A galleon full of nocturnal spirits sets sail Into a misty moonlit ocean domain of the whale Interrupted only by widow's dreams of rusty coffin nails The stuff of paranormal tales,
On a voyage now to memory lane All the bygone premonitions and pain The byproduct of a world gone insane A place where I intended to stake my claim,
Trying to steer my ship but I’m too near Lorelei standing on the rocks beckoning my fear They’re beautiful song like music to my ears What this will lead to isn’t quite clear,
Still the tragedies go on Like a storm before dawn Here I am like a helpless pawn Yet, to my own disaster I am drawn,
Laying in my bed of dreams Where I can still here the screams Of the crew as the boat comes apart at the seams Oh Lorelei you and your deceitful schemes!
The sea churns over the rocks As I’m forced to take stock All of my orders have been mocked I’ve lost everything I’m in shock!
Lost to mirages that looked like women Was I destined to fail? That was a given Like horses so finally ridden Now I’m treading waters that are forbidden,
Yet my ghost Galleon will sail again It has since I can remember when Doomed to make the same mistakes to the end Take my advice dear friends,
There’s no shortage of insanity It has become a precious commodity From here to eternity Lorelei, I thought you were my ecstasy.
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