Time Magazine: Uproarious Laughter Forces Headline Change as Ice Age Threatens the Magazine's Global Warming Agitprop

Time Magazine: Uproarious Laughter Forces Headline Change as Ice Age Threatens the Magazine's Global Warming Agitprop

Time Magazine sported its Statist regalia earlier today with a truly funny article entitled "Snowstorm: East Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change".

After the laughter subsided, visitors to its website noticed that the headline had changed to "Another Blizzard: What Happened to Global Warming?.

I emailed Time with a suggestion for a new headline -- "Serial Blizzards
That Resemble a New Ice Age Prove Global Warming Is Real" -- but have
not yet heard back.

In all seriousness, the text of the article is something out of a rejected SNL skit: it's just too preposterous.
Some of my favorite quotes?

• "There is some evidence that climate change could in fact make such massive snowstorms more common,
even as the world continues to warm." And there's also evidence that
eating five bags of pork rinds a day could cause you to lose weight,
but I can't quite prove that yet.

• "While the frequency of storms in the middle latitudes has decreased as the climate has warmed,
the intensity of those storms has increased. That's in part because of
global warming — hotter air can hold more moisture..." And stupid
people can hold more crap, but I digress.

• "But as far as winter storms go, shouldn't climate change make it too warm for snow to
fall? Eventually that is likely to happen — but probably not for a
while." Or at least not until we've passed Cap-and-Trade and the new
Lightbulb Bill.

• "As global temperatures have risen, the winter ice cover over the Great Lakes has shrunk, which has led to even more
moisture in the atmosphere and more snow in the already hard-hit Great
Lakes region." See, it's easy to follow: warming has shrunk ice cover
in that region while greatly increasing the snow cover!

No mention of ClimateGate. No mention of missing weather stations. No
mention of corrupted or intentionally destroyed data. No mention of the
glaciers that were supposed to melt next week.

Just the Democrat-Statist talking points, recited to an audience that's disappearing faster than a gallon of ice cream in front of Michael Moore's pie hole.

Time Magazine thinks its readers are really, really dumb. Perhaps the few
that remain are truly stupid. But I kinda doubt it. They'd be working
for Time if they were that dumb.


Views: 543

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I'am amazed that there are people who still believe this b.s.,but quite apparently some people can be convinced of anything,wow.
Well during the election 08 I remember HBO saying, "Im not going to hoodwink you, Im not going to bamboozle you like John McCain, but yet that is happening and it is happening on both sides of the fence. All I can say is that God still controls the weather even though they aare busy at weather modification.

They are not only busy with weather modification but they also have in place Codex Alimentarius
Here is the history of Codex and what the world elite plan on doing to us and our food supply starting Dec 31st 2009, its already happening
Makes about as much sense as running HOT water over a burn.....does it not?
Brilliant! Nearly fell off my seat wetting myself. I feel so sorry for the poor hack who had this placed on his desk, I imagine if I had been in that position I'd be praying for a miracle from prophet Gore and the climate change apostles to bring forth the sun to smite the heathen deniers !!!!!!!! Praise CARBON CREDITS, praise CARBON CREDITS, praise CARBON CREDITS.

Oh... sorry got a bit caught up there, erm, how embarrassing.


Famous quote I love, (it's the signature on all my emails).

"You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time."

P.T. Barnum
Well, I'll stray from the gallery here because I agree with the quotes above.

Yes, a reduction in the ice cover over the great lakes would in fact increase the moisture in the air and produce more snow. That's a no brainer and I think those of you that can't understand that concept need to ponder it a bit more.

I happen to agree with all of the others also.

There seems to be, to me, tremendous confusion over what the fraud really is. Climate change is real, global warming is very likely to be real but the Carbon Credits referred to as Cap-N-Trade are the fraud.

I disagree with every comment on this page.

Denise, just because you can't understand the concepts attached to serial blizzards providing substantial data to demonstrate and substantiate global warming doesn't mean it's a false concept, it means only that you don't understand. Increased moisture in the atmosphere as a result of warming could and obviously does produce harsher weather in the winter. We can see that clearly with the recent snow storms and the data indicates it's so based on what's happened over the Great Lakes.

Uburalus, what don't you believe? Obviously we've had a greater level of snow fall this winter and that greater level of snow fall required a greater level of moisture in the air and it's very likely that moisture came from melting ice.

Steve, we disagree. I believe global warming is real. I believe the Cap-N-Trade is a complete fraud and that's what Gore is pushing. Gore could care less whether the globe is warming or cooling or remaining a balmy 72 degrees, he's pushing Cap-N-Trade, not weather change.

Death, not in this case, perhaps the analogy fits Cap-N-Trade but weather change is apparent. It just snowed across the US setting records in many states. That snow is the result of increased moisture in the air.

Here's what I find to be true and unarguable. Put several people in a room and start the conversation going in a particular direction and all of those people will agree without performing something called "critical thinking" and that's what we have here. Why none of you can see the connection between warming temperatures, an increase in moisture in the air as a result and an increase in winter snow as a result of that is beyond me.

The fraud is Cap-N-Trade, not changes in the weather.
What like the Mann hockey stick?

Or polar bears that don't swim?

Or glaciers that will melt in 10-15 years?

The list goes on, and I wouldn't have time to type them all out, or the inclination.

The corrupted data that fails to even consider the primary source of global climate change, a natural event I might add. The sun's solar cycles, we've went through the solar minimum, and as anyone can see on any solar observatory sites that activity is on the increase again.

All they need to do is ignore all the masses of evidence readily available long enough for the sun to again build to a more active state. Think of the energy output of the sun, compare that to us piddly little specks and you do the maths.

What some serious science that is never over, never settled?


Read all the facts, not the cherry picked urban centre temps or outright fabricated nonsense.

Right. You've figured it all out when science hasn't. That's great.

1. Climate change is real
2. Global Warming is likely to be real - I am not proposing a reason
3. Cap-N-Trade is a fraud
4. More moisture in the air produces increased precipitation
5. Increased moisture in the air might be the result of global warming

If you can argue with any of those statements, which are the crux of my argument, you're not terribly bright.

You're a fanatic, as opposed to a person who simply looks at the data and uses what's referred to as critical thinking. That's why you failed to understand anything I said. Reread. Think. I didn't address hockey sticks, polar bears or melting glaciers. I said nothing regarding those things. I did address the article posted here. You didn't.

Regardless, EVERYTHING you stated is obfuscation and aspersion. Someone should inform you that there is continued scientific dispute by a great many well respected and terribly well educated scientists on this subject and while you've made up your mind, they haven't, and neither have I. That's why in numbers 1 thru 5 above the words "likely" and "might" are used. People that make decisions using anything other than factual data make decisions in error and the factual data on this subject is not complete and neither is my opinion.

Anyone who posts "Truth" at the end of their comments is the least likely to be anywhere near such a thing.
I didn't say changes in Great Lakes ice cover caused East Coast blizzards. I know you can read, I'm not certain you can comprehend what you're reading.

Overall warming leads to an overall increase in moisture which may very well account for the increased precipitation. May. That's what I was trying to say. Understand?

VERY OBVIOUSLY, we have an increase in the amount of moisture in the air, right? It just snowed in 49 of 50 states. The only state that didn't experience snow was Hawaii. That increase in precipitation came from? I suggested it MIGHT have come from global warming, as the article above suggests. That indicates an opinion, not fact, because I don't know.

Again, the arguments presented by the various sides of the climate change discussion are all encompassing. There are many. Some believe in man-made global warming, some believe in global warming in general from man-made and other events, some believe we're in a cooling stage and their are people that believe we are in neither.

There are three problems I have. The first is that the science is inconclusive and still being actively debated while lay-people such as yourself appear to have determined their concrete opinions and positions based on inconclusive evidence. The second is that all of this discussion about global warming distracts us from the only credible current issue, that Cap-N-Trade is a fraud and is moving ahead as planned. The third problem I have is with people such as yourself that attempt to stifle debate. Some of my positions are inarguable because they're supported by facts, for instance that climate change is real. Note that I didn't say we are experiencing climate change, just that it's a real event based on accurate historic evidence. Some of my positions are debatable because they are opinions not supported by factual evidence, for example that global warming is occurring now. Note that I didn't say why and didn't imply it's based on man-made events. That you are sick of what you termed 'professional argument' is indicative of several things. A lack of knowledge, a lack of possession of factual evidence, a lack of desire to debate opinions not based on factual evidence, and an inability to form concrete observations based on facts that you care to express and elucidate others with. Your attack is childish at best.
Anyone who has seen my posts will notice that I put "Truth" at the bottom of them all, it is merely a statement of intent, the simple facts that overcomes any obfuscation and contradictory statements.

The duality within language allows many inferences from a word. You "must" do something can be just that for someone and could be "may" for another, but for the first party in this the OPTION of "may" negates the primary.

Language is something I love.

Also you MAY have noted I did indeed leave the debate open by stating the debate is never "settled". But when advocates of your argument use deceit and downright fraud to achieve their selfish goals it invalidates a large portion of the debate through a lack of TRUST.

Also to confine an argument or debate to set boudaries, even by implication is a violation of a human being's freedom of speech.

Truth (a statement of intent).
I agree with everything you said, and haven't seen many of your posts and so am not aware that you post 'Truth' at the end of all of them and thus am more than willing to apologize and so please accept my apology regarding the use of that word.

My problem, as stated above and clearly indicated by you also, is that the debate is far from over and there is considerable disagreement in regard to climate change AND global warming AND the reasons for it so my own opinions or perceptions aren't yet concrete and they shouldn't be. Humanity and science just don't know.

What I do know is that all of this debate amongst us, laymen, obfuscates the real dilemma we face related to this subject which is Cap-N-Trade or the proposed Carbon Trading Credits which will, as I'm sure you know, be an extraordinary expense to all of us and actually allow for an increase in pollution. THAT is the fraud we should be addressing. The rest is opinion.

I also don't buy emotional arguments or what can be generally considered the mainstream viewpoint. That said, global warming, in my opinion and for whatever reason may be very real. It may not be but I'm leaning towards the position that it is. I'm also leaning towards the position that it's not the result of man-made interference. That's based on an article posted by Tara (I just emailed her for a link because I couldn't find it) about a climate scientist whose new study supports that the atmosphere is self-regulating against man-made chemical input. So my position, for now and nothing more than an opinion is that global warming is real, it's not man-made, and severe cold weather such as that which we just experienced can certainly be explained as the result of warming increasing moisture in the air. I also believe that just because the earth might be warming that doesn't necessarily equate to warmer winters just now. We might be warming and experience much colder winters as a result of the increased moisture in the air from the warming. BUT, we just don't know, yet.

The real problem is that I don't know, any more than anyone else here does. Even though they may hold firm opinions and regard themselves as knowledgeable anyone who purports to know facts on this subject is lying because overall, and again, the scientific jury is still out.

What I did say, and which people above seem to lack an understanding for, is that global warming MIGHT explain easily the increase in moisture in the air which then might also easily explain the increase in snow this season. To just throw that possibility out the window is just ludicrous, in my opinion.

Tara hasn't answered me as yet but I will come back to post a link to her article for you. It is, if nothing else, very interesting.
The article posted by Tara that I referred to is HERE


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