Rand Paul: This is the biggest coverup in the history of science

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul joined 'Kennedy' to discuss his recent clash with Dr. Fauci over the origins of COVID-19 and his promise that Republicans will invest...

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Comment by Less Prone on September 30, 2022 at 1:45pm

Thanks for your comments Doc and Parr. Rand Pauls and Robert F. Kennydy are two true representatives of the people, not like the bought out RINOS or democRATs. They are exposing crimes of unprecedented scale, genocide on global level. The criminals should be brought to justice without delay and the whole criminal network brought into daylight. Otherwise humanity has no future.

Comment by Doc Vega on September 29, 2022 at 2:33pm

Rand Paul has paid dearly for his integrity. Having a psycho Libtard neighbor jump his ass while mowing his yard and lsoing a rib over the injuries then him and his wife being confronted by Democrat paid thugs on Capitol Hill during the 2020 Summer of Love! I hope he puts a nail in Fauci's coffin! 

Comment by Doc Vega on September 29, 2022 at 2:31pm

Fauci who originally wrote a dissertation on how wearing a mask made the Spanish Flu evem ore deadly due to people rebreathing their own nasal and bronchial germs not to mention cutting off oxygen to the brain under the druaess of fever then turns 180 degress during the Covid bullshit show and tells people to double up on'em! Fucking criminal!

Comment by Parrhesia on September 29, 2022 at 11:45am

Fauci’s Net Worth Soared To $12.6+ Million During Pandemic – Up $5 Million (2019-2021)

BREAKING: Fauci’s Net Worth Soared To $12.6+ Million During Pandemi...

Comment by Parrhesia on September 28, 2022 at 6:37pm

Fauci is such a pompous asshole.   When government scientists are receiving royalties, they do need to disclose that info.

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