Corporate science whores exposed: GMOs, vaccines, fluoride and other quack science lies

This mini-documentary by Mike Adams exposes the corporate science "whores" who sell out to corporate interests and generate quack science to promote GMOs, fluoride, vaccines, chemotherapy, psychiatric drugs and other poisons.

Written and narrated by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, editor of and founder of the Natural News Store at:

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Comment by suzie on October 4, 2012 at 3:19pm

This is a very good video ~ *****  shared ;)

Comment by Jim Braun on October 2, 2012 at 7:10pm

Some how I knew all this a long time ago, I just didn't have the smarts to do anything about it. Boy,the education I am getting. I thank you all to show and give the info needed to help fight this.

Comment by Christopher on October 2, 2012 at 3:20pm
RE: "I will also be speaking against water fluoridation...again...tomorrow night."

Way to go!

Here is a link, to a "letter to the editor", on getting rid of Fluoride - please visit, and vote thumbs up, for those who have commented against Fluoride.

Take a stand against fluoride in our water

Sunday, 16 September 2012 02:01 Letter to the Editor

Why do we allow tap water to be fluoridated when we know that 98 per cent of western Europe does not allow it; over 7,000 workers at the Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.) have called for it to be stopped; over 4,000 medical, dental, scientific and environmental professionals in the U.S. have signed a Statement to End Water Fluoridation; at least 12 Nobel Prize winners have gone on the record as being opposed to it; and 17 communities across Canada have stopped water fluoridation within the past year and a half (including Calgary, Taber and Okotoks)?

Read more:
Comment by Nancy Oakley on October 2, 2012 at 1:43pm

Outstanding video! I'm posting it on other forums and sending to everyone on my list. I will also be speaking against water fluoridation...again...tomorrow night.

Comment by Christopher on October 2, 2012 at 12:04pm

Then he won't be Mike anymore - plus - I think he's probably got a full plate.

But you're right - He's good!
Comment by Ken Brodeur on October 2, 2012 at 11:49am

Mike, people like yourself have confirmed and inspired my actions in life as a naturalist.  I did not know I was a naturalist but I have been fortunate to listen to my inner spirit and disregard junk science.  You and people like you give hope and I give you all my prayers/spiritual good will and soon if I can regain employment, money to further your good efforts.

I thank the heavens for you, keep on keeping on!

Comment by Patty Volies on October 2, 2012 at 11:28am


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