Former Newark Airport TSA screener says the job does little to keep fliers safe

It is perhaps America’s most unsafe airport. Despite being the launching point for one of the planes hijacked on 9/11 — Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania — Newark Airport has had numerous security violations since. The latest: a fake bomb that made it past Transportation Security Administration officers. Here, a Newark TSA screener who recently left the agency tells how silly policies and lazy workers do little to stop real threats:

A LOT of what we do is make-believe.

I’ve had to screen small children and explain to their parents I had no choice but to “check” them. I would only place my hands on their arms and bottom half of their legs, and the entire “pat-down” lasted 10 seconds. This goes completely against TSA procedure.

Because the cameras are recording our every move, we have to do something. If someone isn’t checked or even screened properly, the entire terminal would shut down, as this constitutes a security breach.

But since most TSA supervisors are too daft to actually supervise, bending the rules is easy to do.

Did you know you don’t need a high-school diploma or GED to work as a security screener? These are the same screeners that TSA chief John Pistole and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refer to as a first-class first line of defense in the war on terror.

These are the employees who could never keep a job in the private sector. I wouldn’t trust them to walk my dog.

An agent got through Newark last week with an improvised explosive device? That’s not even news to anyone who works there. It happens all the time. The failure rate is pretty high, especially with federal investigators, and the pat-down itself is ridiculous. As invasive as it is, you still can’t find anything using the back of your hand on certain areas.

When there are internal tests, conducted by the Newark training department, it’s easy to cheat because they use our co-workers. You could be working with someone all morning, and then they’re gone. Word gets around the checkpoint. Someone will come over to you and say, “Hey, it’s Joe. He’s got a blue duffel bag.”

What are the chances of you being on a flight where something happens? We always said it’s not a question of if terrorists get through — it’s a question of when. Our feeling is nothing’s happened because they haven’t wanted it to happen. We’re not any big deterrent. It’s all for show.

A real pat-down is when a police officer pulls you over, uses his hands to search, actually goes into your clothes. We have to use the back of our hands around certain areas. It just doesn’t work. It’s a really bad way to pat somebody down.

If I had to guess, I’m sure lots of things get through. One screener told me about something he did going through security when he went on vacation. Let’s just say the screeners did not catch something that was really obvious to anyone who was paying attention.

Most TSA screeners know their job is a complete joke. Their goal is to use this as a stepping stone to another government agency.

We work in a culture where common sense has no place. All but a very few TSA personnel know they’re....REST OF IT

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Terrorists: 0

Americans: 8 million/yr


I could not agree MORE with this TSA "Whistle-blower as I am also former law enforcement from other agencies like U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Customs/Immigration/SDPD/USMint Police, etc..and you have to use experience, training and "common sense" to properly screen people. I have patted down and even strip searched quite a few people. I know from experience what "things" should feel like and what is "abnormal". Usually the "abnormal" resulted in a narcotics, contraband, or even weapons and guns. I have over 25 years expertise and when I worked at the U.S. Border, I was able to screen thousands of people in an 8 hour shift. Either way the possibilities were "endless".

   Working security for aircraft on the other hand is a little bit more "sensitive" as you are dealing with People's lives as they are allowed to go aboard an airplane. That requires more specialized law enforcement expertise and "behavioral analysis" and being able to "read" people rather than playing these silly games checking out the wrong "profiles". I know, cause I profiled for a living.

I respect the Israeli Military IDF and it's intelligence services very much. El Al has has a very successful security screening process and "experts" also flying on board of the planes where WE in the United States have been lacking in many areas for many years. At least 45 plus years in my opinion. Probably longer. Military planes are another problem as well.

The U.S. does not seem to have the correct people with the right expertise and we are always "behind' in up to date equipment while other countries are ahead of the U.S. Only until a disaster occurs, do WE do something about it. Sometimes, I think our so called "government" makes mistakes in order for someone else to "benefit". Smuggling still occurs as our Government is directly involved in it. Corruption still occurs as our own U.S. Attorney's, Judges and law enforcement are directly involved.

P.S. I had a personal experience with how some TSA "agents" operate. They hire people who do illegal things, like carrying guns off duty and they do NOT have the authority to carry and yet, they try to "screen" Federal Law Enforcement Agents who ARE allowed to carry weapons aboard airplanes. (What's wrong with that?) Also I have heard it directly from a "female" TSA employee on how another TSA female employee was altering her TSA credentials for some reason. One another occasion, I actually accompanied a female TSA agent to a shooting range to see how she was handling a firearm. She FAILED safety and laid down a "Loaded" semi-auto without "clearing" the chamber and making it safe. NEVER AGAIN!!! Thanks to Tom Ridge and the mess that started years ago. Until they put someone with real law enforcement experience in the White House or it's Staff, WE are all "Screwed". Politicians have NO PLACE in national security!!! Remember Benghazi Hillary Clinton !!!!!    

Not sure about what was said exactly by Haskell and it is possible Chaney did "benefit" like a lot of others in high places when they trade off millions for "Government contracts".(The land of opportunity!) Isn't America great!!?? We use K-9 Dogs for ALL of the above, but we are NOT as adept as the Israeli's are. I can list ALL kinds of U.S. Government F**k ups and they still won't listen. (REMEMBER BENGHAZI!!!) Commercial ! NOTE: Google a German Shepherd's noise vs. other dog types and humans. Our noses can only smell 2,000 to 5,000 PPM. A German Shepherd(I love them!) can smell upwards of over 20,000 to 50,000 PPM. We have also had computerized machines that can "smell" electronically a "swatch" of someone's clothing, or a dollar bill in their wallet.(Drugs or explosive) Maybe "other" things WE won't go into now. Pretty soon, we will talk about how the Government uses mental telepathy in Super Top Secret missions. Educate yourselves and open your hearts & minds. My respect to ALL of you on this site. WE maybe able to solve a few things by just "talking". Remember, it only started with 13 colonies and now look at us! We need to get back to basics again...... John 

ya, not really a news flash eh??....tell us sumfin we dunno already



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