Was U.S. Ambassador To Libya Lynched? Media Caught Lying Again?

Was U.S. Ambassador To Libya Lynched? Media Caught Lying Again?

  Posted by Alexander Higgins - September 12, 2012 at 9:38 pm - Permalink Source via Alexander Higgins Blog

Was U.S. Ambassador Lynched? Media Caught Lying Again?


Earlier today the US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens was killed by the same terrorist he helped put into power.

Following the initial reports  that he and 3 other Americans on his staff were murdered when terrorists fired Rocket Propelled Grenades on his vehicles the corporate media reported US officials were stating the attacks were planned beforehand.

Now both the official story about an RPG attack and hence claims that terrorist planned the attack beforehand are being brought into question.

The questions center around new evidence which appears to show that the Ambassador was in fact held captive and tortured by Libya militants prior to his death and then he was paraded on the streets after he was murdered.

Update: Reports – Murdered U.S. Ambassador To Libya Was Sexually Raped

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Corporate media caught lying again! What a surprise! Clearly it doesn't appear from the photograph that he was blown up. Sometimes I don't know what to believe anymore! Lies from the Politicians and from the Corporate owned Media. I believe there is still some good left in this World, and I pray that the truth will come out for the sheeple someday!

from Mark Robinson and Finnian Cunningham of "Global Research" we read:
'Regarding the Benghazi incident, the mass denial begins with basic facts. For example, most people refer to
 “the US consulate,” when in reality the US site in Benghazi was not an embassy or a consulate, or even a “compound”. It was a collection of villas (that is, a gated community) privately owned by one Mohammad Al Bishari, who was leasing the villas to US State Department personnel. (12)
Collectively the villas were what the US State Department calls an “interim facility”. It had a level of security known as “simple lock and key,” meaning it had no bulletproof glass, reinforced doors, US Marines, or other features common to embassies and consulates. (In Mexico, for example, Washington has an embassy and 22 consulates, but in Libya the US government had only a single embassy in Tripoli – and then, after the NATO bombardment campaign, used the Benghazi villas.)
The corporate media falsely use the term “US consulate” to make it seem that “terrorists attacked US sovereignty”. This justifies the “war on terror,” plus the past destruction of Libya.'


From MATHABA and others:
'The recent massive victories against the U.S. illegal occupation of Libya and the violation of laws and commission of crimes which are punishable by death, resulting in the deaths of 4 senior U.S. spies have been downplayed by foreign occupation media which portrays a picture opposite from reality....

After the heroic mission which claimed the lives of 4 senior CIA officers in Benghazi the U.S. and its allies are covering their failure to find even one single person responsible as the resistance melted back into the ranks of the masses.

The heroic attack upon the U.S. spy den in Benghazi which came after several hours heavy exchange of fire with the U.S. troops in the building, was a total success with the building gutted by fire which claimed the lives of 4 infidels, without even a single loss of Libyan life.

The occupation media subsequently attempted to lie about Libyan casualties yet was not able to produce a single body in evidence, whilst the four alien agents of Hilary Clinton and the U.S. zionist and oil lobbies, included top spies in Libya and also U.S. ambassador Stevens.

The resistance itself has taken on new and shifting alliances, after many Muslims in Libya who were previously moot in their support for the Jamahiriya which had become corrupted as widely reported on Mathaba News in recent years, but who have found a strong bond in times of hardship by reading Qur'an, the Law of Society in the Libyan Jamahiriya, and seeing that Jihad is called for against the infidels.

The masses of Libyans are able to see through the manifest hypocrisy of the loud-mouthed but uneducated fools laying pretence at Islam such as the so-called and self-appointed "Grand Mufti", as well as the drug-crazed and psychotic "brigades" which shout "Allahu Akbar" while committing the most heinous of sins.

the western occupation forces and businesses hoping to benefit from the occupation of Libya, are for the most part not only ignorant about the Libyan Jamahiriya and its history, as well as the longing of the Libyan people to have their real people's power back, which had been usurped in recent years, but also about the love of the people for their leader, Muammar Qadhafi.

Moreover, they are acutely unaware of the real feelings of Libyans toward them, as they are blinded by those weak elements who surround them, suck up to them, and almost worship their white asses in a competition for servility and opportunistic connections. '

Stevens was responsible for assisting the conspiracy to take over Libya starting at Benghazi in early 2011, by any means necessary. No U.S. ambassador has been lost anywhere in the world for the last 40 years, before the promise that Libya will be hell fire for the invaders.
Several Libyan senior rats, however, have repeated the false claim of Libyan deaths, among them the Libyan rats’ ambassador to the United Nations Organization, Ibrahim Dabbashi. He was reported stating on Wednesday that up to ten Libyan security staff were killed or wounded in the violence.

Libya’s Great Fool, the self-proclaimed “Grand Mufti”, and self-proclaimed “Sheikh” rat Sadeq Al-Ghariani, in his “fatwa” condemning of the attack and the killings, also stated that Libyan security staff had been killed “protecting the mission”, following instructions of his masters to show Libyan opposition where there was none.

However, in a tweet, rat Prime Minister-elect, Mustafa Abushagur stated categorically that “no Libyans died in the attack”.

Various rat military and regime groups, all of which use Facebook pages as their cheap means of communicating to their perceived supporters, at first posted then removed then posted then removed then posted then removed then posted then removed their various statements.

With constant contradictions among the rat forces every time they squeak they have become the laughing stock of not only Libyans but those who are following developments in the country, with glee, since the world is long tired of western arrogance and warmongering.

The Libyan bureaucrats’ clampdown on media information is understandable, since they want to hamper solidarity with the Green Resistance.
MASS DENIAL (by Mark Robinson & Finian Cunningham of “GLOBAL RESEARCH”

The Green Resistance has been increasingly active since October 2011, as will be shown below. They strike any NATO target they can, and they execute key Libyans who betrayed Gaddafi and sided with NATO. The Benghazi incident was merely their latest blow against what they see as NATO’s illegal occupation of their country.

Everyone in Libya knows about the Green Resistance, whose members are called “Tahloob” (Arabic for “Gaddafi loyalists”). The denial only happens outside of Libya, by the NATO powers and their dutiful Western mainstream media.

Because of this denial, and because most of the world’s people have forgotten about Libya, the internet is filled with blind guesses, unfounded claims, and ridiculous counterclaims (especially) regarding the Benghazi incident last week in which (fake) US (SPY) "Ambassador" Christopher Stevens and at least three other American personnel were killed. And the NATO lie factory is operating at full blast.

On 23 August 2012, Abdelmenom Al Hur, official spokesperson for the Supreme Security Committee, installed by NATO, held a press conference in which he admitted that Gaddafi loyalists had penetrated many official security units. He said that a whole barracks full of heavy armaments was under the control of a pro-Gaddafi cell that he called the Awfia Brigade. (The group’s members call themselves the “Martyr Gaddafi Brigade”.) The same Resistance brigade had briefly occupied Tripoli International Airport back in June 2012.

After the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens on 11 September 2012, the Resistance managed to shut down the Benina airport in Benghazi, which the US military was using as a drone base.

With the Resistance firing at US drones, the airport had become unsafe. A Turkish Afriqiyah Airlines flight with 121 people onboard was forced to turn back to Istanbul....
...NATO powers realize that Libya is far from subjugated and that they are being seriously tasked with crushing the Resistance before it gains critical mass.

Marines, drones, and warships have been sent to quash the Gaddafi loyalists – but how to find them? Even the FBI declined to “investigate” the latest attack in Benghazi, realizing that it would be pointless.

Libya presents Washington with another Afghan nightmare – only perhaps worse. If US drones start blasting Libyans, and the US military rounds up tens of thousands of suspected loyalists, then the Resistance can only become stronger. Of Libya’s 5.6 million people, only one in 10 (that is, the population of the eastern city of Benghazi) welcomed the NATO bondage and destruction of their country.

Meanwhile, the NATO powers do not want the Western public to realize any of this awkward truth. They want you to think that all Libyans are happy under NATO’s “liberation” with their Islamist terrorist proxies....

...the growing Resistance illustrates, the Western powers did not “liberate” Libya; they invaded a sovereign country and killed massively to execute their real, criminal agenda of regime change and theft of oil resources. Now the people of Libya are resisting this criminal conquest. And that damning truth has to be expunged at all costs.

Before the Benghazi incident, the corporate media had occasionally mentioned Gaddafi loyalists. After the incident, all such mention has suddenly ceased. The media say that “extremists” attacked the US site in Benghazi. Or “Al Qaeda” or “Islamists” or “terrorists,” or “protesters” – anyone but the Resistance.

Not true. The Green Resistance lives, and furthermore it is only getting started.



'Not one Libyan was martyred in the action, with the popular resistance cheered on by the mas
ses as they set the building ablaze, and sent four U.S. agents, including the U.S. Ambassador Stevens, to hell. Stevens was a key figure in financing and assisting the conspiracy against the Libyan Jamahiriya from the outset.

The U.S. regime has responded by increased attacks upon Libyan positions even hitting its allies which assisted, under the misinformation at the time, the conspiracy. Since then most Libyans who took part in the minority actions have realized their error and are increasingly united against the infidels.

The increased attacks are being carried out in cowardly manner by small remote-controlled "drone" aircraft, which sometimes spy on positions and at other times carry rockets that fire on the U.S. targets. Additionally the Great Satan has positioned it most heavy aircraft carriers and latest war planes off the Libyan coast.

The U.S. have also established a new terrorist cell in Libya as an advance unit for the warships Laboon and McFaul which are ready to assist in supporting the occupation of Libya.

The occupation regime is facing increasing turmoil amidst insecurity and its many contradictory elements, with each rat unable to trust the next. It also makes constant about turns in its pronouncements, points the fingers at each other, and always blames everything on anyone but themselves.
Over the course of the year, militants have staged attacks on a large number of targets, both foreign and domestic.

Increased Resistance

As the popular resistance has learned to survive and improvise, and avoids communications networks which are under the control of the enemy, it has made increasing strides toward hitting back at the alien forces and the local traitors assisting in the occupation of the country by proxy of heretics.

The very place from where the Great Al-Fateh Popular Islamic Revolution of 1st September 1969 was launched, and which resulted in the establishment of a Jamahiriya in line with the Holy Quranic verse "their affairs shall be among them under consultation", was used by the counter-revolution as its base in 2011.

Now strikes against all the unlawful organizations and entities present in the Libyan Jamahiriya have gathered momentum this year, with the United Nations, Red Cross, British Ambassador, American Consulate, Tunisian Consulate, and many other high profile targets including military traitors all having been hit with success.

15 high officer military traitors have been executed by the revolutionary force and others even abroad have been tracked and dealt with, while some high profile traitors have been silenced by the western intelligence agencies special operations forces themselves due to the information they hold and waking up to the reality.

To date, however, not a single arrest is believed to have been made in connection with any of these prior missions.

In recent weeks, the occupation regime has started to realize the level of cooperation between the resistance and elements within the regime. The masses are further angered at the use of heretics to destroy Islamic sites and attack religions in violation of the Laws of Holy Quran, carrying out the western zionist program.

American State Department Instructs Libya Stooges

The U.S. State Department Hilary Clinton sent her deputy to instruct the key persons in the Libyan Occupation Regime, including long-term CIA terrorist Magarief, as well as the occupation regime's "Prime Minister" and it's "Foreign Minister" on what they have to do.

This came in response to the weak position of the regime and the recent losses of the U.S. in Benghazi.'

Benghazi police refuse to serve under new chief

Posted: 2012/09/21
From: Mathabahttp://www.mathaba.net/members/?sh_itm=1648219e659aad4e4e3910b0a225... 

The police have staged a de facto mutiny by refusing to serve under the newly-appointed Colonel Salah Doghman who was appointed on orders of the U.S. following the heroic resistance actions

The Police in Benghazi are united defying the Occupation Government in Tripoli by refusing to serve under Colonel Salah Doghman, the man appointed to take over security in the city following last week’s heroic resistance action against the US Embassy / Safe House / Spy Den / Mission / Consulate / Unlawful Presence in Benghazi.

Doghman is due to replace Wanis Al-Sharif, the deputy occupation regime interior minister who had responsibility for eastern Libya and who was sacked for telling the truth about the actions against the U.S. unlawful entities, and Hussein Ahmedia, Benghazi’s chief of police, who was also sacked last week.

However, with the support of many of the masses in Benghazi, neither of the two have given up their posts. A clear split between the East and West of Occupied Libya is under-way with Benghazi wanting the 22,000 million Libyan Dinar promised last March, while only a mere 13 million have been given to the bankrupt city.

Sharif had been sacked for exposing the lies of the occupation regime which had claimed that Ansar Sharia group had been responsible for the attack. He had correctly stated that the jamahiri resistance had carried out the actions, and only after the spy den had opened fire on peaceful demonstrators.

He had also confirmed that the building had initially been empty but that after two spies had been shot dead in a nearby "secret safe house", the location of which was known to the popular jamahiri resistance forces, the Ambassador Stevens and another spy, head of communications known as "Vile Rat" Smith had sought refuge in a safe room inside the embassy.

After several hours of exchange of fire, the overwhelming force of the popular resistance gained control of the building and set fire to it, killing Stevens and Smith.

“These are very dangerous circumstances,” Doghman told the Reuters news agency.

“When you go to police headquarters, you will find there are no police. The people in charge are not at their desks. They have refused to let me take up my job.”

Doghman said he had been directly instructed by Rat Interior Minister Fawzi Abdelal to take over responsibility for the two posts, and that the de factomutiny by the Benghazi police threatened to undermine the authority of the government.

Use the army to force the police to let me take up my job (as instructed by the USA)

“I phoned the office of the interior minister. I told them, ‘You must take action, even use the army if you have to, to force the police to let me take up this job’,” he said.

It is understood that neither Sharif nor Ahmeida have left their posts, and that the police are threatening to walk out en masse if Doghman’s appointment is forced through.

“We see the decision taken by the [rat] Minister of the Interior as an attempt to find a scapegoat for the minister’s own failure to address the security issue and to cover up the ineptitude of his administration,” said the spokesman for a union of senior police officers, Izzedin al-Sazzani.

The crisis has cast yet another shadow over the occupation government, which has largely failed to stamp its authority over Libya’s still-fragmented security infrastructure, and potentially compromises investigations into the popular resistance actions.

On Tuesday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who is wanted for Crimes Against Humanity, announced that a team of FBI investigators had flown into Tripoli to assist the Libyan occupation regime in following up the American orders to find those responsible for having retaliated against the U.S.-led occupation.

MATHABA.NET (concerning Mark Robinson and Finian Cunningham):
'There are naturally* some errors in this piece and neither of the writers has been following Mathaba Libya news 
which is currently only available to donors and subscribers. Yet they arrive at the correct conclusion, the fact which was reported on Mathaba from our first report on September 11-12 with all other media ignoring the fact and wishing to cover it up. They also choose poor wording that Baghdadi Mahmoudi was re-arrested, without disclosing that he was never released and was being held illegally. The "Green Resistance" is aptly descriptive and they also give the local Libyan name used by "non-Tahloub" to describe the popular resistance who continue until the death to follow the Leader's Call for Jihad until victory or martyrdom. It contains much great information about the cover-up of the crusader defeat and should be circulated widely. It thankfully acknowledges that the jamahiri resistance is becoming well organized and more potent day by day and has succeeded to eliminate traitors and will continue to do so for all those who do not repent and assist in the liberation of the Libyan Jamahiriya. This is the only one of a few articles we have read so far that places the devil Stevens in his correct position. The researchers don't go to the Mathaba sources, perhaps a good thing under the current circumstances as we've not been covering Libyan Jamahiriya news in any consistent manner for the past year until re-launching in Hannibal (August). The other error in this article is "under Qadhafi". There was no under Qadhafi, it is WITH the Brother Leader and remains so.'

Thanks Christella for the info. I pray that the Libyan people get their Country back , and can begin rebuilding their lives! The illegal war that Obama started without the approval of the US Congress which goes against the US Constitution! 

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 8 - Powers of Congress

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The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the  and provide for the common Defence and general Welfareof the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To  Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To  exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

This war was about greed from the Criminal Elite that run England and the US Governments! I read about what Gaddafi did for his people. Free education, helped with housing, and had one of the most educated and highest standards of living in Africa. Our Government did not even do for us like he did for his people. When you try to tell most Americans this however they believe the misinformation and lies about this man! 

@ J. Patriot:

Your truthful and beautiful response must be known throuhout the world--and particularly now in the USA with all the rampant lies and horrors being imposed upon peoples.


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