Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

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Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on July 19, 2012 at 8:41am
Saying that a person is bad because is a Jew is like saying that a german is a Nazi because he was born in Germany or that Black man is a criminal for been black or that an Anglo American is a Pedophile for the fact he was born in a American and so we all must assume that all white Americans are pedophiles and perverts because of a few... or that all Muslims are terrorists because of a few.....I think is just plain wrong to say something like that....People should be Judge as Individuals by their acts and character not by their race or culture affiliation. 
Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 6:31am


Several years ago, I had a very strange phone call from a woman I'd never heard of before named Rima Laibow. Most people who call me are friendly people who just want to discuss health freedom issues pertaining to defending consumer access to natural products in the face of never ending FDA and big Pharma attacks, and most people are respectful when they call me in deference to my many years of public service as one of the primary organizers within the health freedom movement. I'm well known for my work all over the world ,but this woman called me, and got COMPLETELY in my FACE having nothing friendly to say, all she did in the conversation was pick apart my good work and act like she was determined to be my mortal enemy for some unknown reason that made no sense whatsoever at the time, but has become painfully clear to me over the course of time--- especially as I came to understand who her husband, General Albert E Stubblebine 3 was, and IS. (Former Director of US Army Intelligence whose reports went directly to the CIA and to the Whitehouse.)  read on, above... learn how Jones helped these shills who have been doing nothing but try to undermine my work, while he also ignored a huge number of people who urged him to put me on the air to discuss Codex and related health freedom issues which Laibow and Stubblebine have gone out of their way to MISDIRECT people on as obvious shills for the eugenicists who they have only been PRETENDING to oppose.... more above...

Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 6:19am

In my previous comment I introduced you to Brother Nathaniel whose story I provided, but I meant to provide THIS Link for his expose titled Jones a Zionist Shill?

Did you realize Jones wife is Jewish? So WHAT, do I hear you ask? Better pay close attention to what Brother Nathaniel has to say about this, the implications of this are greater than you realize...

Also see THIS LINK  which shows the link between Jones and Bronfman, better take notice of the huge number of Jewish advertisers he has, and the huge number of Jews on his staff..... Birds of a Feather..... Brother Nathaniel, the Jew who became a Christian, can sure as hell not be accused of anyone of being an "antisemite" and no one can legitimately make this charge against me for exposing Jones this way, especially not before learning of what this traitor did to UNDERMINE the health freedom movement that I broke my butt to create globally... read on. I'm not done with this traitor yet, but will be soon, and you can bet your bottom dollar I will be calling all of this to Ed Griffin's closest attention.... read on...... above... I've saved my biggest ammunition for LAST....

Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 5:49am

Have you heard of a man named Brother Nathaniel? He was raised a Jew, but converted to Christianity from Judaism which he renounces for many reasons that he explains in great detail on his fascinating website called "REAL JEW NEWS" I have had phone conversations with this man, but have never met him in person. I will leave it up to you to judge for yourselves whether or not you trust him or not, but I have come to over time from simply studying the things he says and does....

Brother Nathaniel has provided us with what I consider a very valuable perspective on why Alex Jones does some of the questionable things he does, and you can read his expose here:  Decide for yourself if you think Nathaniel is off base with his comments or not. When I have pondered his views in the context of my OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with Jones, (which I will soon divulge to you in detail) I can't come to any other conclusion that they explain a LOT..... go up to my NEXT comment to see what MY experience with Jones has been.... this is where the rubber meets the road and you will then understand why I have zero interest in "sitting down" in any sort of peaceful way with a man who is very obviously working FOR the very same ruling elite scum ho he PURPORTS to "oppose"... If I had been at the TAG rally in Austin I would have felt like laying Jones out colder than a dead mackeral at the freakin' North Pole, unconscious on the pavement, read on to learn why....

Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 5:37am

OK Andy and Suzy- I have established my bonafides in my previous comments, so you know who I am, but although I realize you (And many others in cyberspace) THINK you "know" who Alex Jones is, I am here to tell you that you do NOT and I'm not being arrogant in saying this, I just think it is the truth.

So please hear me out while I explain further what I mean so that you will come to see exactly why I do not trust this man even though I'm the first to admit that much of his information IS useful...

You need to familiarize yourselves with some terms that I suspect you are largely unfamiliar with- i have come to understand the meaning of "Controlled opposition groups", Agent Provacateur, Saboteur, Deep Plant, and Mole... from very PAINFUL personal experience stemming from more than 20 years of experience as a professional activist/ lobbyist/ political organizer.

I am painfully familiar with the following techniques of psychological manipulation and hope to teach all of you what they all mean: 1) The Delphi Technique  2) The Semantic Differential  3) Neurolinguistic Programming  From many years of observing Alex Jones, I have come to the conclusion that he is a very intelligent, highly trained Agent Provacateur/Saboteur and that he is in fact working FOR the very people he PURPORTS to be "working against".  I have observed him first hand using all the techniques of manipulation listed above with tremendous skill. He is a master of manipulation, one of the best I've ever seen, but he is also quite treacherous and quite dangerous, and I will explain my reasons in greater detail in my next comments.... so go up to my next one please:

Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 5:23am

(CTD from comment beneath this, will  put al this into a Blog when done): Alex Jones and I have something in common in that we are both in the Hall of Honor of Freedom Force International which was created by G. Edward Griffin, author of many books including The Creature from Jekyll Island- Secrets of the Federal Reserve, World Without Cancer- the Story of Vitamin B-17, and others. Some of you might know Ed from his recent involvement in an excellent documentary film made by Michael Murphy titled "What in the World Are They Spraying?" which is about toxic chemtrails being sprayed on us from aircraft for population control purposes under the guise of "protecting us from global warming." You can see the entries Ed made for Alex and myself in his Hall of Honor at

I contend that Ed should remove Alex from his Hall of Honor, here is why:

He is simply not a man of honor. A man of honor does not attack fellow activists by using a bullhorn to disrupt their rally the way he did here (and this is a different you tube than the previous one I showed all of you re the incident at the TAG (2nd Amendment) rally in Austin TX so be sure to ALSO watch it as I think this one is even MORE telling, especially when coupled with the ADDITIONAL info I will ALSO be providing on this matter:  (to be continued in my my next comment, to be posted above this, will put into blog later.)

Comment by John Hammell on July 19, 2012 at 5:10am

Andy Anduer and Suzie-

Matthew 10:16 

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."

I have been a lobbyist defending consumer access to dietary supplements and to all forms of alternative medical treatment since 1989. Prior to doing this work, I was a boatbuilder and professional sailor, delivering boats up and down the eastern seaboard down to the Carribean. At another time in my life I was forced out of college by so called "schizophrenia" and spent 4 long years locked up in state and private mental hospitals where I was nearly killed by well meaning, but ignorant allopathic physicians. "Schizophrenia" is a meaningless waste basket term that wrongly stigmitizes anyone who has ever been unfortunate enough to have this label hung on them. I recovered from this illness 36 years ago via a suppressed alternative treatment mode called orthomolecular medicine which involves the use of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace elements, probiotics, digestive enzymes, hormones, and herbs taken on a basis of lab work. I was forced to smuggle the vitamins that turned my life around into the last hospital I was in where I was forced to hide them in a cavity gouged from the underside of my foam mattress, taking them secretly, while mouthing my toxic medication which I spat down a toilet where it belonged.

As a lobbyist defending consumer access to dietary supplements, I was one of the main people who did the legwork on Capital hill that resulted in the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 which beat back a draconian FDA rulemaking effort that threatened to wipe out our access to natural products back then.

In 1996, my article in Life Extension Magazine was the first to ever blow the whistle on the UN's Codex plans to destroy consumer access to vitamins and minerals within the therapeutic range and to the most effective dietary supplements. Sadly, the congressional oversight hearing I pushed for with every fiber of my being on this issue was whitewashed on March  20, 2001 and we have all been set up like bowling pins. I wasn't allowed to testify, my witnesses weren't allowed to testify, the only person allowed to testify before the House Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the House Commerce Committee on this very important UN Codex vitamin issue was a shill for Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company who was a mole inside the International committee of what was then called NNFA (National Nutritional Foods Assn) a vitamin trade association that is very heavily infiltrated by Pharma.

This poses a direct threat to my life due to the need I have for the supplements I use.It also poses a direct threat to the lives of millions of other Americans, perhaps including some of you. I have had attempts made on my life for being a serious thorn in the side of the world's biggest investment industry (Big Pharma) and have seen first hand the nature of the cesspool that is our nation's capital.

I have had considerable first hand experience with the immense harm caused by Agent Provacateurs, and controlled opposition groups within a global health freedom movement that I helped create, and I am very experienced in identifying moles, plants, saboteurs, double agents, and am painfully familiar with their methods because these sort of people have been trying for years to undermine, and derail my work.

Some of these people are so highly skilled that at first, they even fooled me, and I have a type of training and experience in the political arena that most of you lack. I am not in any way attempting to put any of you down when I say this, but I think it is just a fact. (CTD in next comment...

Comment by suzie on July 19, 2012 at 2:31am

Andy Anduer

i agree ... that was so sweet & wise 

Comment by Andy Anduer on July 19, 2012 at 2:14am

Is a controlled opposition group similar to passive rebellion? I just watched to full Youtube you posted and I can really see a problem there which looks more like an anxiety/ depression thing.Some people react differently when constantly bombarded with negative influences like Jones does. This does not excuse his behaviour but perhaps the people that have been offended by him should go up front to him and talk about it ASAP and perhaps he will make a public confession. He was acting quite proud and arrogant. But rather than make a big bonfire over it for all to see try to have a pow wow with him if you can. Like Jesus says; Moreover if your brother shall trespass against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone: if he shall hear you, you have gained your brother.

Matthew 18:15 -17 But if he will not hear you, then take with you one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto you as a heathen man and a tax collector.

Because Alex is a brother ; Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.

2 Thessalonians 3:15

The Bible has a lot of good remedies for human relations and it's what Alex claims to follow.

We read the Bible not because we are good, but because we are bad and are trying to learn how to be good.


Comment by J. Patriot on July 19, 2012 at 1:58am

I have to agree with you about Alex Jones. Alex took credit for predicting 911, but William Cooper actually predicted that event not Alex! Alex Jones interrupted a protest in Austin Texas where Gun Store Owners were protesting a bill. Instead of joining them he tried to talk over them. I do agree though he brings out good information, but he sees himself as a celebrity. I hope I'm wrong about Alex, but I have my doubts! 

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