On the Threshold of the True Matrix

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There was a time when a person could make an analogy between the well-known since fiction movie: The Matrix”  with Keanu Reeves as a semi-realistic comparison between the rhetoric and fake news of today and the electronic reality created to capture the consciousness of those victimized by big government tyranny. The consciousness of society imprisoned by a computer generated neurological fantasy. People living and dying under the illusion run by government propaganda in its own reality. With the emergence of Artificial Intelligence and Meta, now the transformation from speculation to actual concrete reality is complete! For some time now there have been virtual video games that take the consciousness into a game scape realm, but we are at the last step in the progression to a total virtual reality.

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The brain chip

In 1999 a scientist had a brain implant that connected him to the worldwide internet that he could turn on and off within his skull. There’s no doubt this was intended research to exploit the experiment into an actual state of artificial consciousness for the masses, or should I say targeted at the mases. Today you must know that just about everything is a lie and in itself constitutes a parallel reality that we have an option to join and become deceived or we can choose alternate reality of better information and news sources, but in the future that may not be an option anymore as babies may well be fitted with a neural link that begins initiating their consciousness into the artificial reality that will be the Matrix.

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Today, we know that almost everything is a lie, from official government press releases and explanations of flawed policy to online dating sites with admittedly virtual or false male and female profiles using either AI to converse and run the entire site, to plane fare for ticket reservations that may or may not be honored at the time of the passenger flight. From fake fabricated food full of artificial ingredients to prescription drugs that can threaten the life of a patient, we live in a world of intended deception.

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Living beneath the illusion

What is worse much like the malevolent Matrix that threatens all who will not bow to the artificially intelligent maze of government control, we are living in a country that has been the host of an undeclared invasion unleashed upon us by the federal government. We are admonished for speaking out against it and the supposed free press we were supposed to be able to rely upon is now simply the 24/7 propaganda of the illusionists we call the Deep State who intend to treat us as debt slaves and cattle to be managed and eliminated when inconvenient by the puppet masters who run the shadow government we are not privy to.

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The separate reality they cannot perceive

Elon Musk has invented “Neuralink” which is pioneering the brain and computer interface. This seamless connection between a reality existing within the online world wide web and the consciousness of human beings. There will be a day when people will not be able to participate in the new society without having their brain hooked up to the artificial reality created for the human brain computer interface. Those who either choose not to participate or cannot be linked will be outcasts living apart from the newly chip implanted consciousness of the masses. At some point there will have to be a rebellion from the captured consciousness that rules society, but as you are probably aware now with friends, acquaintances, and family who are willingly buying into the lies of the government, the media, and ruthless corporations who want to rule us as you seek the truth despite all the white noise. The sheep will follow the least path of resistance on the way to the slaughter house as we follow the alternative paths for truth.

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