A police officer slaps a U.S Army soldier, Blake Robles, in the face after complaining that they took too long. After calling the dispatcher the soldier says that he waited nearly 45 minutes after he called about two people in his home trying to steal merchandise worth thousands of dollars.
The soldier did get snappy and the officer stepped up to him telling the man to back down. The soldier replied that he only stepped up because the police officer stepped up to him and that's when he revealed that he was a U.S. soldier and that they should watch how they spoke to him. Shortly after, a camera on the officers uniform caught him slapping the soldier and pinning him to the ground either choking or tasing him. The police officer then informed him that he didn't care that he's a soldier and that he too was a U.S. Marine.

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Comment by Chip on July 11, 2013 at 9:16pm
Suzie you have a 50/50 chance on what's gonna show up. In an extreme case I would probably call. I have been disappointed too many times to call them for most things. It shouldn't be that way.
There still are some real ones left.
Comment by suzie on July 11, 2013 at 9:14pm
I would never call the police
Comment by Chip on July 11, 2013 at 8:27pm
Above the law.
Comment by John Carman on May 23, 2013 at 1:55pm

You guys and gals are a really fine group of smart people. I like that !!!(P.S. I don't like cops either! The quality of cops are very bad and they have attitude problems. What was that TV Series about the Bad Lieutenant??(sp) I never saw it. 

Anything is possible, but with the growing number of "Bad Cop" shows and the alleged popularity to be "BAD", I am not surprised at the general public's responses. Maybe Hollywood needs to re-release some old fashioned movies like Dragnet?, Adam 12 ? etc...50-late 60's before the "Dirty Harry" genre in the early to late 70's. Although I love dirty harry, he followed the rules and still got "messed with" (FECK !!!) I am former law enforcement and I NEVER had to slap anyone !! I almost had to shoot a couple of bad guys, but didn't. I also drew my weapons many times over a 25 plus year careers and at the range too. No problems.

I guess my main critique is that I have a Martial Arts back ground. If ALL American Cops were trained like the Japanese, they'd all be black belts at the completion of their 12 month academy.(As opposed to a 19 week average) I was in several academies, so I am very well trained. U.S. Secret Service at 21,(1974), SDPD (1978) Later Private investigator in between, U.S. Mint Police (SF-1982-93) Then U.S. Customs & Immigration 1983 to 1998)When I became a "Whistle-blower" and all because I reported corruption.(I just wanted to fight the "War on Drugs" and did very very well at it.

I have been told I was too good at my job and THAT is why I got Death Threats! Try being a Serpico or Super Cops and see what happens. I can find a "dirty cop" on every department of federal agency and Military branch. That's why I was in the elite Secret Service.(even a few bad ones there too) But, WE don't talk about it. (It's a "secret" get it???) TOP SECRET !

No I have to support myself on food stamps and finish my books. 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this or any other related subject. I just love you guys and gals!! I think WE can fix things if we do it right!!!

John Carman   john.a.carman@gmail.com 


Comment by Ragnarok on May 23, 2013 at 7:45am

What the fuck is wrong with cops................... Oh yea wait too many steroids and Hollywood action movie machoness. 

Comment by EDOGZ818 on February 15, 2013 at 7:01am

While I feel for the victim & feel the cop was wrong, you can't jump in a Marine's face, talking about you're U.S. Army like he's supposed to back down & not expect to get schmacked!


Comment by John Carman on February 13, 2013 at 9:08pm

Maybe no different, but the COP should have been professional and "Seasoned" enough to handle the young man without having to hit him. That was not a slap! He had gloves on and a karate chop with the "side" of the hand will result in the subject going unconscious. A "reporting party" should make sure they really want Police intervention, good or bad. He should make a complaint to the FBI civil rights division for excessive force.  That cop was wrong. (USMC OR NOT) who cares when you are wearing a Badge at the time. Cops like that give the rest a bad name!!!

Comment by Ria on February 13, 2013 at 8:51pm

Some part of this finds its roots in the age old stupid conflict between the Marines and the US Army Officers. Though the cop's behavior was outrageous and would be equally deplorable regardless of the profession, sex or age of the complainant, I wonder what it would have been like if the 911 caller was not a US Army officer.

Comment by truth on February 13, 2013 at 7:29pm


Comment by John Carman on February 13, 2013 at 12:42am

Darden screwed up plain and simple. He still could have talked to the reporting party(RP) and quickly explained that they just got the call form the dispatcher as they were "busy". if that was the case. Darden seems like a big man of large stature and took advantage of a "victim" when he should have had his notebook out taking information down, from the victim.

I have been in law enforcement, State, Local and Federal and worked the streets and in patrol as well. I know the procedures in the State of California and am POST certified. I was US Secret Service at 21 years of age, SDPD, U.S. Mint Police, U.S. Customs, Immigration Service(16 years at the border) and became a "Whistle-blower" against Corrupt law enforcement officials. I take pride in being one of the best at what I did and I went public for a good reason. People should NOT "fear" their Police. I come from a Military Family and I have seen some stupid and ignorant people before, but if I were Darden's Supervisor, I'd have washed him out a long time ago. (Thanks for your Service Marine!) You're Internal Affairs Division ALL need to be removed and replaced with REAL COPS!  John Carman,   www.customscorruption.com 

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