Teen Arrested - Pro-Second Amendment shirt turns in to fight over First Amendment

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Comment by Dennis Zurn on April 22, 2013 at 10:36pm

Heck..In Early December I was saying to friends that something would happen as a FF..and Sandy Hoax, after that was saying they are not done yet..watch Mid March to Late April..Boston Massacre 2.0 ---- and was saying to expect expect 2-3 more..now 1-2 more on that scale..then the Big One dwarfing 9-11. Each one? Take away more rights and freedoms. Psy Ops, and to drum up WW III. When could the next one be? Memorial Day? Independence day? Parades, Fireworks and CROWDS. I am expecting a suicide bomber with vest or a car/truck bomb...maybe a suicide human bomb like in Israel in a Mall. Big Sis is saying there are 330,000 Terrorists in the USA......10% of the population. Why are they floating that and Terror Cells? 

Patriots, we may be in a War to save our very lives...between Now and the next 3 to 3.5 years. Obama is our last elected President...will be Dictator4Life under COG. ..Nat'l Security, Nat'l Defense, Martial Law State.

Comment by truth on April 22, 2013 at 10:05pm

Before the people of Watertown MA rolled over I thought the same Mark. We are one fake attack from hell I think.

Comment by Dennis Zurn on April 22, 2013 at 9:57pm

Now keep an eye on CISPA..a Bill that could shut this and all of the Truth sites down. 

Comment by Mark Fogel on April 22, 2013 at 9:54pm


     Get a grip.  The Senate's failure to pass any "gun legislation" should serve to calm everyone down.  We need only hold the Repub. politicians to "obstruction", and in three and a half years, we can start the restoral process. In the meantime, remember that educating our family and neighbors is not an easy task but we need to do it.  This is an incredible country; (despite the shameful lack of reaction to the imposition of mini "test" Marshall law in Boston).  Way too soon for the above rhetoric.  And believe me, I can be cynical with the best of 'em.  Protect the Second amendment.  The rest will follow.


Comment by joe banana on April 22, 2013 at 9:32pm

(sung to the tune of, "God Bless America")

God damn America, land I now hate..F- the congress, and the Senate, as they lay us to waste, and disgrace. From the mountains to the valleys, to the oceans full of filth, God damn America, my ex-pat home.


I pledge alligence to devil, of the divided state of Unmerica, and to the regurgence, for which I wretch, one nation warzone under god with slavery and misery for all.

I got a million of em.

Comment by Dennis Zurn on April 22, 2013 at 3:16pm

Am3riKa in the future..Its F'ed...until the restoration. Will be a living Hell for a while...esp the cities of any size. The cities will be literal war zones. My bug out is off road and 100% off grid...rugged terrain and forested...with some openings for garden. 

Comment by Bildo on April 22, 2013 at 12:39pm

It all depends on which direction we take when the collapse occurs. That will be our future.

Comment by Ron T. Hill on April 22, 2013 at 11:35am

Generall-speaking, what do you think America will be like in the future?

Comment by Dennis Zurn on April 22, 2013 at 8:19am

What is that..the Chairman Mao suit? LOL..sadly. I was a substitute teacher in the Public Fools System and had to resign because I could not take it, esp the school admin.....I actually would teach stuff (Can't have that) and the kids loved me. It was the Admin that caused me to leave...voluntarily. We are in deep trouble.

Comment by Ragnarok on April 22, 2013 at 7:20am

He got send home because he didnt wear his mandatory Obama uniform.

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