Do Not Sleep in a Wilderness Cabin Alone There’s something out there!

Image result for an old diary left bu a disappeared man

It’s been well described by a number of encounters, and in some of those encounters the subject disappeared never to be seen again. In the 1920’s a diary of a man was found in the cabin where he vanished from on one of his periodic nature sabbaticals that his family was accustomed to. His testimonial to the last days of his life were clearly described in his journal. Every season he would spend several days by himself in the deep woods alone in a cabin where he’d fish and hunt alone.

Image result for an old diary left bu a disappeared man

When he failed to return as expected the family notified the authorities. Sheriffs and Park Rangers descended on the area and scoured the area. All they found was his diary and belongings, but he was gone for good. The eeriness of the circumstance is especially chilling when reading the passages of his diary.

Image result for recent famous BigFoot in a window photo

Of the few days he spent in what he thought would be his routine excursion in nature’s bliss he, instead, ran into a nightmare. His entries were normal in the first couple of days until while he was fishing as he reported he observed what he described as a monster that vaguely resembled a man. It was on its knees drinking water from the shore’s edge. He froze in fear as he watched. He remained in shocked silence watching what he would later describe as an ape man. He slowly crept back into the foliage praying the thing had not detected his presence.

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As he wrote, he made it back to his cabin where he barricaded himself in for the night. That evening he heard weird sounds and footsteps around the old rustic cabin. That night he slept fitfully, but went out in the woods the following day to hunt hoping that the ape man had moved out of the area, but the whole time he was out he felt as though he were being watched! Upon returning back to the cabin in the later afternoon he made his dinner from fish he’s caught earlier and settled in for an uncertain night, but things didn’t remain quiet for long. This time the noises were accompanied by vocalizations, knocking against the door, and pounding on the walls! This went on until the last darkened moments before dawn.

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In his last entry to the diary the now nearly hysterical man wrote that he would try to make it on foot back to the trail head entranced to the forest hoping that the ape man had gone away to rest wherever that might be. Only after the frightening calls and foot falls around the cabin stop did he dare open the cabin door and venture out. It’s unclear exactly where the authorities found the diary whether he had left it in the cabin to let someone know what had happened or if he had carried it with him, but I’m thinking it was left as evidence of what had happened to him in the cabin. This story was published back in the 60’s in same magazine rack publications like “Men’s Saga”.

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Recently, an internet sensation has been published for the world to see. Once again, a man occupying a deep wilderness cabin simply seeking a few restful nights away from the rat race finds himself confronted by the unknown! There in his kitchen window he sees the face of something that science tells us shouldn’t exist and scoffers ridicule those who have had terrifying encounters! There from the darkness staring at him through a window is the face of a Sasquatch with self-illuminating red eyes. Perhaps the best close up photo ever taken! He fumbles for his cell phone to take pictures of the entity as it seemingly glares at him in amusement as he attempts several snap shots! After several tries he finally snaps a clear photo of the beast that seems to be undeniable proof that out in the wild there is a race of primates that science would rather ignore the existence of as proof would upset their hallowed theories of evolution!

I had a deceased sister in law who had a similar experience back in the early eighties. She and her boyfriend, an older man who was a Vietnam vet and professor at a Washington State college, had a chilling meeting with the unknown! As she told me, in a northern Washington State region where lumberjacks quietly admitted they were having sightings outside of the small town where they were working, it seemed common knowledge that Sasquatch frequented the heavily wooded areas where they cut down timber. After a few drinks were shared by these rough necks blowing off steam after work, the stories would come out.

She was furious at her boyfriend whom she expected home that night but instead he had stayed in town to party with his buddies and crash on somebody’s couch! They didn’t have a phone in the cabin so she was cut off from communication. So, eating her dinner by herself and listening to the sounds outside of owls and the occasion growl of some lynx or raccoon, an unnerving stillness set in. Then the sounds of heavy foot falls around the cabin began. It is common for bears or even cougars in that stretch of the wilderness to circle a cabin if they smell food but not a bipedal footfall! Whatever or whoever it was had to have been very heavy as they prowled around the outer walls of the cabin.

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Even though she didn’t hear his car pull up she yelled, “Paul! Is that you?”

The commotion outside the walls stopped! She listened as she trembled in fear! She didn’t have a weapon. Only a cleaver from her kitchen. The movement began again, unmistakable, it was no bear or cougar as they make distinct snorts, sniffing, and even bugling as what people describe cougar calls! This was nothing like ordinary game prowling about outside the cabin. The longer it went on the more hysterical she became! Now convinced that her visitation from the unknown was there to stay and there was no way out for her!

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Unable to handle the tension any longer, she did something seemingly insane, Esther, burst out of the front door and onto the porch where she ran to a hollowed out tree stump that was still standing and crawled inside all curled up screaming, “Take me! Take me! I don’t care anymore! Just take me!” She cried sure she would be abducted and carried off never to be seen again! However, something strange happened. She was left untouched. Perhaps her unpredictable action scared off the intruder. Perhaps, she surprised her assailant and sent it running off into the woods, or maybe she was simply spared! She had lived in the woods of Louisiana all her life which can be dense, dark, and foreboding so she was no stranger to the wilderness, but on this unholy night, the unknown had come a calling. To many witnesses who have experienced this, they’ll tell you don’t stay in a deep wilderness cabin alone in the night!

Image result for recent famous BigFoot in a window photo

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