Hitler's War?: What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Most have heard: “There are two sides to every story and then there is the truth.”

Also, most have heard, “History is written by the Victors.”

Most have not heard the German side of the causes of World War 2.

In the US, as in essentially all countries and in all times, the citizens are presented with one version of critical events; the version that the people that control the State want the people to hear.

This documentary presents a version of the events leading to WW2, the causes of that war, from the German Perspective.

This version is the one that the US & Western Powers That Be did not want the citizens of those lands to hear.

Is this version the full truth? Likely not. However, the best way to determine the full truth of a matter is to allow all the interested parties to tell their story, their side.

In theory, our legal system is designed to do just that; allow all their “Day in Court”. It is debatable that our current legal system reaches that standard to anything close to an acceptable degree.

What is not debatable is whether our current system(mass media, education system) of relaying critical information on critical events reaches the “Day in Court” standard. It does not by a huge margin; we are steered to a predetermined conclusion. The “Day in Court” standard is the only means by which the citizens of a supposedly free country would be properly supplied with the basic information necessary to effectively and properly reflect a correct “Will of the People” back to our Representative Government. Our Rulers will not allow that lest we reach a conclusion different from their desires.

Hitler’s War: What the Historians Neglect to Mention. An English translation of “Hitlers Krieg? Was Guido Knopp Verschweigt” by Alphart Geyer (2009).

This is a 96 minute long “Made in Germany” underground documentary film. It’s the first documentary ever to unabashedly explain from the German perspective, how World War II really began, and the many efforts that were made by Hitler to avoid it, and to establish a lasting, viable and mutually acceptable peace, but how he was ultimately left with no choice but to invade Poland. It documents many facts that have been deliberately left out of the “official narrative” as presented by the victorious Allies, which we have all been taught since 1945, and which Germans especially have been constantly reminded of since the war ended; with the blame entirely upon Germany’s shoulders. Many of the claims of the Allies that have been widely accepted as fact are refuted here as patently untrue, distorted, or ignored completely.

The film is largely based upon a book entitled “Der Krieg der viele Väter hatte” by German author and historian, Gerd Schulze Rhonhof His website is called “vorkriegsgeschichte (English: The War that had Many Fathers) and “Ein unvermeidlicher Krieg? — Der Weg zum 1. September 1939″ (An Unavoidable War – The Path to September 1st, 1939). Rhonhof is a former high-ranking, German military officer (Brigadier General in the Panzer Division) who has done, as any honest historian should, his own deep research in the war archives, and has been assisted many other historians. His website is vorkriegsgeschichte.de (pre-war history) which contains all of his documentation. His books and assertions, not surprisingly, have not been so well received by many politicians, academia, the Left, and the mainstream media.

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Comment by Less Prone on April 24, 2013 at 9:05pm

Hitler was supported by the Wall Street Bankers just like the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. See;



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