See related image detail. Premium AI Image | illustration of a person doing yoga spirituality ...

The Mystical Master’s Mind


Looking down from 10 miles high

The Mystical Master just rolls on by

With a voice more shrill than the loudest cry

Speaking of truth and still they deny,

 See related image detail. 20020122_08 | San Diego Bill | Flickr

Sometimes these answers to questions I can't see

Even when they're sitting right next to me

Is this why they say tragedies happen in threes?

Then I’ll take my chances up in the trees

 See related image detail. Balloon Suit 12052301 (3) by BrianL61 on DeviantArt

The Mystical Master descends upon a misty hill

Absorbs all the emotion until he's had his fill

Remembers heartbreak and feels the chill

Of an existence where there are no thrills,

 Image result for a sympathetic sigh

Life to those with a sympathetic sigh

Death to those who exist only to defy

To know all the answers might as well be a spy

Why is there distance between you and I?

 Image result for in the court of the Krimson King

The Mystical Master says death by a thousand choices

Better than a life with internally insane voices

No doubt that the mad man rejoices

While inconvenient truth annoys us,

 Image result for the shooter deviant art

Forensically speaking from an unholy vantage point

With the savage facts I will anoint

For I am the Mystical Master and I will often disappoint

Try not to get your nose out of joint,

Image result for fentanyl OD 

You might have the luxury of paying your bills

Or maybe perhaps dying by an opioid pill

The ground has a way of making you still

Better than being a treasonous shill,

 Image result for Democrats going to jail memes

It is here you may find the Mystical Master’s mind

Wisdom that could only belong to the divine

Just for once letting wisdom shine

At the final supper ye shall dine,

Image result for the final supper 

If the Mystical Master should feel so inclined

Unclean spirits in the gold mine

Was it all predestined by design?

Flying ahead but looking behind,

Image result for flying ahead will looking behind 

The women will leave like they always do

While the men rarely have a clue

Tears falling like morning dew

Love only endures with a chosen few.

 I’m going home


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