Hi James-I found this site due to veiwing a vid here about the underground caverns the chickens will be hiding in and there sat this miniture(about 1/2 size of reg ship) battle ship in a shallow platform and on the side of this ship was this M-03. So I tried to research that number and found his huge hover ship-not what I was looking for. I thought if I could find the M-03 it might tell us some new infor on what else their preparing for. It's pretty apparent they plan on using this M-03 as it looks ready to launh in that container. And as I rember that hover could also be used on land-how well to move lrg amt of ppl. Just a thought.
Here is the complete "Bel Air Fire" episode of the TV series "When Havoc Struck" from 1978. Includes intense footage and dramatic interviews from survivors o...