Perfecting the Democrat Storm The Suspension of Reality

Image result for Democrat lirs

In order for us to be sold on the idea Democrat explanations for their failed policies, their anti-patriotic rhetoric, and their inability to empathize with the American people, one has to explore just how this rationale can even exist in a world of free speech and enlightened thinking. The requirement of ignorance and outright stupidity would seem to be prerequisites for anyone to vote for these charlatans.

Image result for Democrat suspension of reality

The main element of strategy behind the blatant lies laid down for the voter like land mines in a field is the “Suspension of Reality”. In other words much like ignoring general physics in the real world we must also cancel out facts and truth in the world of Democrat propaganda. There are so many things the general public is not privy to that the Democrats must make sure they don’t know about until it’s too late and another America hating candidate has been blindly elected so that the process of destroying the country can go on unhindered.

Image result for Stalinists in action

This is not a new phenomenon. The Soviets used the tactic of blaming everything they were doing against their opponents, who were doing nothing that was criminal though their lives would not be lasting very long. So, today do the Democrats who have embraced every tenant of the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx, which they vehemently deny. Once again putting forth their suspension of reality to mesmerize those foolish enough to actually believe the incessant lies and deception of their political agenda. As a matter of fact there must be a suspension of reality as they rarely have anything of benefit in their policies for Americans who will endure the entrenched ideology of Democrats who value little practical legislation that can work without imposing suffering upon the people.

Perhaps, Democrats rely upon the illusion of suspending reality because they themselves are so far removed from it. Example given” When Pete Buttigieg was asked by a voter what were Americans going to do about high gas prices affecting their ability to afford getting to work or the cost of everything that must be transported and his response was, “Then buy an electrical vehicle.”

Image result for failure of EV's

Classic suspension of reality. An electrical vehicle at $60,000 dollars is beyond the reach of most Americans, creates 30 times the carbon footprint of an internal combustion car to manufacture, will cause a collapse of the electrical grid if recharged in great numbers, there isn’t an infrastructure for public recharging anyway, and the minerals and metals needed for lithium batteries used in EV’s is not available in the US forcing us to depend on our enemies for the resources? Now there’s a suspension of reality for you.

Image result for Biden trump debate

Here’s another one. Prior to the debate between Biden and Donald Trump how many Americans knew just how badly Biden was mentally handicapped? Voters were shocked because over the last 3 and a half years they have been led to believe that Joe was mentally sharp as a tack and could handle the rigors of leadership, when during the debate, the exact opposite was apparent. Joe Biden was nearly incoherent and cognitively unreliable. The suspension of reality is when you can’t perform as the Democrats cannot, your candidate is greatly impaired, as Joe Biden is, and still they demand that everything you’re seeing in front of your eyes is not true and the lies of these leftists are to be believed despite the facts laid out before your eyes. This is what the Democrat charlatans expect you to accept to have faith in, and to cling to the suspension of reality in order for these rulers to succeed.

Image result for democrat created America shit hole



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Comment by Doc Vega on July 10, 2024 at 1:13pm

Less Prone Ha Ha ! Good one1 

Comment by Less Prone on July 9, 2024 at 12:07am

It's time to abandon the illusion of democracy that inevitably leads into tyranny, as so often in the past. Follow the example of the founding fathers, with constitution in one hand  and a gavel in another.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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