Identifying a Psychological Operation

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Unfortunately, in a Constitutional Republic like America, we can no longer trust the mainstream media, the thieves we call Democrats, Republicans in name only, and our intelligence apparatus. We, as citizens, are forced to decipher all information that comes through whether its political, product description, entertainment content, news, or political announcements, all of it maybe clandestine, and a product of ulterior motives. Even worse though, is the fact that major events have been staged in order to test public reaction or to coerce the masses into reacting a certain way. This is a strategy to not only control the population, but to push them into a desired reaction, and that reaction will not be in their best interests either! Sadly, the CIA has been behind leaking information to our major newspapers and sources that goes unknown and unsuspected by normal citizenry.

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The game being played

Just allow the sheep to play their video games, watch their reality shows on TV, and listen to their pointless and soulless musical artists and you have the perfect storm of guinea pigs in which to mentally experiment with. This is the modern day social commentary that characterizes just where we’re at in present society. Now let’s ad AI to the mix. Artificial Intelligence is not only learning from what’s going on, but can be used to falsify or manipulate data and even falsely incriminate whoever the government might want to eliminate or incarcerate. Worse than that however, is the fact that AI has merged with virtually every aspect of information systems even those that are sensitive national security sources that could potentially involve nuclear missile launch codes. So, if AI has no true conscience or sense of morality, as it would see little evidence of ethics or compassion in human actions, especially if programmed by elements of the CIA, FBI, NSA, or many the other plethora of intelligence agencies who have their agendas, what will happen?

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The tried and tested tool

How do we identify Psyops? These false flag events are predesigned to create a fake crisis that will seem very real to the public at large who usually don’t have a clue. These events will be of great media coverage, mentally influential, and seemingly of a disastrous nature to get the full impact of drama so that the effects are immediate and far reaching. Striking fear into the heart of the subjects is paramount in intention. The more uncertainty the better. This method can be used to measure the vulnerability of the masses to Machiavellian deviousness! The governments of today thrive on this aspect of civilian control. The world order would rather that intimidation be used rather than faith in our leaders which has to be earned by good deeds and a demonstration of integrity which, in most cases, simply doesn’t exist anymore.

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How mass hypnosis begins

Anytime you have a well-covered event by the mainstream media that all factions are in agreement about with little or no critical analysis involved, we can trust that it is meeting all requirements of a Psyop.  It must create a threat. It must be of great supposedly importance. It must be capable of overriding all questions of whether there is any hesitation by authorities over their finding, and if there are any critics or opposition to the all-encompassing conclusion by the powers that be, these will be quickly ridiculed as conspiracy theorists, or in the case of more than 100 medical experts who were streaming only that the Covid 19 vaccines and mandates were ill advised and the public was at risk, not by the alleged pandemic, but by the treatment methods and prescribed polices dictated by the government! These professionals with the best interests of the public in mind were shut down from broadcasting on the web! Did the sheep notice that freedom of speech was being abolished? Did the sheep stop to question why medical experts were silenced over what should have been a very important announcement to public health? No! They complied like barnyard livestock! What did that tell the perpetrators who made billions off of a false pandemic robbing taxpayer money, and even killing thousands with malpractice?

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Surrendering the human will

The outcome each and every time of Psyops only proves how incredibly weak and suggestible the human mind is, and that the perpetrators will win every time! We have a long sad history of just how effective Psyops have been, and how everything from bringing people to a wartime footing to making them think an extraterrestrial invasion is underway are possible. Yet, Psyops can even be more subtle simply using propaganda alone to get people to surrender their Constitutional rights to authority as well as the sovereignty of our own nation in order to allow an undeclared invasion of illegal aliens as somehow being humanitarian and of goodwill to those poor under privileged people from third world countries, all seeking opportunity as Americans themselves are ignored by their own federal government, yet taxed and robbed of their money to accommodate those who have broken the law and trespassed onto our soil.

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Creating new monsters

As Americans we have been influenced into taking unproven and untested dangerous serums for aliments that our own bodies could develop immunities for. We have been frightened into mass hysteria by the broadcast of “War of the Worlds” by national radio back in 1938. The movie, “The Three faces of Eve” starring Joanne Woodward who played a patient suffering from multiple personality disorder, a mental condition that was previously unknown until after this movie had been released and was influential among the viewing audience. Suddenly, numerous cases of the psychological disorder began to come in!  We have perhaps even been seduced into going to war without actual provocation when many people site the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident” as impetus to enter into the Vietnam War.

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Social engineering is what results in these Psyops! How people can rationalize surgically converting boys into girls, allowing men to enter girl’s locker rooms under the aegis of allowing those who suddenly feel like women to undress in front of young girls? These are the abominations that political activists have gotten news coverage for and political approval by Democrats for future voter recruitment. It is a shameful and reprehensible form of social manipulation that will not stop until it is recognized and prosecuted as crime subject to criminal penalties. As long as the people are conditioned to be vulnerable to such conditioning, the longer they will be subject to future Psyops that will certainly be even more terrible as time goes on now with AI as another tool in the arsenal of the globalists!  

How Globalism Works Like the Mafia -- Puppet Masters --

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