Less Prone's Comments

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At 3:06am on July 21, 2024, Hobby Radio said…

Thank you Less.

At 1:06pm on November 22, 2023, Elementisfire said…

Greetings...thank you so much. It's good to be back

At 7:28am on November 22, 2023, Elementisfire said…

Greetings...thank you so much. It's good to be back

At 11:39am on November 10, 2023, Tina said…

Thank You ... 

At 6:06pm on September 11, 2023, Gary Carter said…

Thanx Pal

At 4:18am on March 13, 2023, Gloreen Andersen said…

Thank you. xx 

At 7:32pm on February 18, 2022, Boris said…

im trying

At 2:46pm on January 7, 2022, Dianne Orton said…

It's over, done and forgotten about. "e-mails"

At 2:00pm on November 25, 2021, Franc said…

i added my approx location like u requested

At 1:43am on July 26, 2021, J.L. Spraggins said…

Much appreciated!

At 3:33pm on July 25, 2021, Frances said…

Thank you!

At 4:49am on June 17, 2021, Ragnarok said…

Didn't even know it happened. So looked him up and read about the incident. So turns out they will give Eriksen an ICD, since his heart is beating 'irregularly'. But he claims, he hasn't got the jab, that is good for him at least. 

At 9:20pm on January 17, 2021, MAC said…

Good one, Thanks LP

At 4:32am on November 27, 2020, mark andrews said…

thank you for your approving my profile. I appreciate this forum because i have been kicked out of twitter and face book for simply sharing the truth. i guess being a patriot is against their policy. God Bless You and God Bless this Nation of believers, The United States of America.

At 10:10am on November 21, 2020, Harriett Grady said…
Thank you for approving my membership
At 7:27am on November 16, 2020, Judge Britt said…

thanks and I need to get used to the format here.

At 11:54am on November 8, 2020, JackFDavid said…

Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm just so sick of the censorship and the pushing of false narratives. Then this compromised election with all kinds of obvious fraud and corruption. It will be nice to express myself and not get censored. Thanks for the welcome. 

At 5:38pm on October 13, 2020, Strat247 said…

Thanks so much for the add!

At 3:58pm on September 20, 2020, Emily said…

Thank you! I found this site randomly and only just came back and found my membership request accepted.  I want somewhere to upload what I'm finding as I keep finding tabs closed and bookmarks deleted.

At 12:21am on March 10, 2020, Franc said…

no worries

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