2012 Psychics Predictions - From 32 Years Ago - OMG WTF !!

Psychics predictions for 2012 -- From 32 Years Ago 2012 Psychics Predictions This psychic predicted 9/11 years in advance. What he has for 2012 is unbelievab...

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 19, 2012 at 10:55pm

got 2 antique clocks here @ home displayed, but do not work, keep saying I'm gonna fix em some day,lol

Comment by Doug Singleton on April 19, 2012 at 10:41pm

Notice the clock on the piano keeps the same time for the entire 6:38 minutes.  They were not as clever as they thought.

My money is in the fire engine red b.s. range.


Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 19, 2012 at 10:18am

Hi Trapped...I just went to check your link..and I can see someone in the video that look like the guy , once thing I notice that the video is from a show dated as 1986, the one above is suppose to be from 1980 . I do know that the guy got arrested in France years later after the video of his interview in 1980 ..I don't really know what to make of him...but I do know that a lot of people been predicting a horrible event for humanity to happen this year...in the video below there is this military officer from the US talking about a horrible event to happen related to the year 2012 by the use of remote viewing,,,check it out went you have a chance...and thanks !

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 19, 2012 at 10:02am
Comment by Exposure on April 19, 2012 at 9:56am

I feel such a spoilsport, as it would be nice for it to be "true", however, Trapped don't take no B.S. - Here's the actual video and French show that Suzie's post show's below, this chap can been seen at the very beginning of the show 0:0:54 and other parts of the programme...I'd put my life on it, he is the "same" guy, but hey, my life's worth fack-all, so they don't mean much!!!  What's even more funny is that this programme was made to discuss among other things "peoples identies" and "identity checks". Here the blog about the programmed; "Following the announcement by Francois-Henri VIRIEU of the main themes of the show and some questions viewers, Charles Pasqua answers questions from Alain Duhamel of the unpopularity of the government Chirac, cohabitation, insecurity, the project law on immigrants; Marcel Trillat for identity checks and compliance with laws, the drop in crime during the previous government, police brutality and the SAC, and Albert DU ROY about the use of referendums , including the restoration of the death penalty, replacing senior officials of the current government, unions, taxes and the elimination of tax on large fortunes, and liberalism. Comments of Jerome JAFFRE the premises of the SOFRES on survey results at the end of the show on "a representative sample of 250 people during the end credits are recognized Nicolas Sarkozy who is leaving the board among all guests" - Enjoy the orignal footage of the programme ;-) - http://www.ina.fr/economie-et-societe/justice-et-faits-divers/video...

Comment by Exposure on April 19, 2012 at 9:29am

Fe, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of a Frenchmen!! Is this the work of Naudet brothers??!! 

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 19, 2012 at 2:48am

Well guys ,The sister of my girlfriend live in France and I sent to her a copy of the French Newspaper post that suzie posted here and she translated for me...and this is what it say...

We announced in our edition of yesterday, the probable arrest of Jacques Nietzermann who was a fugitive abroad for 22 years. Information is official since yesterday evening. This is the night of Tuesday to Wednesday that Jacques Nietzermann was arrested. While he was en route to Le Mans (Sarthe), the Gendarmerie intercepted near the town of Bennetable. According to commander Bertaud, the fugitive could not have shown any signs of aggressiveness: "It was virtually rendered unconditionally. He knew he could not do much, he had lost the game." and was soon transfered to the house of Alencon arrested to serve his sentence of 45 years of imprisonment (pronounced 22 years earlier). The news provoked a stir throughout the region of Jacques Nietzermann not leaving good memories. It is a relief they have found him, he must serve his sentence." says a local resident. It is a long process that has allowed the capture of Jacques Nietzermann. Commander Bertaud could not believe it himself, "He was difficult to locate, he moved a lot and always with discretion." This is a page of 22-year history that the people of the region are poised to turn.

Once thing to notice is that the story doesn't seem to give a motive for his arrest other than to say that he left a bad memory for the local residents of this town in France. The fact that this guy was a good or bad person is irrelevant, and if this is true, he would be in jail to this day which means there is no way that video with his predictions was made later than that day , and that I find very intriguing. on the other hand KRYPKE may be right about this been a Hoax , and if this is a hoax it have been done in order to promote that rumored fake alien invasion that is suppose to be done by the new World Order as so many have pint point trough the net... ..I may be wrong but so far I see it that way...Thank you so much for your help Suzie ! You Rock Girl !....and thanks so much for sharing KRYPKE!

Comment by Maria De Wind on April 19, 2012 at 2:28am

What is HIS name? Why did he HAD to leave France? being a psychic and making predictions is hardly a reason enough as there are plenty of those in France

Doesn't he know which are election years in America?

Comment by Cryptocurrency on April 19, 2012 at 2:06am

Comment by Cryptocurrency on April 19, 2012 at 2:03am

Either the subtitles are an inaccurate translation, or this was dubbed some where in Europe and this guy dressed up in an 80's outfit. One thing I noticed is he never makes reference or makes any comparison to what is happening in the world at the moment this was supposedly filmed.

Aside from those points, his body language, generally didn't match the message he was supposedly trying to convey here. Not to mention the subtleties such as, "A New Pearl Harbor" are straight out of PNAC. The exact wording they used in those documents. I like how they threw in some false predictions to make it more "believable."

This is a total hoax :)

Sorry :(

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