with smart light posts designed to pick up and record conversations and take photos?

Image result for stupid unconerned non voters

Willfully blind

Why is it that most of the common citizenry see no steadily closing gap between the total loss of our freedoms and the oppression of an out of control state? Even social media platforms are being monitored which has resulted in arrests and in one case an outright FBI shooting of a man who merely answered his door as witnessed by his own child. An interesting analogy of how the state captures its constituency. In capturing wild pigs, farmers will build one length of fences and lay down feed for the pigs to forage. As time goes by another perimeter of fence is constructed making half a box. The pigs don’t notice because they’re too busy eating their free meal. Then a third perimeter is installed, but the pigs, oblivious to the trap, continue to consume. Finally once the pigs have become totally at home with 3/4 of their freedom gone, the final wall is built and they are trapped with no way out. The free food did its job just as it was supposed to-a distraction.

Image result for fasle arrests due to AI facial rcognition errors

The unwitting detainee

Let’s try this scenario: You’re walking down a Walmart aisle routinely shopping and, of course, there are the monitoring cameras showing you that you are on the screen, no biggie, right? As you finish and approach the self-checkout you notice a sudden presence of security guards who seem to be trailing you. By the time you’re unloading your groceries you find yourself surrounded with authoritarians asking for your picture ID. Then the local police show up to ask more questions. Before you know it, you’ve been tagged as an unwitting criminal, you’re reputation has been smeared, and you’re being driven away for temporary detainment until your papers have been verified and you are hopefully freed to go.

Image result for FBI surveillance

Artificially wrong?

For at least two decades now the FBI and elements of local law enforcement have been using facial recognition software to supposedly identify wanted criminals such as known drug dealers, violent offenders with supposedly long rap sheets, and suspected terrorists. On one TV program the feds had set up an entrapment scheme where suspected drug dealers were mailed free invitations to attend a sporting event with complimentary drinks and snacks. Many showed up and were systematically arrested while being allowed to watch their friends in the business of crime being busted as well and actually laughing about it as they viewed the operation. If these types of entrapment schemes are so effective, why are terrorists constantly being overlooked such as being detained at the border embedded in the crowds of illegal aliens, but strangely being let go for no good reason at all, and we learn about this days or weeks after it happens as the mainstream media refuses to carry such stories?

Image result for illusion of federal government charity

The illusion

Citizens have, for the most part, been trained like pets by the system to think of government as though it were a god, omnipotent, all seeing , all knowing, and dedicated to their protection and best interests, but that is an illusion! As prosecutors are only out to win cases not to hand down justice as their ambition as political agendas far exceed whether or not these is a presumption of innocence! Why do you think every now and then a pardon is issued for a prisoner unjustly accused because the prosecution knowingly suppressed evidence that would have acquitted the defendant or that the witness who testified was lying because they were coerced by law enforcement?

Image result for illusion of federal government charity

Who is really under surveillance?

However, now with the new refinements of the NDAA back in 2010 by one Barack Obama who made suspected domestic terrorists culpable for indefinite detainment, in other words, without their MIRANDA rights, this was an agenda the administration pursued strenuously. When Eric Holder, the former race baiting US Attorney General who was charged with contempt of Congress for refusing to satisfy a subpoena for evidence in the Fast and Furious scandal for 18 months, continually pushed for accusing former US war veterans, Evangelical Christians, and anti-abortion protesters as the type of domestic terrorists who kept him up at night. Hmm, but not the violent Soros funded rioters who night after night raised hell in Blue cities across the nation in a rage known as the “Ferguson Effect”. Why weren’t those sophisticated AI programs at work identifying Cop killers and violent rioters? The fences for the pigs are just about finished!

Image result for pigs trapped with free corn


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