Two Different Sexes Two Different Hemispheres of the Brain

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Two Different Sexes Two Different Hemispheres of the Brain


  • I will preface this article with a quote from the well-known TV series Star Trek. As an alien robotic probe travels through space destroying whatever it considers to be flawed though an error in its programming, it has now encountered and been brought aboard the starship Enterprise:
  • Kirk: [of Uhura] What d'you do to her?
  • Nomad: That unit is defective. Its thinking is chaotic. Absorbing it unsettled me.
  • Spock: That "unit" is a woman.
  • Nomad: A mass of conflicting impulses.

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External influences

That pretty well says it when comparing women to men and their type of consciousness. I’m not saying men are superior or that women are bad, after all, God made woman and man to fulfill one another, to complement each other, and to compensate what each other’s lacking qualities through a union. Do we have that in our modern day pop culture youth worshiping and satanically oriented society today? No, through political false narratives and people being seduced into socialist rallying cries for women in the work place! Women need to pursue politically correct roles rather than being useless baby making machines! Women are superior to me! Sexual relations between a man and a woman is just rape! These are the distortions of reality used by Democrats and the left to belittle hetero sexual relationships.

Undeniable differences

I made the mistake a long time ago while in my first marriage that men and woman think alike and want the same thing and just go about doing it in a different way, but I was wrong. Men and women even use an opposite hemisphere of the brain to solve the same problem. There are substantial differences in the way that both men and women perceive reality as well as verbal and emotional responses. There is a great divide between the two sexes who always seem in pursuit of one another but, at the same time seem in conflict with each other. To make matters worse is the political debauchery that seeks to create division and misleading talking points that socialists, statists, collectivists, Communists, and Marxists use to destabilize a society by delegitimizing norms.

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When the roles are reversed?

Just look at the traditional roles that men and women have played throughout western society over the decades where women are the nesters while men are the hunter gatherers. Men are the problem solvers while women have been the nurturers. Not a bad partnership when not disrupted by pop culture and political interjections. Is it possible for the roles to change and men and women occupying the opposite member in the pecking order? Can women take on male responsibilities while men take on a woman’s role in the household? History teaches us that to a degree yes.

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In World War II, the absence of sufficient male work force due to enlistment age men being relegated to the military necessitated women in men’s jobs. One might recall “Rosy the Riveter” advertised as women taking up the slack and assembling bombers destined to arrive in Europe for the 8th Air Force to fly over Germany. There were even women who were pilots who ferried fighter planes from factory to Army Air Fields to deliver aircraft for deployment. How did this work out? Well, there was a name given to B-17’s that were discovered at the worst possible times to have manufacturing defects in the middle of a combat mission. These the aircrews called “Gremlins” the mythical saboteurs that threw a monkey wrench into the works! Was it a fault of women not being able to do the work of men? Perhaps, in some cases women required to lift too much weight or being exhausted from the work that men routinely endured may have been responsible for some defective workmanship, but for the most part, women performed admirably under the call of duty.

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Which sex is more crucial in the household?

What about men? One might recall a very cute and comical movie starring Michael Keaton entitled “Mister Mom” in which the normal breadwinner of the family in the car industry suffers a layoff which forces his wife played by Teri Gar to seek employment and being the bread winner. In the recession of the 1980’s many men were forced to seek alternatives to being the top breadwinner in the household due to a large percentage of the male workforce being laid off. It was found that, yes, men are not only a much needed character builder and role model for their children, but that households without the male figure suffer even more than those families where the mother has abandoned them or died. So do opposite sexes make effective changes when drastic circumstances prevail? Yes. As a matter of fact, I raised 4 kids by myself, ran my own business, published poetry books, and wrote for the local newspaper. I actually miss those days.

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Emotions as opposed to logic

To make generalities would be hasty and incorrect but still men and women do think differently about the same things. There are always exceptions to the rule. Women think more in terms of how they feel about something where as men have always been expected to solve problems and therefore be more analytical. This is where much of the rub occurs when a woman mistakenly assumes a man is being lass caring or less sensitive when he is trying to solve her problem rather than express empathy for her tough day or misfortune. Especially, when she expects him to solve the problems most often anyway. There’s that mass of conflicting impulses again.

Image result for woemn think with their feelings

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