Hiking and backpacking boots are one of the most critical outdoor gear selections that you can make. They will literally determine the quality and comfort of.of your time while out on the trail. In this how-to video we visit Sierra Trading Post's Boise, Idaho retail outlet for some in-depth professional advice on how to choose the best pair of hiking boots for your outdoor adventures. With the help of STP's footwear expert (complemented by extensive personal in-the-field experience), we cover an array of invaluable information ranging from:
- The different classes and categories of hiking boots, such as ultra lightweight boots ideal for the ultralight to lightweight hiker looking for ways to lighten their load, good all-around boots that are well suited for day hiking to weekend trips in varied terrain, solid backpacking boots that excel for backpacking with heavier pack weights on extended trips in rugged terrain, to the ultimate in a Winter and/or mountaineering boot that will provide the warmth and versatility necessary for cold weather and activity specific accessories such as snow boots, crampons, and gaiters.
- Features to look for in a boot that will provide you with the ultimate in comfort and performance such as; sole traction, arch and ankle support, waterproof and breathability considerations, overall boot construction, and interior liners such as Gore-tex, Omni-heat, and Thinsulate for added warmth and comfort.
- How to insure a perfect fit prior to purchasing a new hiking and/or boot.
- An overview of the break-in process required before heading out on your first hiking or backpacking trip.
- How-to properly care for your new boots to guarantee the maximum life-span of the boot.
Special thanks to the entire Sierra Trading Post staff for their help in making this video possible!

For amazing deals on some of the boots seen in this video, as well as a wide-range of quality outdoor gear and equipment, you can visit SierraTradingPost.com via the link below:

To take advantage of even more exclusive savings and discounts you can also visit STP on Facebook:
Copyright 2012 - IntenseAngler Outdoors - All Rights Reserved

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