Image result for getting though life's pain

No Magical Genies


Just trying to get through life’s pain

Got an old rock’n’roll song stuck in my brain

Can’t decide whether to get on or off this train

Am I really going insane?

 Image result for Hanging Man Painting

Hanging onto to the past

When I know nothing will ever last

Another American flag at half mast

Wondering if they’ll count the vote that I cast,

Image result for Hanging Man Painting 

I know it’s just another day

Come what will what may

How easily they all run away

We are all just potential prey,

 Image result for clown show government

Watching the clown show on the street

My own country on the verge of defeat

Baby try to make this tryst discrete

Tired of the way they lie, steal, and cheat,


I don’t believe in anything and you wonder why?

Can’t even trust the FBI

There, there try to keep your eyes dry

Some of us look for signs in the sky,

Image result for life changes wickedly 

There was a time when I had friends and family

Time passes and things change wickedly

Thought I knew how life would be

But things have changed quite conspicuously,

 Image result for chasing the sunset

If I could just roll back the events in time

Had I just had some foresight of some kind

Then again no magical genies I can find

Just the bitter taste of tears that are mine.

 See related image detail. BROKEN — Emi Inspirations







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