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In four US state prisons, some 3,300 inmates test positive for coronavirus — 96% without symptoms.
Health official policy makers were cheered for their swift, decisive acti…DiscussionMedical Coup D’état – The Culling of Humanity3 FavoritesHow ?photoHow ?4 FavoritesSHARE THIS! THIS SHOULD SCARE PEOPLE STRAIGH…videoSHARE THIS! THIS SHOULD SCARE PEOPLE STRAIGH…2 Favorites
April 2020
Miss America 2021photoMiss America 20213 FavoritesLearn@home4kidsphotoLearn@home4kids1 Favoriteaf2c6b80c76d4f45photoaf2c6b80c76d4f453 Favoritesc0f34324a2dd10e7photoc0f34324a2dd10e73 FavoritesSterilized Masks Under ConstructionphotoSterilized Masks Under Construction2 FavoritesDr. Fauci's Long Criminal HistoryApril 22, 2020
"The coronavirus tests do not at all prove presence of a deadly virus in any patient. is perhaps the greatest criminal fraud in medical history."Anthony Fauci has more influence…DiscussionDr. Fauci's Long Criminal History3 FavoritesDogphotoDog2 FavoritesNostradamusphotoNostradamus2 FavoritesHow they end the US ConstitutionphotoHow they end the US Constitution1 Favoritenuremburgphotonuremburg3 Favoritesnotice-to-health-care-practitioners-photonotice-to-health-care-practitioners-1 Favoritecdc_formaldehydephotocdc_formaldehyde3 Favoritesbill gatesphotobill gates1 FavoriteHow it actually isphotoHow it actually is3 Favorites
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