Part 3 of 4
Most people think that the United Nations is a noble enterprise and
they don’t understand the history and malignant character of the UN.
Christina Aguilera, Drew Barrymore and Sean Penn are probably unaware, even though they are UN Ambassadors to the World Food Program
(WFP), that the intent of the UN is to implement one world government
(see videos below). The UN WFP, which spreads GMOs in poor
countries, is just one tool used for advancing the goals of Agenda 21,
the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control.
The WFP is corrupt to its core, as evidenced by a leaked UN document about Somalia which exposed that most
of the aid goes to UN workers, Islamic militants and contractors. |
The UN grew out of the League of Nations, which withered after Woodrow Wilson ( Edward House’s puppet), failed to convince Congress
that international treaties and entangling alliances were good for
America. Later, Rockefeller was able to advance the globalists’ cause
and even donated 18 acres of land for the UN headquarters, located in
New York. The Rockefellers have conceived and funded most of the
destructive UN programs.
The origin of the food monopoly began with the Rockefeller Dynasty,
even before they funded biotech research and industry.(1) The major
GMO seed companies like Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, etc. are based in
America and the patent laws that protect their monopoly are
American.(2) Therefore, it should come as little surprise that the
forces behind toxic GMOs promote GMOs internationally by way of the
United Nations, using American tax dollars.
USAID (US Agency for International Development) is a an independent
federal agency that is concerned with economic growth and advancing US
foreign policy and interests, under the Secretary of State, Hillary
Clinton. The agency is funded by taxpayer money. These interests are
often private companies, like Monsanto, that champion so-called
humanitarian aid in the name of the American people, using our tax
dollars. USAID’s humanitarian efforts include imposing GMO seeds on
poor nations by way of complex methods that circumvent the laws of poor
countries.(3) Poor countries rarely stand up to the US government
directly and are under constant pressure, plus they risk losing
financial benefits from the US. So, these poor and transitional
countries sell out their own farmers and the population suffers because
GMO crops are unhealthy, GMO crops yields are lower and they foster
monopolies, resulting in ongoing dependence.
USAID funds many NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) that carry out
USAID’s objectives- here is a list nearly 200 pages long- of the NGOs
that are supported by US taxpayers.(4) It is interesting to note how
many of these NGOs are concerned with ‘reproductive rights’, which is
a fancy term for eugenics (selective breeding programs, often
brutally enforced via forced sterilization and genocide). Further,
USAID entered into a Public- Private Partnership with the Rockefeller
Foundation, with the help of Bill Clinton, in order to use investments
to “address” social and environmental problems, under the shelter of a
tax free organization.(5) This means that the tax free organization
will be able direct ‘impact’ investing which is designed to have an
effect on social and environmental problems. In other words, be on
the lookout for large investors using their overwhelming influence
upon infrastructures, utilities, sewage systems, water sources, etc,
which will likely lead to corporate privatization, and total control
in pursuit of the final goals of Agenda 21.
The UN WFP (World Food Program) receives most of its funding from USAID.
The WFP is corrupt to its core, as evidenced by a leaked UN document
about Somalia which exposed that most of the aid goes to UN workers,
Islamic militants and contractors.(6) Another example is in Ethiopia
where only 12% of the food aid was delivered to the intended poverty
stricken area. Additionally, there are more examples of corruption with
shipping and trucking fees inflated up to 300% over cost. Of course,
NGOs are deeply complicit in this international scheme of theft and
incompetence with zero accountability.
Further, USAID director, Rajiv Shah worked for the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation and the USDA, is also the director of A Green
Revolution in Africa (Gates and Rockefeller funded). In fact, just
last week, Shah said that the UN WFP is creating food systems that
will eliminate “humanitarian” food aid over time; a cynic could
interpret this as a depopulation plan, consolidation of monopolies
and/ or privatization of all resources. Shah also wants to engage the
private sector, which means establishing more PPPs (Public- Private
Partnerships) which is the modern mechanism of fascism.(7)(5)
UN collectivists, trying to coerce governments to adopt GMOs, use urgent threats of starvation in poor countries to convince the masses
that GMOs are beneficial, when the truth is that they have lower crop
yields. The WFP, pushing GMOs, have exploited Africa’s famine problem
by offering GMO seeds as the only aid/ help offered, in a ‘GM or
Death’ ultimatum.(8)
The UN WTO (World Trade Organization) influences tariffs and can impose fines (of hundreds of millions of dollars) on countries when
they trade internationally. While they promote the phrase “free
trade”, it is anything but a free market, due to the favorable or
unfavorable tariff taxes that the WTO sets. It fosters monopolies on a
grand scale. It prohibits competition and true free market
F. William Engdahl, author of “Seeds of Destruction”, explains in detail how the Biosafety Protocol, a policy that requiring GMO testing
and proof of safety, was undermined. This was done by forcing a
clause into the Biosafety Protocol making its rules subordinate to the
UN WTO, using the argument that banning GMOs was a barrier to trade
under the WTO rules, because the concern over safety was “unproven”.
Therefore, the burden of proof for the safety of GMOs was removed
from Monsanto and the other manufacturers, which leaves consumers,
independent farmers and anyone else harmed by GMOs the costly task of
proving, scientifically and in court, that GMOs are unsafe.
In a related UN WTO decision, member countries were forbidden from using their own domestic standards for testing, their own food safety
laws and their own product standards, claiming that it would set an
“unfair barrier to trade”. Thus, the US government can threaten any
government that bans GMOs with violating UN WTO so-called “free trade”
rules which have resulted in costly monetary sanctions. The UN WTO
settles international trade disputes in secret. Please read Engdahl’s
excellent article about the WTO for more information on their
manipulative policies.(9)
Incidentally, the Director of the WTO is Rufus Yerxa, former employee
of the the US government and Monsanto. Vandana Shiva explains how
the WTO imposed trade restrictions on India that limited exports and
increased imports, crippling the market and increasing food
dependency. The GMO crops also had lower yields because the seed was
imported and not adaptable to India’s farming conditions, which
resulted in the suicides of over 200,000 Indian farmers- often from
drinking Round Up Ready herbicide. (Note that we do not agree with
Shiva’s assessment of global warming):
The UN NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and other WTO agreements were signed introduced into law as “agreements”, instead of
treaties. Under special legislation, NAFTA was passed into law after
Congress authorized George W Bush to enter into tariff agreements and
bypassed the usual process to make a treaty a law (requiring 2/3 Senate
approval). After Bush entered into the agreements, both houses of
Congress passed them into law (a mere 51% majority was needed) on a
fast- track. The Supreme Court, acting as agents of the federal
government, denied review of this misdeed.(10)
NAFTA has adversely affected both the US and Mexico because it promoted GMO farming in Mexico, contaminating their corn crops, which
is a staple food. US grain and food subsidies were used to lower the
prices of US food, which flooded the markets of Mexico, wreaking havoc
on them. The subsidies were bankrolled by the unsuspecting US
taxpayers. Mexico was once food self sufficient, but now it spends
78% of its oil exports to purchase food from the US. US food exports
have decreased as a result of NAFTA because some educated countries
reject GMOs.(11)
The UN IMF (International Monetary Fund) and UN World Bank are sister
agencies that impose harsh conditions and penalties on loans made to
governments, resulting in austerity and privatization. In fact,
Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize winner in 2001, former chief economist of
the World Bank and formerly one of President Clinton’s economists,
exposed the corruption of the UN IMF and World Bank’s practice of
keeping developing countries on the loan repayment treadmill, which
can lead to harsh measures when the countries fail to repay the loan,
instead of allowing a country to go bankrupt and then start over. In
2003, The IMF actually admitted that its policies have often failed
for over 60 years.(12)
The IMF and World Bank, working closely with the WTO, offer financial
aid and guarantees to multinational companies to privatize in poor
countries. Even worse, the IMF and World Bank pressure countries,
crippled by debt, to privatize utilities and other resources, especially
water. Remember, water is a resource that affects food production.
The US Treasury funds 51% of the World bank. The UN derives much
power from indebted countries and then is able to make outrageous
demands upon the debtor nations, that then benefit corporations and
individuals like Bill Gates.(13)
Codex Alimentarius, the UN program to control food and health products internationally with the goal of HARMonization of food, means
that plants, seeds, livestock, farming and how all food is processed
is to become uniform. Of course, GMO food is a major component of
this scheme. Codex Alimentarius is a program to codify food
worldwide; it won’t work because there is a lack of consideration for
local conditions (local weather, soil conditions, water availability,
etc). This appears to be just plain stupid until one realizes its
true intent: depopulation. Codex Alimentarius operates under two UN
agencies: the WHO (World Health Organization), notorious for pushing
unsafe vaccines for the H1N1 flu and insider deals with Big Pharma,
and the corrupt FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). Kevin
Miller’s excellent film “We Become Silent” is recommended for more
There are several unpopular US “food safety” bills currently under
consideration. By simply reading the short summary of Senate bill S
510, it is clear that the bill is not designed for food safety, but for
government (Department of Health and Human Services, the EPA and the
CDC) expansion, control and monetary gain. There are only a few
representatives in Washington that are even remotely interested in true
food safety and a real solution, which would include the abolition of
GMOs, or at least the labeling of GMO food, so that consumers can make
an informed choice. Barack Obama issued an Executive Order on June 10,
2010 that opens the door to Codex Alimentarius.(15)
In conclusion, it is obvious that the time is over-ripe for the US to
get out of the UN. This action would result in the withering of the
UN as it is funded primarily by US tax dollars. The American people
will hopefully come to understand that our hard earned money is being
used to poison and bankrupt us, and the rest of the world. Education
of the masses is the key, and Americans must exert our power and
sovereignty, especially now, with the November elections right around
the corner.
Christina Aguilera
Drew Barrymore
Sean Penn
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