You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy? Really?

Image result for driverless cars

Technology is bringing mankind a long way in a very short span of time. It may be used to serve mankind in a positive way, but at the same time it could very well be used to the best interests of the globalists who are working hard to implement the Agenda 21 agenda. Soon electric cars will make more and more of their debut now as a new battery that uses a Nano form of silicone that not only miniaturizes a battery, but allows it to recharge quickly, and be able to store a huge amount of energy with each charge. We are talking a thousand miles per charge that will only take a few minutes. No longer will a battery make up 1500 pounds of the car’s weight and take more than an hour to charge only providing a 300 mile range at best, but there’s a new development!

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Why have a driver?

The new autonomous vehicles will be popping up everywhere and just like Uber or Lyft, these driverless cars will be owned privately in fleets. These fleets will be available to any customer with wireless connection and a credit card. These fleets will be ready to respond to a request like an unmanned taxi cab company, and of course this will be more and more the reason that the authorities will recommend not owning your own vehicle anymore as having access to a driverless fleets of taxis will obviate the need for individual car ownership. What has been made to sound convenient might be taking away your own chances of having your ownership of a personal vehicle.

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Gone is “the looking after” society

For the disabled and those too elderly to pass a driver’s license test, this could be an advantage since so many families are dumping off their elderly relatives in nursing homes afraid to take on the responsibility of having a parent live with them. Regardless of what you see on the popular show “Bluebloods” this kind of close knit family is more fantasy nowadays than the traditional American family even sitting down at the dinner table together anymore, sadly. So, why not let technology further dehumanize society making it that much more convenient to sluff off responsibility on something else? In our modern day youth worshiping, Hollywood actor enshrinement, and athlete admiration society, why even give this a second thought?

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Smaller then not at all

The same will go for housing as well. Already, mini-homes of less than 400 square feet are selling like hot cakes, even mobile mini houses that can be loaded up on a trailer seem to be gaining amazing popularity for those who just don’t want to be bothered with all that comes with typical home ownership, but it will go further than that as cities begin to enact more and more statutes and ordinances that make individual home ownership more expensive with increased land taxes as well. Ultimately, with the Democrats wanting to dictate the social demographics of neighborhoods with racial and income quotas, those who can afford to pay more for added security and quality environment may find the government standing in the way!

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A matter of forced obsolescence

With the government finding more and more ways to spend the nation into debt, with public schools with even greater budgets, and deed restrictions becoming even more cumbersome, this will surely enable eventually  the Agenda 21 goal of stacking and packing housing along railroad lines, individual vehicle ownership relegated to bicycles, and UN required contractors for building these restricted square footage housing developments that will not even provide warranty or legal recourse for structural failure. This will be the long range plan. We all know that land taxes are already putting many a buyer out of the buyer’s market, and they will not reduce back down again as supply and demand economics don’t pertain to government monopolies. For all those who have spontaneous long distance travel needs there will be the driverless car fleets. Problem solved? Not really. Draconian imposition of population control solved? Well, that’s the question isn’t it?

Image result for Agenda 21

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