(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or googlevideo.com, the phrase Barbara Loe Fisher Gardasil…or go to nvic.org and find it there.)
Video: Vaccination, the Hidden Truth
Fifteen people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, and other researchers, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. Ironically, the important facts come from orthodox medicine’s own peer-reviewed research.
link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-anZr096cQ (11:00 minutes – part 1, which is enough — you can watch the other parts if you want and have time) (If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or googlevideo.com, the phrase Vaccination, the hidden truth.)
Article, and news interview by very well known, respected investigative journalist, entitled, Vaccinations, Deadly Immunity:
(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or googlevideo.com, the phrase Robert F Kennedy Jr on the vaccine autism cover up.)
Partial list of ingredients (including Human Diploid Cells) in Vaccines from the CDC’s own website:
…with the disclaimer, …”efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, but manufacturers may change product contents before that information is reflected here”. In other words, you never know what really may have made its way into these veritable “witches brews”.
Does 42 doses (including booster shots) of 14 different vaccines injected directly into the body of your child or grandchild by 6 years of age, of that veritable “witches brew” of ingredients seem like a good idea to you?
Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are known eugenicists with philosophies of profound population reduction…yet they both have donated tens of billions of dollars towards vaccine campaigns in third world countries…coordinated through the UN, WHO, and UNICEF — that share those same philosophies (documentation included below). Why would those men and those organizations that want to depopulate the world by 80%, be so concerned in the supposed health and well being and longevity of those third world children?
You don’t have to do this anymore.
You’ve been told your kids have to have the shots to be admitted into school, but that is a lie. Not one of our 5 children has ever been vaccinated (…you also won’t find a healthier family than ours). You just need to know your rights. Ask your school office, or the county nurse to give you an exemption form for each of your children/grandchildren.
Usually they have a section for Personal Philosophy; Religious Beliefs; or Medical Reasons. If your state or province just has the Religious and Medical exemption sections…if your religion includes the belief that you should be able to exercise your moral agency to make choices (including whether dangerous substances are injected into your child’s body, or not); then fill out the Religious Exemption section.
If your state or province only has the Medical Exemption section; then find a doctor that will write something to the effect: There is a family history of autoimmune disorders, with respect to this child. Vaccines could be harmful to this child. (Allergies are a form of autoimmune disorder — and somewhere in your family tree you will at least have someone who has had allergies.)
The Truth Shall Make You Free.
Why don’t we use the truth to turn the tables. Lets go from 95% of the public believing in and taking the shots — to 95% knowing the truth and refusing the shots. Let’s put the multibillion dollar, exploitive, worldwide vaccine industry out of business. Isn’t 200 years of cashing in upon trillions of our public tax dollars, by use of fraud and deceit, while cloaked under the guise of good science and medicine — long enough?
Everybody send this to everyone you know. Let’s viralize this truth. Let’s cause it to spread over the whole earth so fast, it won’t be stopped. If we do that, within months, there will be no prey left for them to prey upon. They’ll be out of business…and they’ll soon leave the third world children alone too, because they’ll no longer have our billions of tax dollars to make more vaccines.
Dr Dave Conrad
PS Now, to see how to avoid dangerous mandatory vaccinations, during this current, phony, declared Level 6, Worldwide Pandemic, see the additional information continued below.
PPS …just came across one more video, you have to see:
Merck scientist admits cancer viruses in vaccines.
Interview by Alex Jones with retired US Major General Albert Stubblebine III and his Medical Doctor/Scientist Wife, Dr Rima E Laibow. Protect yourself and your family from dangerous vaccinations during this current, contrived Level 6, Worldwide Pandemic.
(If you have any trouble with this series of video, type in the search window at youtube.com or googlevideo.com, the phrase mandatory vaccinations and eugenics General Stubblebine Dr Laibow.)
Part 1/5 (11.00 minutes)
(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)
The General and his Medical Doctor/Scientist wife’s website where you will find information regarding the legislative push discussed in the above interview.
(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)
Proof that the current White House Head of Science and Technology has extreme depopulative eugenics philosophies…co-wrote a 1100 page textbook used for high level government policy on the subject. He was Head of Science and Technology at MIT; then Harvard; and now for the entire Country. His name is John P Holdren. He co-authored the textbook with Paul Erlich, a well-known eugenicist who happened to serve as George H W Bush’s Science and Technology Czar in a previous administration.
(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or googlevideo.com, the phrase Obama’s Mad Science Advisor.)
Part 1/10 (10.46 minutes)
(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)
Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations
by Stephen Lendman
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Squalene was in the experimental anthrax vaccine and is believed to have been the cause of devastating autoimmune diseases and deaths for many Gulf War veterans. Now, squalene is to be an ingredient in virtually all forthcoming vaccines.
At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming – mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu)…
click link for original article (if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter).
(If you have any trouble with this link, do an internet search with the phrase, Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations by Stephen Lendman.)
This respected journalist (Jane Burgermeister) has laid her career on the line (and perhaps much more) to warn the public — has already been fired from her job since this came out…may undergo additional repercussions…
The above information is enough for now to be convinced and take action on this particular issue. Now here follows supplemental information that I recommend for study when time permits. It will enhance one’s understanding of the whole issue and other closely related issues:
Film: The Obama Deception
(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)
In Lies We Trust: the real cause of epidemics of cancer, aids, and a variety of other diseases…documented proof of soft-kill depopulation techniques that have been unleashed upon the public.
(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or googlevideo.com, the phrase 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising Full Version.)
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
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There is a lot of valuable information on this web page, although several of the video links have gone stale. There is a description of the videos, however — and often you can do a search on youtube and hunt them down. Here is an example of one like that which is an excellent documentary called:
Vaccination – The Hidden Truth
This is the shocking but extremely informative video documentary Vaccination – The Hidden Truth (1998) where fifteen people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, and other researchers, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. Ironically, the important facts come from orthodox medicine’s own peer-reviewed research. With so much government and medical promotion of vaccination for prevention of disease, the video is clearly devoted to presenting the other side of the issue that parents and others are not being told. The result is a damning account of the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their often harmful effects. I did a search on youtube and found it and it is excellent. Here is the link for that particular film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-anZr096cQ
Now, here is the link to the web page with all that information:
(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)
Ken Kesey (1935 - 2001) is one of the best-known authors to ever emerge from Oregon. He wrote his two most-acclaimed novels, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...
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