John McDougall MD explains how tests you receive during a checkup can destroy your health and well being. Do not have a regular physical exam. Eat plant-based and only see doctors when you're sick. This is from the Healthy Lifestyle Expo weekend conference. For more info about talks from this event, see:

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Comment by Christopher on February 1, 2013 at 11:26am

Something which I did not remember till now, to mention, was The Rife Machine

My friend used it and claims that it brought his PSA (prostate) levels down, after his doctor suggested he might have prostate cancer - he also went with the Vitamin D and Natural C (Ester) from natural source - not from ascorbic acid - that is garbage - he also limited coffee, alcohol, and dairy, and went heavy into raw natural foods - it appears that he is recovering very well and feeling much better than he did before. 

Comment by merlynX on February 1, 2013 at 11:17am

To Gary Lineberger - Without further information I would guess that you should detox yourself.  If you have mercuiry fillings, you definately should detox yourself.  First - If you have any root canals, get rid of them (founder of root canals turned about face and said they were toxic - read book). Second - get rid of any mercury fillings, have composits put in (look in mouth, anything that has a silver color probably is a mercury fillings - google mercury/amalagum fillings).   Detox yourself - use many different teas or herbs (google it) or try fruit pectin (go to, but do take potassium and magnesium because the detox takes this out also.  

The root canals are like getting a constant supple of rattlesnake venom into your body.  Sunrider's calli is a great detox, and some green teas are also, but do let me know.  

Comment by godo on February 1, 2013 at 11:14am

The Health:

The worst infested religion of the present Earth world is the medicines(drugs) and medicine-man (drug-pushing body parts snatcher). They are in all kind of names and guises. One guise of which you can find in "The Book of th Dead" of Egypt which had been left by the witty pyramid builders to puzzle us. In it, you can also find ones who control the masked dummy sat on the throne from behind and self-appointed judges for life or death in guises also.(These are just one aspect of the multidimensional informations built into the pyramids by the super intelligence.) But If you wish to keep you out of the dangers you need to know only a few things.(this start sounding like a cheat for some computer game? :) ) But this is very serious and important.

The body you occupy is 100% the God's property. The God needs
absolutely no one's help to keep the body young and healthy.

To care for the health of it you only need to mind your own manor
and attitude of your occupation and the use of it.
"Ill occupy not. Ill use not." is the maxim.

And if you can, avoid meddling with the great and grave proud
ones as any children do naturally. Of course, you should never
make yourself one of them.

For the health of your mind, do not forget to keep Tenpage>>
with you as it was written, as the guide book for your eternal life's
chance, by the one who has conquered the death of this Earth
world singlehandedly.
The ultimate logic: Tenpage>> by otomakas

Comment by Christopher on February 1, 2013 at 11:07am

TO: gary lineberger;

I'm very sorry to hear this.

Were you a heavy smoker or drinker?

Mainstream medicine can do certain things, to try and help you, viz pacemakers, breathing tubes and ventilators - but 'their' medicine will not save you.

There is better alternative remedies - how much money do you have, but more importantly - how much time do you have left - from what you have said; not having long left - do you want to take the chance of wasting time with the mainstream treatments?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease, is a serious condition - but not necessarily a death sentence.

ALS Regimen

Stephen Hawking and Lou Gehrigs (ALS): Any Closer To a Cure?

"i know noone likes hearing about others complaining. so i try not to complain."

I don't mind at all hearing about your health problems, and do not view it as complaints - I wish that there was more that I could do, other that provide simple research options and opinions of others - but that is all that I can do.

I could also suggest having a blood serum level for Vitamin D done, and you may be surprised, or not, at just how low that is, and the levels of Vitamin D that you would need to take would be in the thousands per day 20-30,000 IU/day.

Here is something else you may want to look into:

Dr. Louis Ignarro, Nobel Prize Winner, explains how Nitric Oxide works in the body and why it is the vital "Miracle Molecule". Learn more at


Welcome to the Nitric Oxide Society Web Site

From diabetes to hypertension, cancer to drug addiction, stroke to intestinal motility, memory and learning disorders to septic shock, sunburn to anorexia, male impotence to tuberculosis, there is probably no pathological condition where nitric oxide does not play an important role.


Last but not least - pray, make peace God, and with others...

Comment by gary lineberger on February 1, 2013 at 10:30am

so if anyone has any onfo that may help slow it down, i aint asking for a cure or trying to get anyone in trouble, i just desperately need help and no physicians are giving me any hope

Comment by gary lineberger on February 1, 2013 at 10:17am

well i stayed away from docs til i was 45 then i started getting a feeling af asphxyation. so i went and 2 years later many tests later a cancer specialist ran a camera thru me and theorized i had acid reflux and the reflucx was making my vochal chords stick. this was nov 2008. 2 years after the problem started and by then was happening 20 to 25 times daily.the meds worked te,mporarily and then breathing became more labored , they kept giving me more and more stronger reflux drugs. finally in july 2012 i went to er for second time. this time when doing tests i passed out from asphyxation. my carbon dioxide level was 135. 45 is the normal high end. 2 days later when i came 2 they were taking me off a ventilator mand preparing me to go to another hospital. there i was tested for everything possible and everything was negative, so my diagnosis was als or lou gherigs diaphragm is shot now so i probably dont have long left,the phrenic nerve is all but deadso the pacemaker they planned on installing for my diaphragm is now a no go. my only option left is a breathing tube and portable ventilator. i know noone likes hearing about others complaining. so i try not to complain. but it is where i stand, until i

Comment by Christopher on February 1, 2013 at 10:07am

Troubleshoot1 - "Stents" make money BIG MONEY, the problem is what if you don't need one?"

They have been related to cause severe blood clots too.

Comment by Christopher on February 1, 2013 at 10:00am

nickatnoon - "Most of you here DESERVE to die  SLOW PAINFUL DEATHs for the thousands of tortured DEAD ANIMALS rotting in your gullets!"


So the truth can hurt?

Comment by Christopher on February 1, 2013 at 9:59am

merlynX - "The government hinders people from staying healthy with the ag policies, FDA,  and the rest of the scum."

Sooh true - they must take care of 'their' own you know?

This is why its been more recently referred to as "SICK CARE", as opposed to health care - 'they' want you $ick to keep taking care of you.

Influence on government

The pharmaceutical industry has the largest lobby in Washington, DC — there are more pharmaceutical lobbyists there than members of Congress — and it gives copiously to political campaigns.11 As a result, the prescription drug legislation and policies that come out of Washington are usually made to order for the industry.


Comment by WTRH-AM-AE on February 1, 2013 at 12:50am

Main reason why I don't need to go see the doctor.   I don't even have a primary care physician.   

"Destroying the New World Order"



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