Please share this video with religious people, and mainly with the anti-evolution audience. When it comes to Anti-Evolution groups among the religious, there...

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 16, 2012 at 7:46am

we're a big blue spinning experiment, we're from ET's, not primates. This of course is my theory, and my thesis in College after years of research, where I originally coined the term "Mann's Big Book of Fairy Tales" for that bible thing. My psych prof loved it, It shut my Pol. Sci. Prof. up for 2 days....w00t!!! ...And that guy never shut up :) Should dig that thing out the attic and scan it for the net

~Peas Out

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 16, 2012 at 4:07am

Most Hardcore religious people have serious personal problems accepting the Scientific theories of Man having a monkey as an ancestor. Another thing that happen is that Religion don't force people to think...You just believe what you are told in the Bible and that's it...But Science push people to ask questions and to keep searching and so to think and never ever stop asking questions...and most people don't like to think...because thinking take effort...and energy and the new American system of education is made to make people not to think to much...The Government don't want people that think and by the use of subliminal messages in the media they been programing people in America to believe that thinking is unpatriotic and bad...Good patriotic Americans are suppose to roll on command and not to ask questions nor to think...and that is why today we have so many people that don't like to think in America and prefer to believe what they are told....and because the Bible say that the world was made in 7 days and Good create Men from dirt ...that explanation simplify everything and the person don't have to think nor ask questions...and that is why most people feel good with themselves believing whatever they are told with out having to think... Believing what you are told and rolling on command is patriotic and very American this days. But Thinking and searching for answers is not .

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