Doctor says FLU VACCINE will cause 60,000 deaths in France alone

"A vaccine is being developed in conditions of amateurism such as I have never seen. Lets take the pessimistic hypothesis: one death among every 1000 patients. There are plans to vaccinate 60 million people, and you so you already have 60,000 deaths, and this time, young people, children, pregnant women.

„What you are saying is serious because many people are getting ready to get the vaccine and you, you are saying: „You must not get a vaccination!
„YES, it is a vaccine that has been developed at great speed in conditions that put in danger the public health. There is a need to return back to the obligation that politicians have right now to protect citizens against the desire of the pharmaceutical industry to make money with all these vaccines. There is a public health code of law from 2007 which obliges all health professionals who give their opinions to reveal their interests. That law is ridiculed every day. All the people who you see saying: „the flu, its very serious, have interests, their lines interests, and that is why they say what they say. The public health administration is an example to us of a daily violation of the law. I am a medical specialist and I am against medicines that have no purpose. This vaccine is not just badly developped: it is not developped!

Dr Marc Girard, a specialist in the side effects of drugs and a medical expert commissioned by French courts, has said said on French TV that the "swine flu" vaccine could cause 60,000 deaths in France, especially among young people, children and pregnant women.
He also said that the people promoting the "swine flu" vaccine are doing so because they have links with the pharmaceutical company.

The problem with the "swine flu" vaccine is that it is not just "badly developped" but "not developped", he said, adding that it is being prepared in conditions that endanger the public health.

« - On développe un vaccin dans des conditions d'amateurisme que je n'ai jamais vues.

Prenons l'hypothèse pessimiste : un décès chez 1000 patients. On va vacciner 60 millions de gens, eh bien vous allez avoir 60.000 décès et cette fois ci, des gens jeunes, des enfants, des femmes enceintes. ».

- C'est grave ce que vous dites car on est tous prêts à aller se faire vacciner et vous, vous dites : « Il ne faut pas se faire vacciner ! ».

- OUI, c'est un vaccin qui est développé à la va-vite, dans des conditions qui mettent en danger la santé publique. Qu'on revienne à l'obligation qu'ont les politiques actuellement de protéger les citoyens contre le désir de l'industrie pharmaceutique de faire de l'argent avec les vaccins. Il y a une loi du code de la santé publique de 2007 qui fait obligation à tout professionnel de santé qui s'exprime sur les ondes de faire état de ses liens d'intérêts. Cette loi est bafouée tous les jours. Tous les gens qu'on voit dire : « la grippe, c'est très grave », ont des liens, leur lien d'intérêt, qu'ils le disent. L'administration sanitaire nous donne l'exemple d'une violation quotidienne de la loi. Je suis un spécialiste des médicaments et je suis contre les médicaments qui ne sont pas au point.

Ce vaccin, ce n'est pas qu'il est mal développé : il n'est pas développé ! ».

Dr Marc Girard, a specialist in the side effects of drugs and a medical expert commissioned by French courts, has said said on French TV that the "swine flu" vaccine could cause 60,000 deaths in France, especially among young people, children and pregnant women.
He also said that the people promoting the "swine flu" vaccine are doing so because they have links with the pharmaceutical company.

The problem with the "swine flu" vaccine is that it is not just "badly developped" but "not developped", he said, adding that it is being prepared in conditions that endanger the public health.

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Comment by LaPieinsky on September 19, 2009 at 3:26pm
Thanx a lot for this, friend, shared.
Comment by whatawonderfulworldJethroClampet on September 15, 2009 at 1:21pm
whats the link to that?


Comment by mrgone on September 15, 2009 at 12:59pm
Well, we know what the coffins are for. I think I'm gonna carry a few syringes around with me for whoever thinks there gonna give me or mine a shot.
Comment by luggnutz on September 15, 2009 at 11:16am
Very well done James. GREAT to see.
Comment by truth on September 15, 2009 at 5:00am
Sorry no links.
Comment by UnSpy on September 15, 2009 at 1:44am
good post, do you have any links?

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