Safety officials said lithium batteries cause the fires to burn hotter, longer and take more water to extinguish.

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Comment by Parrhesia on August 16, 2022 at 12:09pm

It takes more energy to set up the wind turbines than you would ever get out of them under perfect conditions.  That is not considering manufacturing them and routine maintenance.  Then there's disposing of the worn-out parts that are not recyclable.  It's total insanity.  Yes, the enemy is within our own government.

Comment by steve on August 16, 2022 at 11:44am

Hey Parr,

Not just cars we have scooters and skateboards and cell phones oh my and those windy mills polluting our view of our skies but ignore the crap filling the landfills cause some dumb shits want us to be concerned with 3rd world shitholes we are having trouble exploiting. Yea just ignore what is happening to our once prosperous nation and let's all worry about afghanistan or is it Ufknkraine this week, I can't keep up buuuuuuuut pooty poot "still bad" and he's out to get ya.


Comment by steve on August 16, 2022 at 10:31am

That's not even considering the 400 to 1,000 volts these subsidized junk boxes have, many people have been electrocuted by these things and squirting water on them is like a deathwish, basically everything about these things is hazardous. Just another pie in the sky green scam.


is lithium flammable if in contact with air - Search (

Comment by Parrhesia on August 16, 2022 at 9:48am

EV battery lithium and cobalt are both very toxic and are exposing these firefighters to extreme dangers above an internal combustion car fire.  Plus, longer exposure because these fires burn a long time.

I've also seen numerous posts of these EV's catching on fire in garages and catching houses on fire.

Comment by steve on August 16, 2022 at 9:12am

These cars a just a bad joke, there is nothing good or beneficial these death traps/money pits. From the children that are lowered into holes in the congo to mine the cobalt to the half million acres of earth that must be moved to extract  enough lithium ,one of the primary materials for ONE FKN BATTERY. Then they are recharged at a COAL POWERED POWER PLANT or by a DIESEL powered generator at the TAXPAYER SUSIDISED CHARGING STATION and if out of power on the road, you don't poor in a gallon of electricity you call a GAS POWER TRUCK TOWING A DIESEL POWER GENERATOR TO CHARGE YOU joke on wheels. Yes They are fkn fast but how many SPEEDING TICKETS can you afford. Everything they call "GREEN" is just a money making opportunity for the PTB at the working mans expense.


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