If Rick Perry does not act immediatly to protect Texas then it proves that he is a TRAITOR!!
Asking the FEDs is not going to happen, they seem to have a policy to protect the invaders.
In what could be deemed an act of war against the sovereign borders of the United States, Mexican drug cartels have seized control of at least two American ranches inside the U.S. territory near Laredo, Texas.
Two sources inside the Laredo Police Department confirmed the incident is unfolding and they would continue to coordinate with U.S. Border Patrol today. “We consider this an act of war,” said one police officer on the ground near the scene. There is a news blackout of this incident at this time and the sources inside Laredo PD spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Word broke late last night that Laredo police have requested help from the federal government regarding the incursion by the Los Zetas. It appears that the ranch owners have escaped without incident but their ranches remain in the hands of the blood thirsty cartels.
Laredo Border Patrol is conducting aerial surveillance over the ranches to determine the best way to regain control of the U.S. ranches, according to the Laredo Police department.
The approximate location of the U.S. ranches are10 miles northwest of I-35 off Mines Road and Minerales Annex Road. Just off 1472 (Mines road) near Santa Isabel Creek south of the city of Laredo, Texas.
The Los Zetas drug cartel is an offshoot of the elite Mexican military trained in special ops. The mercenary organization is said to include members of corrupt Mexican Federales, politicians as well as drug traffickers. The group was once part of the Gulf cartel, but has since splintered and now directly competes with the Gulf cartel for premium drug smuggling routes in the Texas region.
The new leader of Los Zetas is Heriberto “El Lazca” Lazcano and is considered the most violent paramilitary group in Mexico by the DEA.
Recently the drug organization has kidnapped tourists, infiltrated local municipalities and continues to smuggle narcotics into a very hungry U.S. market.
The violence south of the border continues to spin out of control and has left Nuevo Laredo, Mexico on virtual lockdown with businesses refusing to open the doors. Last week a particularly violent attack by the Los Zetas included the use of grenades and resulted in a dozen deaths and 21 injuries.
The hostile takeover of the ranches has met with silence with local and national media; however sources say they could be waiting to report the stories once the ranches are back in U.S. control. This journalist questions if this was a Middle Eastern terrorist attack if the media would sit on their hands.
Stay tuned for updates reports throughout the weekend.
About time we give Texass BACK to Mexico ass and on swearing to god and condition they take the Bush family and call it Mexas. Why not--USA staels all the time.Try the invasion and killings of the Hawiian King and Queen and slaughter of thousands of natives--on behalf of National Fruit Growers. Now, it's the Oil companies :^/
Barry Soetoro, Pelosi and Reid are traitors to the Republic!!!
Pelosi and Reid will not allow impeachment of the usurper therefore they are NOT upholding their oath to defend against the enemies both foreign and domestic.
Let the trials begin. Let the full punishment be enforced!!
Here is a flag waving American endorsed glorious end for traitors and tyrants.
And the Obama administration is offended by "neo Nazis" on patrol? Oh, please.
Our country is being invaded by armed forces and grabbing control of private property, not to mention American soil!
This “citizen patrol” is heavily armed and they are hunting Mexicans in an area known for high drug smuggling activity. The reporter asked the patrol leader if they would capture and detain.
It's good to have the correct measures to take ! and all the details worked out so that we'll have a new sunrise at 12midnite??Go for the gusto! you only live once,make it count!
In 1836, Tejanos and Americans joined together, and all of the southwest was free from the Mexicans, at San Jancinto. Now, let's see waht these troops do on August 1, but if those signs don't come down and that land area is not clear of Mexicans, who's going to help out with gasoline and propane costs??? Cuz I'm ready and I've been ready to Alamo-up! I'm serious!!! Don't think so??? Try me!!!
In a dystopian world a new form of A.I. weaponry has been created. All these drone bots need is a profile: age, sex, fitness, uniform, and ethnicity. Nuclear...
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