We see it in the sky on a clear sunny day all types of steaks in the sky . When the planes are passing by they spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the…
Blog MnRTV Live Show-Wed- April 23,2014 @730 EST Chemtrails Look up in the sky! 1 Favorite MnRTV Live Show-Wed- April 16,2014 @730 est The Bilderberg Group! Billionaires and Politicians & Trillionaires!The coming Bilderberg meeting will be held in capital city of Copenhagen in Denmark, on the last week of May 2014. Who is this group and what do they want. It began in 1954 and was so…
Blog MnRTV Live Show-Wed- April 16,2014 @730 est The Bilderberg Group! Billionaires and Politicians & Trillionaires! 1 Favorite MnRTV Live Show-Wed- April 9,2014 @730 EST Special Guest Author Mary Sutherland- Red Haired Giants and the ParanormalThis Wednesday night on MnRTV we have special guest author Mary Sutherland as we talk about The red haired Giants and the Paranormal. The Red-Haired Giants Atlantis in North America “And…
Blog MnRTV Live Show-Wed- April 9,2014 @730 EST Special Guest Author Mary Sutherland- Red Haired Giants and the Paranormal 1 Favorite Rob Van Dam talks New World Order, 911,JFK,…This coming Wednesday April 2, 2014 we have Lisa Haven writer of www.beforeitsnews.com as we talk with her about Opening Pandora's Box: The Truth…
Blog MnRTV Live Show-Wed -April 2,2014- @ 730 est Special Guest- Lisa Haven- Opening Pandora's Box: The Truth Behind Nephilim Families 2 Favorites Google Claims 84 Percent percent of online news sites are hacked by governments
(Derek Wood) - I would agree that sagging baggy pants exposing your undergarments or skin is absolutely vile, in my eyes. Is this Louisiana parish going a little too far?…
This Wednesday night we have as special guest Blood Ritual Monarch also known as BRM !
Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man Luke 17:26 We hear of all kinds of genetic manipulation and cross breeding going on in…
Blog MnRTV Live Show-Wed March 19, 2014-@ 730 est- Transhumanism and DNA manipulation 1 Favorite MnRTV Live Show Black Eyed Kids Terrifying t…This Wed night on MnRTV LIve show we investigate what in the world is this phenomenon known as the Black Eyed Kids We hear more and more about this They just want to come inside. Across…
Blog MnRTV Live Show-Wed March 12, 2014 @ 730 EST- Black Eyed Kids- Terrifying truth of these terrible entities! 3 Favorites How the Government Manipulates Your Thoughts…This week on MnRTV Live show we have returning special guest Lynn Field in which we will be discussing with her how the people that run the world- Her channel is …
Blog MnRTV Live Show-Wed March 5 , 2014 @ 730 EST-Psychopaths Run The World- With Special Guest Lynn Field 2 Favorites"Destroying the New World Order"
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