Homeland Security Running Nationwide Terrorism Drill Today: 'Operation Independence'

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
July 4, 2013


The Department of Homeland Security is conducting a “top secret” drill codenamed ‘Operation Independence’ across the United States today, during which officers in riot gear as well as undercover agents will patrol transport hubs.



According to a report by KTTV, the exercise is a “full scale terrorism drill” taking place nationwide. In Los Angeles, the drill involves the LA County Sheriff’s Department, Homeland Security and TSA agents, as well as plain clothed officers who will be, “working undercover, looking like any other passenger, they scour faces, briefcases and backpacks, looking for anything out of the ordinary.”

Officials claim the drills are to make the public feel “safe” in light of claims that the alleged Boston Bombers had planned a July 4 terror attack in New York.

According to Nicole Nishida of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Americans will celebrate their “independence” from tyranny by submitting to random bag searches.

Although the drill is “high visibility” in one sense – cops dressed in riot gear will be involved – many details of the exercise remain “top secret and that’s the way it should be. Only they need to know what the game plan is,” reports KTTV.

Instead of asking hard questions about what precisely taxpayer dollars were being spent on, the news channel prostituted itself to become a mouthpiece for the authorities, justifying the drill by hyping the threat of terrorism – when in reality academic studies show that Americans are more likely to be killed by accident-causing deer, severe allergic reactions to peanuts, or bee stings than they are by terrorists.

“What we need to know, or rather be reminded of, is that the threats, homegrown and imported, are all too real. And in one way, we’re all undercover agents who need to be aware of our surroundings,” states the report, encouraging Americans to become spies for the state.

The report also failed to mention that virtually all of the major domestic terror plots in the United States over the last decade have been “hatched by the FBI,” as the New York Times reported.

L.A. County’s Homeland Security Division chief Ted Sexton admitted that the DHS drill was not based on “any credible threat information.”

The sycophantic KTTV report even urged Americans to say “thank you” to uniformed agents who would be eyeballing them at at Union Station.

As we reported yesterday, many Americans frustrated with over the top security measures have given up on celebrating Independence Day altogether, noting that the stifling precautions have left them with little “freedom” to exercise.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.


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  Leather obsessed bondage freaks indulging themselves over arresting those attacking the U.S.. Truly, a stupid pack of wankers. They all deserve prison and the disbanding of the DHS and TSA. Semper fidelis.


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