Illuminati /Masonic designs of America, Our Money, Our Capital and more

Martin Wagner in his life’s work “Freemasonry – An Interpretation” under the chapter dealing with Masonic symbols and their meaning he writes: “The All Seeing Eye is a symbol of the Masonic deity and expresses the universal presence of the generative principal in nature, especially as the male and female principles combined.  The Masonic deity is viewed as a sexual binary, that is that the male and female principles are inherent in him.” 

The eye inside the triangle is an ancient pagan symbol, signifying the brotherhood's ability to infiltrate and watch all things. For example, the British Intelligence arm of MI5 (logo at left) complete with 'The All-Seeing Eye,' like most other spying agencies is a creation of Judeo-Masonry, clearly proven by the elements contained within the design of the emblem.  If you extend the truncations encompassing the letters, M, I and V - you will clearly form an upside down triangle.  Proving yet again, the same common denominator at the root of all Luciferic logo’s and emblems.

Victor Ostrovsky, a former Israeli Mossad agent and now best-selling author, became internationally famous in 1990 when he published his first book “By Way of Deception,” which documented the outrages committed by the Israeli Secret Service.  The Mossad, considered by intelligence experts to be the most ruthless and well-funded spy agency in the world, doesn't take kindly to defectors, and Ostrovsky’s life has been in danger ever since he went public with his first blockbuster book.  Logo of the Mossad: "kee betachbulot ta'ase lecha milchama" Translation: "By way of deception thou shalt do war."


The Latin words "ANNUIT COEPTIS" translate to "Announcing the creation or beginning". Below them, "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" translates to a "New secular order" with the year written in Roman numerals at the base of the Pyramid.  This insignia was duly adopted by the U.S. Congress as the reverse of the seal of the United States on September 15, 1789.  The appearance of this emblem of the Illuminati on U.S. one-dollar bills, meant that the followers of Weishaupt regarded their efforts as beginning to "be crowned with success" and that they were even then, (1933) close to total control of the U.S. Government.

The pyramid is also a symbol of the Knights Templar of Freemasonry and a Zionist symbol and the Hexagram (Hexalpha) is used extensively by Royal Arch Masons, which is part of the York Rite Masonry - also a Zionist symbol.  Both seals combine symbolism of all Masonic Orders, where the Eagle is a symbol of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.  Masonic initiates elevated to the 33 (Luciferian) degrees are given a "jewel" to wear - three interlocking triangles, with the Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao" (Order from Chaos). Lucifer is rightly called the "Author of Confusion." For Masonic “wisdom" teaches that out of Chaos shall come Order – their version.  Planned chaos will lead to calls from the “mob” (the stirred-up, unenlightened masses) for more.. government control, more.. government programs, more and more government imposed …O R D E R.

As an interesting illustrative exercise, take a ruler and a copy of a US one dollar note and pencil outline the pyramid with a triangle. Now take the pyramid and draw a line under the base of the capstone and extend it left to right extended to the A in ANNUIT and the S in COEPTIS. Now draw lines from the end of this line down to the last O in ORDO to then finish the Hexagram.  Draw circles around all five letters to which the Hexagram points. These letters make the word MASON.


Another interesting exercise is when the Great Seal is overlaid with the Illuminati Crest.  By doing this you will see how the eye in the triangle symbol, matches perfectly with the centroid of the stars within the crest, leaving an unmistakable message for the initiated elites, clearly illustrating that Satan and the so-called “Star of David” or more correctly the “Double Divinity” are representative of one and the same.

The 32 feathers on the left wing of the eagle signify the 32 degrees of the Scottish Rite

The 32 feathers on the left wing of the eagle signify the 32 degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The right wing has 33 feathers for the extra 33rd honorary degree and inner head of the Scottish Rite.  George Washington (himself on the front of the One-Dollar Bill) was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason. The 9 tail feathers indicate the 9 additional degrees of the York Rite of Freemasonry. There are13 olives and 13 leaves on the olive branches, 13 arrows in the other eagle's claw, 13 stripes on the shield, 13 stars above the eagle in the form of a Hexagram, 13 letters in "E PLURIBUS UNUM", 13 letters in "ANNUIT COEPTIS", 13 rows of bricks in the pyramid. To the Cabbalist, the number13 is associated with the Snake, or serpent, a familiar Judeo-Masonic symbol of antiquity.


To the adepts, the Pyramid is symbolic of a mountain. A Square base represents the four corners of the World and the four directions.  Its peak rises to the sky, piercing the heavens, where it connects Heaven and Earth.  It is a path between the worldly and the heavenly.  It combines the triangular symbol and that of the square, the sacred numbers 3 and 4.  Also the word "pyramid" is composed of the Greek words "pyra" meaning fire, light, or visible, and the word "midos" meaning measures. The pyramids of Giza are among the oldest man-made structures in existence and were used, among other things to indicate solstices and equinoxes. The ancient Pythagorean relationship represented by a 3-4-5 right triangle is displayed in the dimensions of the King's Chamber, however the Pythagorean relation was not identified until 497 B.C.  Interestingly, the length of the diagonals of the antechamber within the very heart of the Great Pyramid is exactly 666 pyramid inches with the outer mantle composed of exactly 144,000 casing stones. 


Though many well-meaning, but ignorant Christians have attempted to prove that the "Founding Fathers" of the American Republic were venerators of the True God, their open affiliation with Masonic Lodges and their undisguised use of its symbols, clearly betrays their faith to have been nothing more than thinly disguised Baal worship. If America was truly founded as an explicitly Christian nation, as is continually proclaimed by “Judeo-Christian" activists such as James Dobson, Pat Robertson, D. James Kennedy, Chuck Colson, Tim and Beverly LaHaye, Jerry Falwell, Bill Gothard, etc., then why do we find no mention whatsoever of Jesus Christ in America's founding documents? -- not in The Declaration of Independence nor in The Constitution of the United States! In fact, the Constitution does not even make a single reference to God! And the only reference to god in The Declaration of Independence is merely "Nature's God," a god that is vague and subordinated to natural laws that everyone should know through common sense, or "self-evident" truths?  Moreover, the Bible is never mentioned nor alluded to in either document!  It is presently believed from reliable sources, that of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 50 were Masons and/or Rosicrucians.


Most people don’t realise that America is steeped in Idol worship replete with all of its associated symbology that is all but hidden to the profane - solid and undeniable proof of its status as the “New Babylon.”  The city of Washington DC, was built especially under the guidance of the Columbian faction of Weishaupt's Illuminati.  It was to become the centre of governorship for the Order of the New World and became known among the adept’s as “The New Egypt.”  The Rothschilds, Hapsburgs, Hanovers and others at that time who made up the ranks of the “Illuminated Ones” already controlled Europe, having subverted almost all the monarchies of that continent through the introduction of paper debt and Fractional Reserve Banking.  This had enabled the banking dynasties to loan vast sums of ethereal credit to nations which more than effectively accrued an unrepayable debit due in the REAL currency of gold or silver.  Thus the power brokers were able to move in and seize control of the financial and economic apparatus of the target nations in question – a brilliant ploy.

Upon seceding from the British Empire through force of arms, the Founding Fathers were nevertheless themselves not immune to the encroaching and omnipresent influence of the European banking cartels upon their freshly won soil.  The war of 1812, financed almost completely by the Rothschilds, was a desperate attempt to bring the disobedient, colonial “red-headed step-child” to heel.  Behind the scenes, plans had been laid for a new capital to be constructed and based on the ancient esoteric knowledge and magic of Old Egypt.

Weishaupt's Illuminati had taken many of its guiding principles from the top levels of Freemasonry and had incorporated them into its charter.  Thus a site had to be found in the New World, which faithfully reflected that of the worship home of the ancient demonic trinity, Osiris, Isis and Horus of Egypt.  A fever-ridden swamp along the banks of the Potomac suited their purposes admirably, where its river course and tributaries closely resembled that of the Nile and its course southward into the African interior.  The land chosen by this river was parcelled into lots and carefully numbered, with the city plans having been drawn up by a French Mason L'Enfant years before.  The positioning of the US town of Alexandria faithfully mirrors its counterpart in Egypt.  Later, other towns and monuments celebrating the pervading demon-gods of Egypt would be constructed such as the pyramid in Memphis, and the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas.

Today the city of Washington - District of Columbia, is a veritable mirror of Illuminist endeavour, a city-temple meticulously constructed according to the religious rites of Freemasonry where even street names are connected to famous Freemasons.  Incorporated into its street design can be seen the Sphinx, the thirteen tiered pyramid with the All Seeing Eye of Horus staring straight down the avenue into the White House.  The US Capital, built incidentally upon Lot 666, is shaped into the Goat of Baphomet and sits atop a truncated pyramid.  The Washington Monument symbolises the venerated male organ of Osiris.

According to legend, the ancient emperor, Nimrod (later deified as Osiris), was hunted down shortly after the Flood by one of Noah's sons, Shem, and brought to trial for crimes and abominations committed against God.  Nimrod was tried by an assize of 49 judges in Egypt and sentenced to death by dismemberment, his 13 body parts carried into the various corners of the known world and displayed as an example to the world of the consequences of blasphemy and apostasy against the Most High.  Nimrod's wife, the beautiful witch Semiramis, resolved to seek out the pieces of her husband's body and found all but the penis, which later became a symbol of veneration and worship by the pagans as the bringer of life and the ultimate generative principle. Thus phallic worship became the staple diet of ancient Egyptian religious culture.  Nimrod became deified as Osiris (Ammon-Ra), his wife Semiramis as Isis, and the Earth mother goddess. 




Take a good street map of the Washington DC area and its immediate surroundings. You can see in it many MAJOR Masonic symbols in the street layout: The Square, the Compass, the Rule and the Pentagram. Notice the Capitol. Facing the Capitol from the Mall and using the Capitol as the head or top of the Compass, the left leg of the Compass stands on the White House and the right leg stands on the Jefferson Memorial. The circle drive and short streets behind the Capitol form the head and ears of what some of the more deep-level practitioners of witchcraft call the Goat of Mendez or Goat's Head.


On top of the White House is an inverted 5-pointed star of Satanism. The point is facing south in true occult fashion. It sits within the intersections of Connecticut and Vermont Avenues north of Dupont and Logan Circles, with Rhode Island and Massachusetts Avenues going to Washington Circle to the west and Mt. Vernon Square on the East.  The Pentagram or five-pointed star is, of course, both a Masonic symbol and the ancient symbol of witchcraft. With its point facing down (or south, when placed on the ground) it is especially associated with Satanism. Satanists can be found wearing the inverted pentagram frequently; and it appears on the cover of many black magic books, including THE SATANIC BIBLE.


The centre of the pentagram is 16th Street where THIRTEEN blocks due north of the very center of the White House, the Masonic HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE* sits at the top of this occult iceberg. The "House Of The Temple" is the headquarters of the Council of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Within the walls of this pagan temple lies buried the corpse of Albert Pike, the former Grand Pontiff of all the lodges of Universal Freemasonry throughout the world. The Washington Monument, which happens to be an EXACT DUPLICATE of the "sun images" or alters of Baal which stood in ancient Babylon and Egypt, itself stands in perfect line to the intersecting point or the form of the Masonic square, stretching from the House Of The Temple to the Capitol building.


Let's commence our detailed tour by visiting the library of congress where we learn that the U.S. Capital is really called the " Temple of Liberty" or the Capitols Temple of Justice and Faith or for that matter that the true names of the U.S. Capital’s East and West porticos are as follows East Portico "TEMPLE OF THE SUN" and the West Portico and Dome, known as the Temple of the Moon.  Know also that in the prayer room of the U.S. capital "Temple of Liberty" as it was called during it's construction, hangs a stained glass version of the obverse side of the Great Seal.  Not only are there temples to the Sun and the Moon and six pointed stars - but there are also statues and paintings of the . . . “gods.”

If you walk inside the U.S. Capital building and look up. You will see a giant fresco of George Washington seated in the heavens and flanked by ancient goddesses. And besides Washington, you will see other founding fathers, such as Benjamin Franklin being instructed by Minerva the goddess of war. Robert Morris, the financier of the American Revolution, is shown being handed a bag of gold by Mercury, the god of pickpockets and thieves. Why are the gods and goddesses of ancient Rome sprinkled throughout the capital grounds, and atop the capital domes of the several States? Why are gods and goddesses on official State seals? How could a "Christian Nation" ever deliberately place the Pagan gods of Rome in its capital buildings and on official documents?

The Washington Beltway is shaped like the skull of Satan with the little horn of the Antichrist mentioned in the book of Daniel.  Gallows Road forms the mouth of the skull; the nasal cavity by Route 66 and the eye to the skull is the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia.  The total circumference of the Beltway (Route 495 (4+9+5=18=6x6x6)) is 66.6 miles precisely.


Arlington cemetery contains pathways that seem to be randomly shaped.  However if one maps these and shades them in, the face of Isis is clearly seen, and if the pattern is reversed, the child (French: L'Enfant) of Satan (the Antichrist) becomes visible.  Bordering this area is the aptly named military headquarters of the New World Order - The Pentagon.


The Watergate centre is shaped as a reversed `JC' (Jesus Christ).  In satanic circles, the reversal of holiness is unholiness.  A little to the east, decorating the frieze of the Department of Agriculture building is a row of stone swastikas, which stare directly across the avenue at the Jewish Holocaust Memorial.  Rock Creek Park is in the shape of a goat - plainly so.  Other research documents display an intricacy to the artwork contained in the streets that map out mythological scenes from ancient Egypt and the pantheon of their pagan gods.  This is clearly not the capital city of the God implied in the Founding Documents, but of another - yet to make his final, if futile attempt, to subvert the eternal rule of Jesus Christ.  The name of this “god” is Lucifer, the Shining One, represented by the sun, so faithfully depicted on the Shell Oil logo, 76 gasoline, United Artists, the Japanese national flag and countless other seemingly innocuous logo’s.

Today, Washington DC is a city built in the shape of a 10-mile square.  The square is oriented like a diamond, split into the upper and lower triangles.  This is the same shape as the so-named “Star of David” which also symbolises the twin-god theology of paganism. Interesting also that in Lafayette Park there is a flowerbed, which has a unique arrangement; it can be clearly seen from the air to be "the all seeing eye". Lafayette, who the park was named after, was a prominent Freemasonic General.


The Washington Monument in Washington, D.C, is modelled after a classic Egyptian obelisk.  According to the historian Diodorus, Queen Semiramis in Babylon erected a 130-foot tall obelisk. The obelisk was a popular edifice in Egypt and was associated with sun worship. The erect upright pointed column represents the phallus, the male sex organ, of Baal (Nimrod). An obelisk within a circle represents the sex act between male and female. The Washington Monument sits within a circle. Freemasonry planned, designed, and created the Washington Monument.  Here again we see this common, recurring theme of Babylonian worship, with its emphasis on sexual perversion. The monument itself is exactly 555 feet in visible height (6,660 inches).  However tourist guides to the obelisk tell us that 20% of its overall height forms part of the foundations in order to stabilize the monument.  Thus the true height of the obelisk is 666 feet.

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City of Lux, and Death.

“In early Mediterranean mythologies, in Egypt, Babylonia and elsewhere – the Eye is symbolic of the deity: Eye of Ra, Eye of Atum, Eye of Osiris, EYE OF HORUS  etc.  It has been argued that the Hellenes conquered the Jews and were in turn conquered by Judaic modification of their philosophical systems.  There is much to be found in Talmudic literature involving evil spirits, evil impulses and where the “Evil Eye” (ayin ha ra) abound in the folklore of the Jews, that even required rabbinical legislation.  The Jews of England were forbidden to attend the coronation of Richard the Lion-heart (1189) for fear that an evil eye might harm the crown.  So feared was the purported power of the Jew, that the German word for evil eye remains “Judenblick” (Jews glance).

The quote is used as one evidence for the interpretation:

Continuing further to prove the undeniable link between Rabbinical/Talmudic Judaism and occult sun-worship,

Here the author is complete wrong. Meaning of "Rabbinical/Talmudic Judaism" must be understood as including Rothschild/Freemasonry. The author views "Rabbinical/Talmudic Judaism" as a "religion", while it is a race, the Khazars. The Khazars were tradionally warriors/financiers and were not Jewish. The only relation they have to Ancient Egyptians is by study and copyworks of symbolism. The Khazars assimilated Lucifer as God in their intepretation of Judaism, as that was adaptable to their paganist traditions.


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