Hundreds of U.S. soldiers landed on the coast of Libya
Posted on 18/01/2012 at 14:39
![Libya - Hundreds of U.S. soldiers landed on the coast of Libya (January 18, 2012)](
Cynthia McKinney
Global Research
January 14, 2012
It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and Libyan sources that our President now has 12,000 U.S. troops stationed in Malta and they are about to make their descent into Libya.
For those of you who have not followed closely the situation in Libya, the resistance to the rule of the National Transitional Council is strong. The National Transitional Council (NTC) cast of characters has about as much support on the ground as did Mahmoud Abbas before the United Nations request for Palestinian statehood or Afghanistan’s regal-looking but politically impotent Hamid Karzai or for that matter, George W Bush after eight years.
The NTC not only has to contend with a vibrant, well-financed, grassroots-supported resistance, but the various militias of the NTC are now also fighting each other. I believe this “sociocide” of Libyan society, as we previously witnessed in Iraq and Afghanistan before it, is part of a carefully crafted plan of destabilization that ultimately serves U.S. imperial interests and those of a Zionist state and its US agents who are bent on Greater Israel’s suzerainty over huge swaths of Arabic-speaking populations. Pakistan is also on the list for neutering in Muslim and world affairs, saddled with its own unpopular civilian leadership that finds itself in the hip pocket of the United States for survival, often getting sat upon by its fiscal guarantor.
The “Arab Spring” has sprung and the indelible fingerprints of malignant foreign financed operations must be erased if the people are to have a chance to truly govern themselves. Unfortunately, these foreign-inspired organizations are present and operating in just about every country in the world. The threat is ever-present like sleeping cells–all that is needed is that the right word to “activate” be given. Both Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez can write tomes on the impact of the National Endowment for Democracy in the political life of their countries.
In other words, those who create the chaos have a plan and in the midst of chaos, they usually are the ones who will win. Those who wrote the plan of this chaos were affiliated with the Project for a New American Century–read A Clean Break if you already haven’t. General Wesley Clark told us of the plan to invade and destroy the governments of seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. “These people took control of the policy in the United States,” Clark continues. He concludes, “This country was taken over by a group of people with a policy coup: Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and . . . collaborators from the Project for a New American Century: they wanted us to destabilize the Middle East.” Richard Perle, Bill Kristol publicize these plans and “could hardly wait to finish Iraq so they could go into Syria,” Clark goes on. “The root of the problem is the strategy of the United States in this region. Why are Americans dying in this region? That is the issue,” he finishes.
Now, from Libya, reports are that even while the Misrata rebels (NATO allies responsible for the murder of hundreds of Libyans, including Moatessem Qaddafi) attempted to scale the petroleum platforms in Brega (an important oil town in Libya), they were annihilated by the Apache helicopters of their own NATO allies. A resistance Libyan doctor-become-journalist reported yesterday that all of the petroleum platforms are occupied by NATO and that warships occupy Libya’s ports. Photographs show Italian encampments in the desert with an announcement that the French are to follow.
Another news outlet reports that Qataris and Emiratees are the engineers now at the oil plants, turning away desperate Libyan workers. While long lines exist for Libyan drivers to get their gas, foreign troops ensure the black gold’s export. Libyans lack enough food and the basics, the country has been turned upside down, and contaminated with uranium while the true number of dead and unaccounted for remains high and unknown. Thousands of young Libyans, supporters of the Jahamiriya, languish under torture and assassination in a Misrata prison where a humanitarian disaster is about to unfold because Misrata rebels want to kill them all and have already attacked the prison once to do so. An urgent appeal to contact the International Red Cross was issued yesterday to help save the lives of the prisoners. And finally, Black Libyans continue to be targeted for harassment and murder in Libya by US/NATO allies on the ground. Teaching hate, given the images of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan released yesterday, urinating on Afghani dead bodies, is not a difficult thing to do, it would seem. Videos are posted of Black Libyans being beaten, whipped, threatened, harassed, and humiliated. These videos remind me of the antebellum South–reminiscent of the days of slavery and The Confederacy. So, when I use the word “descend” to describe U.S. anticipated actions, I mean just that: U.S. troops are about to descend into the hell on Earth created by their President and the leaders of other countries who approved of, aided, or participated in the death of Libyan-owned society. A report from last night indicates that one militia, fearing other militias even invited foreigners in to protect them.
I hope the report that I’m reading from 12 January 2012 is not true. I hope our President has not sent 12,000 troops of occupation to Malta destined for Libya. Lucy Grider-Bradley (of our DIGNITY Delegation) just yesterday reminded me of the words of a high-ranking Libyan Jahamiriya Foreign Ministry representative who just happened to be at the Tunisia/Libya border office at the same time we were waiting there. He said, “Let the Americans come. We want them to taste our sandwiches. We will give them the same serving they got in Vietnam.”
Please write to our President (at and ask him not to send troops of occupation (or whatever “euphemism de jour” this Administration chooses to use) to Libya.
To save the lives of the young men in prison, please e-mail the International Red Cross at any or all of the e-mail addresses given below:
in Tripoli 218213409262 / Croix rouge
218919418066 / 218925236582
والبريد اللاكتروني :
Libyan Resistance News – January 17, 2012 – (Eng-Ita)
Posted on 18 January 2012
(1) Gangs from Gharyan have been found to be abusing detainees from Asabah; bodies of captives and prisoners found beating and torture as common pratice by militia from Gharyan; more than five people died in captivity after being beaten to death by NATO militias and mercenary from Gharyan.
(2) Misrata gangs and militia have been attacking BREGAH seaport and displaced people from Tawhorgha. Earlier yesterday in West Ajdabiyah district, rebels of Ajdabiyah fought each other with the rebels of Misrata, a Misrata battalion coming from the Eastward of Ajdabiyah armed with heavy weapons came with a list of names of wanted Tawhorgha people, the list was rejected by green resistance of Ajdabiyah.
(3) In a rebel to rebel fighting show of power and NATO strength, rebels from Ajdabiyah will be taking on Benghazi gangs in a fight to dominate Ajdabiyah Benghazi highjway to areas of divided BREGAH seaport.
(4) LLA yesterday checked on Sultan Museum in East of Sirte, and found the museum looted of many artifacts by the guerrillas of East Libya.
(5) A foreign military plane of unfamiliar shape has been spotted by the green army intelligence at the Mitiga military airbase, it’s believed to be carrying Israeli soldiers.
Americans Are Coming – Gli americani stanno arrivando – (Eng-Ita)
Posted on 18 January 2012
Under the pretext of protecting the oil fields, hundreds of American soldiers are disembarking on the shores of Libya. Libyan FM reported this morning that 6.000 US troops landed at Mitiga base as well. One hour after that, we were informed that most of the US troops were already setting up mobile camps and equipment around oil fields and rafineries. (by Libya S.O.S)
U.S. forces were concentrated in the Malta. Today they reached the beaches of Ras Lanuf, Sirte and other oil ports under the pretext of protecting the oil fields and ports from ‘illegal exports by Libyan armed gangs’.
As we all know the resistance has previously announced that they will burn Libyan oil rafineries if and when the first ‘invading oil soldier’ arrives to the Jamahiryan territory.
A few days ago it was reported that Barack Obama gave a directive to transfer 12 thousand U.S. troops, stationed in Malta, to Libya.
He hopes the presence of Western troops on the ground will secure pumping Libyan oil to European markets at very low prices which will not exceed $ 20 per barrel.
So the first results of the ‘liberated’ Libyan economy, are unfair deals signed by the NATO puppets (Council of Shame) with the new colonists.
For those of you who didn’t know, United States of America had been buying Iraqi oil between 2003 and 2007 for the price of one dollar per barrel, under the pretext of restoring the lost expenditure in the “liberation” of Iraq, and it seems that Atlanticists themselves follow the same method today in Libya.
Libyan Feb17 fools liberated themselves from oil..
Libya currently lives in a State of perpetual war and every day fighting increases, covered most of the cities of Libya, including those regions that were relatively calm in recent months.
It seems that the Libyans finally realized: their country destroyed and pull up in astronomical debts; in Libya there is no one family that has not lost a family member, relative, friend or neighbour.
Of the 20 billion dollars of Libyan reserves, which, according to NATO, have been allocated PFI, Libyan citizens have not received a single cent.
For this reason, 12 thousand American soldiers are in Malta and are preparing to return to Libya. Yesterday evening, it was reported on the arrival of the first group of mercenaries in the ports of the Ras Lanuf and Alphippa ….
Tripoli: the city resisted. Heavy fighting continued in the green zone. A lot of explosions and near the University. Powerful explosions rattle in the area of Elhadaba. Green militants attacked several rats.
Libya’s Liberation Front fighters carried out a military operation against the rat-Office in Tripoli. They seized important documents with armed NATO plans against Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and the rebel network, funded by the bankers. Operation killed 21 mercenary.
NATO continues to flagrantly violate the airspace of Libya, over the city at low altitude to fly foreign helicopters.
In addition to the airbase were unknown, likely Israeli party arrived, possibly of Jewish fighters.
Green sniper kills French at Mitiga.
Tadjoura: NATO/SGP attacked yesterday at the industrial research centre in Tajura, they severely beat some of the staff. The reason is the requirements of the Centre’s staff to remove from Office the Director Mohammed Mansour-al Sharif, on his full incompetence and gross financial irregularities.
Bani Walid: on Tuesday over the city appeared NATO aircraft, flying at low altitude, this is yet another flagrant violation of international law and Libyan airspace.
In Bani Walid, a radio is broadcasts the Libyan national songs.
Sirt: Green cell Thayer Sirt fighters were attacked a truck fighters equipped with heavy weapons . Five militants in a van abandoned;, this is revenge for the martyrs who died recently in the town of Elasabea and Sirte in District No. 1-2.
Shooting between Green resistance and NTC/Al-Qaeda in the city of Ziltenare, Jamal and Èlvahat.
Fighters of the liberation front of Libya from cell. Elsakr Elawhed ” released 39 Pro-Gaddafi prisoners from the prison of the military camp ” Elhadaba Elzira Macheroue Elkhadra “. Two Green fighter were killed. They will always be in our memory!
Turf: Battles between Green resistance and rats are continuing
Alasabah: the inhabitants of the city had enough from insurgents and they approached the Green Army for protection. Green army not only clean the city of the rats, but also brought residents a truck with clean water and resume the elettricity. A Green commander holds meeting with officials of the Alasabaha city.
Benghazi: Continuing demonstrations against NTC, the lack of money, basic services, clean water, food discontent of residents every day is still growing.
NATO/Mercenary accused of murdering Abdel Fattah Younis, not survived the bursting with bomb car; it is not yet clear who was behind the attack; there is a suspicion that this was the tribe of Eunice, who promised to seek justice, if a puppet regime NATO does not take action against those accused of his murder, no action was of course PNSa. .
Sabha: in the city, fighting with heavy weapons between rats and Green resistance fighters, of warriors from cell Warfala Soulaiman.
NTC has a grid of electricity throughout the South of Libya. Sabha without electricity.
The Tunisian frontier guards arrested on the Libyan-Tunisian border two cars with 40 tons of stolen copper from electric lines, intended for smuggling in Tunisia.
By Za-afriku – Adapted and Reloaded by LibyanFreePress
Posted on 18/01/2012 at 14:39
US deploys 12,000 troops in Libya
The United States has sent some 12,000 soldiers to Libya, in the first phase of deployments to the oil-rich North African nation.
Smoke coming from an oil terminal in the Libyan port city of Brega. (file photo)
According to Asharq Alawsat,
the troops landed in the eastern oil port city of Brega.
Although the deployment is said to be aimed at generating stability and security in the region, the troops are expected to take control of the country’s key oil fields and strategic ports.
Brega, the site of an important oil refinery, serves as a major export hub for Libyan oil. The town is also one of the five oil terminals in the eastern half of the country.
Following the popular uprising of the Libyan people, NATO launched a major air campaign against the forces of the former regime on March 19, 2011 under a UN mandate to “protect the Libyan population.”
The Western military alliance, however, was heavily criticized for its failure to protect civilians and taking action beyond the terms of the UN mandate.
Human rights groups have accused NATO of committing war crimes and human rights violations against Libyans.
By Cynthia McKinney – Center for Research on Globalization
Most people know about being “Sleepless in Seattle.” Well, I am “snowed in in Seattle!” But even six inches of snow in Seattle don’t keep me from becoming steamed when I read the latest news reports on the activities of the U.S. war machine:
At a time when U.S.-Iran tensions are the highest I have experienced in my lifetime, Danger Room of wired.combreaks a news story on 19 January 2012 that a new United States commando special operations team is operating near Iran. Meanwhile, a columnist in Lebanon’s “The Daily Star” newspaper writes that Syria increasingly looks like Libya. And at the same time, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta admits in a press conference that he believes that the annual number of sexual assaults in the U.S. military could number as high as 19,000. This is from the Administration that shamefully accused the Libyan Jahamiriya military of issuing Viagra to its soldiers and using rape as a weapon. And finally, coming hot on the heels of an Algeria-ISP report that that the Obama Administration offered to reconstitute the Libyan military, forming desert troops, special forces, and a Libyan air force, reports reports that U.S. troops are already in Libya, in Brega, Ras Lanouf, and Sirte, in order to secure Libyan oil for western markets at a very cheap price. Further, these reports indicate that US troops are at Mitiga Air Base east of Tripoli and that NATO helicopters and war planes fly over Libyan towns, surveilling everything including parties held by Libyans ( and that drones launched from a secret base in the Libyan desert surveille Libya and neighboring countries:
Last week, I reported on numerous reports that I had read indicating that U.S. troops were on the island of Malta waiting for the word to deploy to Libya. If the above reports are correct, then it would appear that that word has been given. Interestingly, the reports of U.S. troops were reported in several African, Libyan, and Russian online sites, yet there was no response from either Malta or the U.S. In fact, the Russian site as late as 19 January 2012 wrote, “The administration of the United States still has not refuted a lot of messages in various MEDIA for the transfer of 12000 troops on Malta as a preliminary step to the further redeployment in Libya in order to control the deteriorating situation in the country.”
I am pleased to report that both Malta and the U.S. Embassy in Malta, while neglecting the many reports out there describing U.S. and NATO activities in Libya, felt compelled to respond to my report of this information in apparently coordinated responses. The government of Malta stated in its one line response, “The allegations are completely false.” The U.S. Embassy in Malta followed suit. However, I want to stress that while the responses are welcome and appreciated, given events of the recent past, it is U.S. activities in Libya that are are of utmost concern at this moment. All U.S. troops must be brought home, yet the following video was posted today of the U.S. war machine on the roll, destination unknown: As you watched that video, I hope you thought about the number of teachers or nurses or solar heating systems could be procured with the money wasted on this massive number of tanks, going where?
Well, right now, the U.S. admittedly has special forces in Uganda, South Sudan, 9,000 troops in Kuwait, radar, and for the first time ever, U.S. troops in Israel. Drone bases across the African Continent are in Djibouti, Seychelles, Ethiopia, and Kenya. On drones, Human Rights Watch says, “CIA drone strikes have become an almost daily occurrence around the world, but little is known about who is killed and under what circumstances.” Drone strikes occur in Somalia and bases are expanding to the Arabian Peninsula. Even worse, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an adjunct to the U.S. war machine, has affiliates all over the world–just ask Nicaragua and Venezuela about their experiences with the NED.
Nigerian military sources have confirmed for African news outlets that US troops are scheduled to be deployed to Nigeria after AFRICOM’s 2008 war game scenario that saw 20,000 U.S. troops maintaining “security” of the Niger Delta oil fields within a dissolved and anarchistic Nigeria. That war game setting was 2013. This is Plan Colombia. Does the Obama Administration plan an African Continent-wide Plan Colombia? Why such a militarization of U.S. relationships all over the world–and even here at home? Will chaos and wars (like what is happening in Libya today) be created all over Africa and the rest of Asia?
Last week, I sent a video of Amnesty International admitting that the allegation of “African mercenaries” was a lie; at the time, it was the U.S. and NATO that had employed mercenaries–not only the Qataris, U.S. contractors, Italians, French, and British special forces, but also including the members of the National Transitional Council. That message also included a video of an African beaten to death by these Libyan U.S./NATO allies. That message went viral and forced a response from the authorities. Please circulate this message widely so that maybe we can get some more responses from the Administration about its policy direction. Contact the White House at, tell them to bring our young men and women home, keep the tanks home, and don’t use them.
Tell the White House that you will cast your vote for peace–to stop the drones and bring our troops home.
Finally, a sad day in journalism continues. I just received word that the owner of the Atlanta Jewish Times, Andrew Adler, apologized for saying that the Israeli government ought to consider killing Barack Obama. This is outrageous. I have been “deconstructed” by this very same publication, so I am doubly saddened by this kind of loose talk by someone of authority and responsibility at the Atlanta Jewish Times indicating that assassinating President Obama should be an option that remains on the table for Israel to carry out. Enuff said.
Summmy by Alex Beck of MILLIONS of The Statement of the higher leadership of The Resistance:
to all rats this is last warning leave your camps go and hide in your houses , leave your check points , you have nothing to protect , We prepared huge army ready to liberate Libya , we will storm all your places if you didn't take it seriously , We tell Resistance members don't kill Old men & women , Children
بيان المقاومه الشرعيه(من غرفةAllah O Moamr O Libya O Bass)
بيان من قايد المقا
This sickens me every time I read the news! When are the war mongers in Washington going to leave the Libyan people alone. I pray that the Libyan people will one day get their country back. Now Syria is going to be there next victim. These blood thirsty Bankers don't care how many innocent people they have to kill to make a profit and to gain power! While these same mango-maniacs terrorize the middle east they also will be bringing tyranny to our shores!
On Saturday night, USA Tomahawk missiles from USA WARSHIP CARRIERS killed 120 people and injured over 20 more...
But American and Western People will never hear this...all the Western Press will publicize is the 4 SPIES (known as American HEROES) in Bengazi.
On 22 September 2012, Saturday night, USA Tomahawk missiles from USA WARSHIP CARRIERS killed 120 people and injured over 20 more at Azdo Bzletn..
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