Gary Samore, a top Obama administration national security official, warned of new sanctions if North Korea conducted a third round of nuclear tests on Monday, as reports surfaced that North Korea has miniaturized its nuclear warheads so they can be delivered by ballistic missile.
North Korea’s last round of tests, conducted in May 2009, appear to have included a “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting enough gamma rays to disable the electric power grid across most of the lower 48 states, says Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA nuclear weapons analyst and president of EMPact America, a citizens lobbying group.
Samore, who handles arms control and non-proliferation issues, warned that “additional strong sanctions will be imposed on the North with the support of Russia and China."
North Korea’s nuclear tests have been dismissed as failures by some analysts because of their low explosive yield. But Dr. Pry believes they bore the “signature” of the Russian-designed “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting more gamma radiation than a 25-megaton nuclear weapon.
Pry believes the U.S. intelligence community was expecting North Korea to test a first generation implosion device with an explosive yield of 10 to 20 kilotons, similar to the bomb the U.S. exploded over Nagasaki in 1945. He said, “So when they saw one that put off just three kilotons, they said it failed. That is so implausible."
The technology for producing a first generation implosion weapon has been around since 1945, and is thoroughly described in open source literature.
South Korean defense minister, Kim Kwan-jin, told his country’s parliament on Monday that North Korea had succeeded in miniaturizing its nuclear weapons design, allowing them to place a nuclear warhead on a ballistic missile.
His analysis coincided with Congressional testimony in March by Lt. Gen. Ronald L. Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, who stated that North Korea “may now have several plutonium-based warheads that it can deliver by ballistic missiles.”
The Soviet Union conducted an atmospheric test of an EMP weapon in 1962 over Kazakhstan whose pulse wave set on fire a power station 300 kilometers away and destroyed it within 10 seconds.
Yes, I have the original movie and the remake on my external hard drive. On the flip side, the movie does have quality in showing that we must fight to remain free on our own soil. Truth is, a real life production would show that we are already invaded/taken over from within. A helpful remedy might display a real need for some awesome long distance sharp shooters ("snipers") who are not afraid to start popping-off politicians, bankers, Wall Street executives, etc...
You know, all the real asswipes who come prepacked with "golden" parachutes.
Careful man lol. Don't forget, the constitution can be used against civilians too. The founders also had insurrection in mind after their revolution. There was still about a third of the populace that was loyal to the crown at that time. They would have been thought of as what we might call conservatives. It's pretty cool how the founders knew tyranny in all it's forms and strategized against it.
I don't think violence is the key. People start doing that, and you'll get martial law fast. They've got the gear, probably shouldn't provoke them into using it.
Of course, brother, I am non-violent. I was talking movie productions here. Speaking of which, "Shooter" is one of my favorite movies. Who says our leaders are the only ones who get to create a terrorist deck of cards? Why can't we have our own loaded deck?
You see the new Bourne movie yet? That's about as conspiracy fact as it gets in a Hollywood movie.
The Shooter was really good. I like Wahlberg too. They did him dirty in that movie. Was sort of a remake of Dealey Plaza just modernized, with a really cool patsy.
Yes, I have all the Bourne movies too. Krypt, I don't know if it's just my intuition running amuck or what, but I feel as though something is about to break real soon. Another major event to usher in whatever plans have been hatched. I'm glad I took the time to prepare as best I could.
Things been moving pretty fast since NDAA. Start of 2012, basically. I'm guessing a mass shooting is in queue. The buzz words demonizing people that can see the tyranny are 'Tea Party' and gun owners, or 'gun huggers' as we are called. My guess is, fairly soon they are going to try to make the connection between mass shootings and one of these buzz words. They tried it with Lanza associating that event with the words, 'prepper', and 'NRA.' Lanza's mother was a prepper, and Lanza reportedly had NRA literature. They talked about it like it was some kind of incriminating evidence.
They're going to be coming after the guns for the next four years. That is exactly what Obama did as soon as he got reelected. Shows how baad they want to take away that right.
Incrementally they're going to pass gun laws, state by state, for the next four years. By next election, we're going to really have a better idea, which states have completely fallen to the nwo corruption judging by their restrictions on the second amendment.
The problem isn't that you will need candles & flashlights to see at night, the problem is that Nuclear Power Plants only have 2 weeks worth of fuel on site to maintain cooling. If/when the grid goes down we are looking at 400+ Fukushimas ALL AT ONCE!
Read On...
Dude, you're scaring the sh#t out of the children.
Looked into. Doubt it could happen. The reactors have generators and back up batteries. Unless they allowed them to melt down it wouldn't likely happen from a blackout or massive emp attack.
Federal law mandates that nuke plants have 2 weeks of fuel on hand to supply energy for cooling. That's it. If you think the government is competent enough to come rushing in and maintain cooling for all the nation's nuke plants WHEN the grid goes down (regardless of cause, be it EMP or solar flares) you are seriously naive.
This is a BIG issue.
Please Watch:
Alex talks with environmentalist, bestselling author, and MIT trained engineer Matt Stein, who will talk about his article, 400 Chernobyls: Solar Flares, EMP, and Nuclear Armageddon. Stein’s latest book is When Technology Fails.
This is NOT something to pooh pooh.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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