Putin Plan To Conquer USA: Sarmat Nuclear Missiles, EMP, Stasis 6, Hypersonic ICBM Plus China & NK

Published on Mar 1, 2018

There are only 2 Military Superpowers the modern world: USA and Russian Federation. This is the story how in the nearest future they both will be locked in fight to the death for world domination. Your shall see the winner and the looser. And learn how and why the entire world shall be involved in this conflict. Culminating in Global Nuclear Exchange. Next year America will strike North Korean Nuclear Installations. Together with South Korea they will easily over power NK air defenses. Newer US military equipment will easily crush older North Korean. North Korean attempt to invade South will be stopped in its tracks. After that US NAVY will establish full blockade of North Korea. But Chinese ships will be caught secretly supporting North Korea. One of the ship with Chinese will be sank. China will retaliate by breaking out US blockage invading Taiwan. Taiwan forces are easily defeated by Chinese. United States will rush to defend Taiwan. All might of American Pacific fleet will be steaming for help. And that's all that will be left of after Chinese EMP blast. At the same time North Korean artillery obliterated Seoul. Using secret tunnels & mobile forces they invaded South Korean cities. With Chinese help city after city falls to the North. Meanwhile, strange military people appear on Alaska. Many trucks with Russian special forcers were spotted. Russians transferred entire division to Alaska disguised as US forces. When uncovered they unleashed the barrage on Anchorage. Dropping thousands of paratroopers. State capitol falls before main forces could reach it. America calls NATO for help. But Russian forces defeat several NATO courtiers overnight. Remaining NATO members withdraw fearing Russia and China. China and North Korea trying to invade Guam. But the remaining US carriers destroy the attackers. North Korean subs sunk US Carrier using nuclear torpedo. President Pence orders Nuclear Strike on Pyongyang. He demanded Russians & Chinese to withdraw of face the same fate as NK. Russians and Chinese refuse. China occupies Taipei. And Russia occupies Baltic States. China assumes control over Korea kicking out remaining US forces. Russia invades Ukraine. Russia & China Starting Japan invasion - the only remaining US ally. US fires nuclear missiles at Russia & China. Russia and China retaliate. Nuclear exchange goes global. Along with conventional ICBMs. Moscow is burning. Washington is burning. New York is gone. Many cities gone overnight. People awaken in the different world of nuclear winter. Overnight the world we know and cherish was gone. Air Force One was downed & America surrenders. Russian & Chinese declared formal victory but at what cost? New White House was painted red. All of it is coming if we don't change.

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