The Illuminati Council of 13 aka Grand Druid Council !

The Western Illuminati Organization Chart. Source:

  • This is an excellent article on the Illuminati Council of 13. The Illuminist system is based on the Egyptian/Babylonian mystery religions. It is a system where the profane/secular class reports to the priestly class who communicates with the ‘gods’. The Council of 13 is this priestly class, in the Illuminist hierarchy, which reports to the Triumvirate of 3 (reportedly Rothschild Satanic bloodline). This Triumvirate of 3 communicates with demons, fallen angels–> Satan directly.
  • The Committee of 300 (the real world government) is the secular/profane class which handles the politics, organizations and secular work of the Illuminati. The Council of 13 sits way above the Committee of 300 in the Illuminati organization. The power behind the Illuminati is clearly non human ie. fallen spiritual beings.
    The Council of 13 is Made Up of the Global Elite Families from Around the World. A Tiny Handful of Billionaires is Secretly Ruling the World From High Above Common Society.
    The Council of 13 is the ruling group of the modern Illuminati, and they are made up of representatives from each of the 13 core families. The Illuminati is an extremely powerful secret society with roots that go well back into history, determining our direction.
    The group was formed in reaction to the Age of Enlightenment in the mid 1770s as a secret club of men who met to discuss rationalism, esoterica, philosophy and other popular subjects of the day.
    After the Illuminati was officially banned in its home country, the members simply left and went elsewhere to start other chapters of the society. There were soon sects of the Illuminati all over Europe. Through the centuries, membership in the Illuminati rose and fell, but a core of thirteen families remained the central structure of the group.
    Today these families are considered the top of the hierarchy of global elite families. Whenever you hear the phrase “global elite” being mentioned, chances are good that the person is referencing the Council of 13 that rules the Illuminati and the illustrious families that are represented there.
    Even though there are other families that are considered to be members of the global elite and that have vast financial and political influence, the Council of 13 represents the most powerful families on Earth.
    Information gathered from ex-members of the Illuminati says that the members of the Council hold meetings at regular intervals during the year, usually on days that are considered to be pagan or occult holidays. It’s also been speculated that the council meetings are steeped in Druidic symbolism and ritual and that the standing members of the Council, in addition to their roles as the global leaders of the Illuminati, are all also the spiritual heads of the Illuminati.
    They have the responsibility of performing certain rituals and rites to celebrate tradition and also to bring about the particular events that they are trying to put into motion. By performing these rituals and meeting during the year, the Council of 13 is said to be moving step by step toward putting a New World Order in place that will be a utopia for the members of the global elite but misery for everyone else.
    The members of the Council of 13 vary based on age and status, but there is always one member of the core families that make up the global elite represented on the Council in deference to the power and reach of those families. The families who have members serving on the Illuminati Council are either members of or related to the: Astor, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell and Van Duyn families.
    Some of those names are probably familiar to you as titans of finance and politics. The ones that aren’t so familiar to you are renowned mostly for their occult experience and religious power. These families all have ties to each other through marriage and also through blood so that the fortunes of each family are inextricably linked both to each other and to the success of the Illuminati plan to create a New World Order.
    The timing of the meeting of the Council often coincides with the most important elections around the world and the meetings of groups like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission which are groups founded by and made up of members of the global elite.
    While on the surface the Council meetings may seem to be just a chance for some old friends to get together and relive old times, the meetings are actually very serious affairs where there are religious obligations that need to be met and events that need to be created in order to take their plan for a New World Order Government to the next level.
    As the plan progresses, events are happening faster and in a more concentrated manner so the Council needs to work hard to manage the creation and execution of these events.
    It’s overwhelming for some people to think that there really is a global elite group that holds secret councils and shapes the events of the modern world. It’s an idea that is outside the realm of experience for many people in modern society.
    But that doesn’t mean it’s not true; it just means that the campaign waged by the global elite to keep their actions secret has worked. If you look at the evidence, you’ll see that the Council, and the plan for a New World Order, are undeniably real.


July 6, 2011 - Posted by mosesman | EndTimesGeoPoliticsHistoryIlluminatiNew_World_OrderSatan


  1. The council of 13 is completely unconstitutional. But how do we stop it. Short of taking up arms the ones we elect to hold to the constitution are the ones screwing us. I am a bit confused right now with how this is even possible but we are facing a new era of tyranny. the ones who we elected last term that actually stood on what they said during elections and stood on what we the people wanted are now being classified as terrorists
    Vice President Joe Biden said Monday that fiscal conservatives “acted like terrorists” during the debt-ceiling debate.
    Rep. Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania Democrat, that “We have negotiated with terrorists. This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”
    what do we as citizens do to stop this madness. it seems that electing representatives is not working ad now with the institution of this ‘super congress’ it is even less effective than before.

    Comment by Tulsa Liberty | August 4, 2011

  2. I have been studying this group for a long time, people used ot tell me I was wearing a tin foil hat because it was so unbelievable, they don’t say that anymore. I don’t know what kind of people follow this group but most of our TV newsmen and women are members of the CFR which is run by David Rockefeller with help from Henry Kissinger and they are the people that are getting thier minions into congress and the Pentagon, almost all of the top brass in the pentagon are CFR members, all of these people are just doing their bidding, I dont’ think half of them have a clue who they are joining in this group or their History.

    The CFR uses the UN to do their dirty work, they have followed orders and have done everything the CFR has told them to do , they are ruining our country and that is the idea, the new world order calls for no borders and a one world bank, that is the N American Union, by what authority they do this I don’t know, I know Bush signed this document and Obama also signed it so it is coming in as soon as they can get Arizona to go along with the program, then our country will be gone and our soverignty and all of south America and Mexico will be able to come and go as they please. A group of rich people who are members of the CFR often talk about depopulation, there have been attempts made with mosquitos to wipe out as many people as possible, it is also our food supply that is tainted according to Bill Gates who thought poisoning the staples was a great idea. This proves that too much money in the hands of fools is not a good thing ,

    It looks like their plan is working, I hope not, I can’t see why they are not just all thrown out of this country never to return, George Soros is a member of the CFR and he is as evil as they come but I dont’ think he is high on the pyramid , just an evil hanger on trying to curry favor by making our lives miserable and betting against America, hoping it will fail. He was kicked out of France for this hedge betting and I can’t see why we can’t kick him and the rest of the trash out of this country as well, let them go back to Europe and try it there, not here, my Moms cleaning lady was more elite than they are. How can anyone call Devil worshippers elite, they are all crazy?They may be dangerous but that’s only because they have money. We should arrest them for treason and confiscate their money then we’ll see how elite they really are, we could fix all the damage they have done with that money.

    I have no idea why we don’t have a house of UnAmerican activities in our Government, or a Judicial watch, We have no representation, no protections and this is what we wind up with. The muslims came in and already have CAIR an the Muslim Brotherhood and the ACLU and all of these protective groups to speak for them, we have no one and this is our country. Obama got into office with the help of George Soros, he was also a member of the CFR before he ran for President, so we know why he is here and why our country is falling apart. I say kick them all out and stop being mr.Nice guy, its not working for us.

    Comment by madhatter15 | August 16, 2011


Views: 1193

Replies to This Discussion

Do you think that The members of the Council of 13 have connections with the below people, & banks ? 

I know the Rothschilds are mentioned in the Council of 13, 

I know the below families and banks have an inordinate amount of say-so in how our country is being run? 
Just wondered what type of connection there is if any to these. 
Sorry If i've missed something in the above post, and what I have read. I'm new to knowledge on the Council of 13 except hearing what Brian and his friends have talked about it. 

1) The Rothschild Family - London
2) The Rothschild Family - Berlin
3) The Lazard Brothers - Paris
4) Israel Seiff - Italy
5) Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany
6) The Warburgs - Amsterdam
7) The Warburgs - Hamburg
8) Lehman Brothers - New York
9) Goldman & Sachs - New York
10) The Rockefeller Family - New York


 We do have a "judicial watch" in congress.. it's called the OCE. Office of Conressional Ethics,

it is the only quasi-independent government body whose sole mandate is to formally investigate members of congress.... etc...
But guess what.. Congress wants to do away with it!!!
Go figure huh.. the people that the OCE investigates wants to rid the people of this government body.

Yes they do have connections below with the people below them which is the committee of 300 and people below them They give them their orders on how to proceed. The Rothschild are the head of the council of 13, they may not even be human per say and they answer directly to Satan himself and his demons. People below the council are taking orders but still have some choices that they make but beyond that they are puppets.


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