The Genesis of the Fake Corporate “Personas”

By Anna von Reitz
One of the concepts that people are having a lot of trouble with is the difference between an unincorporated business and a corporation—- both are “corporate” in the sense of being fictitious, but one is engaged in private trade under full commercial liability and accrues only private property and the other seeks the benefit of limited liability and incurs the obligations to the State and accrues income by definition.
ABC Company does not equal ABC Corporation.
ABC Company is a “corporate entity” and can do business with ABC Corporation without breaking the “in kind” rule of contracts, but a living man named John Raymond Doe acting as a living man cannot.  He can only contract with other living men.
This is what necessitated the adoption of “doing business as” names at the beginning of the 20th Century.  More and more businesses were operating as corporations and those corporations wanted to be able to deal directly with living customers who were NOT organized as any kind of business entity.  Likewise, many living people wanted the goods and services provided by corporations, but did not have a company or company name that would allow them to do business with a corporation.
So the “State of_________” stepped in and began the process of issuing “doing business as” Names conceived as foreign situs trust franchises doing business within the fictitious “State of Ohio” and subject to the statutory laws of the “State of Ohio”.
Foreign situs trusts are named using the same style conventions as those being used by living men at the time, so there was no way to know the difference between “Hans Luke Jorgenson” the man and “Hans Luke Jorgenson” the foreign situs trust.  People could do business with other people and with corporations without ever actually realizing that they were “presumed” to be acting in separate capacities.
It never crossed their minds and they were never told that they were acting as corporate “persons” when they walked into a Ma Bell Office and signed a contract to receive telephone service, but for the purposes of that transaction, they were considered by the State and by Ma Bell as acting in a “corporate” capacity.  They had to be, otherwise the in-kind provisions would have been violated and it would not have been possible for corporations to sell services to individual people on contract.
Then along came another layer to the puzzle— in addition to American corporations, international corporations began coming on shore and selling goods and services.  This opened up another can of worms.  Not only did Americans require a “doing business name” to be able to contract with and receive goods and services from American companies and corporations under “State” law, they needed another “doing business name” to be able to do business with international corporations under international law.
So, the Washington DC Municipality began registering Cestui Que Vie trusts under the doing business names of all the American foreign situs trusts and the additional all-capital letters name was born: HANS LUKE JORGENSON could now do business with international corporations and he was “presumed” to be a franchise of the UNITED STATES (Inc.) and obligated to obey federal statutory law and international law generally.
The problem of course is that poor old Hans back on the farm was never told any of this and never educated to be able to responsibly conduct his own business affairs.  The “State” and the “federal government” decided to “indemnify” him as a “ward”—in exchange for him granting all control over his name and estate assets to them. And from that, all the abuses have sprung.
Not only was Hans not told about the meaning of names being “presumed” upon him by the self-interested corporations, but he wasn’t informed of their offer to copyright his name, convert the ownership of his estate to their control, and micro-manage his life according to their statutes, executive orders, and corporate policies.
He was never told about their offer of his labor and his private property including his interest in his land and his business enterprises as collateral backing the debts of the “State of_____” and later, the “STATE OF________” corporations, as well as the debts of the United States of America, Inc., and the debts of the UNITED STATES (INC.)……and soon poor old Hans was “presumed” to be bankrupt…..yada, yada, yada.
The corporations are by nature evil, irresponsible, and self-interested entities created for the sole purpose of making profit and avoiding liability.  Unlike companies which bear the burden of full commercial liability, the corporations routinely get away with murder and discharge their debts through abuse of bankruptcy protection.
We have looked high and low and can find no justifiable reason for corporations to be provided with protection from liability in exchange for paying off a portion of their profits as “protection money” to yet another corporation in the business of providing governmental services. It has both the plain appearance and affect of racketeering and extortion under armed force—and all under conditions of semantic deceit and constructive fraud, personage, and impersonation of public officials.
All legal presumptions held against individual people obligating them to perform under commercial contracts that are and always manifestly were NOT in-kind and NOT fully disclosed should be dropped immediately and without recourse as unconscionable and the people should not suffer any loss or claim against their labor, their private property, or their public property interests as a result of the constructive fraud being practiced against them by these corporations—-including and especially the governmental services corporations which have passed themselves off as the lawful government owed this nation.

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