To those who are mature enough to realize that the WHOLE ET/ALIEN GARBAGE was originally concocted within the minds of men like Hitler as a SPIRITUAL/MENTAL OPERATION (Psy-Op for the secularists) right after WWII: in order to run a 50+ year campaign of nothing BUT LIES that ET's EXIST and that they are from 'other planets/star systems etc' and all that demonic doctrine.
That they would change the word ALIEN to mean "A entity from another place outside this earth whether it be in another dimension or in space", when before the 50s, alien was KNOWN to mean simply a FOREIGNER from another land and BEING simply a man, mankind etc. It's a paradox to say 'spiritual being' when you trace the word to it's earliest origins and definitions, it's either they are Spirits or Beings (terrestrial) either being us, mankind, or the hybrids they tell you that only exist in movies.
That the word UFO would equate to FLYING SAUCER and ALIENS and to impress upon all generations after WWII with the factual stories of what American Air Pilots witnessed during the second world war ("Foofighters") and they were indeed right that these craft they saw were a German Technology experiment, specifically from the secret society of the Thule operating with Hitler. That's why most of the world is deceived, not only firstly because they do not follow the Word of God as Jesus commanded, but because they are not old enough to know how things were more than 50 years ago but by what PROPAGANDA tells them AND they DON'T READ (where most of the truth is) or study history PROPERLY! It is clear as day, aliens do NOT EXIST unless they are illegal aliens! When the facts are rooted out and all laid out by open testimony by the victims themselves when put under the microscope of the Word of God, the evidence would change the world and truly 'wake them up' to how they are still being SO LIED TO!
Stop getting your education on this from HOLLYWOOD! when it's there to SOCIALLY ENGINEER YOU AND LIE TO YOU to make you a programmed robot full of apathy believing in "aliens!" ready to be put into the pod set on 'perpetual cryogenic hallucinogenic REM Reality'.
These are SPIRITS, who for the last 6000+ years have been masquerading as 'terrestrial beings' or ghosts, fairies etc who are actually NOT beings (of flesh and blood), but SPIRITS aka FALLEN ANGELS hence DEMONS, who depending on their level in the Hierarchy, can manifest different amounts of power thru willing human beings, with the obvious understanding that in such a system, there weill be a a higher echelon of more powerful ones and lower who are not so powerful etc. They are manifesting more as more call on them willingly and most unwillingly. I suggest to check out the men below, they are not all perfect in their conclusions or ideas, but thru them all, it will be found that there is indeed much we've been lied to. This list is for those who need 'proof' as in courtroom proof where it would matter, the evidence doesn't lie.
You THINK you know your stuff?? Give these guys a listen before you become part of the STRONG DELUSION and LOSE YOUR SOUL FOREVER.
Dr. I.D.E Thomas
Dr. Mark Eastman
Dr. Preston Bailey
G.H. Pember
Dr. Allan J Hynek
Dr. Jacques Vallee
Dr. David Jacobs
Douglas Hamp
John Flemming
Russ Dizdar
David Ruffino
Richard Grund
Dr. Michael Heiser
King Wells
Jim Wilhelmsen
Eric Sauer
Awesome write up following the video, Jesus Disciple!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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