Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth now have over 600 architects and engineers who are calling for a new investigation into 911. They are presenting their evidence this weekend at the annual (AIA) 2009 National Convention and Design Exposition. These are serious professionals with credentials who are about to expose 24,000 other professionals to the evidence they have gathered over the last 2 years.
The genie may come out of the bottle this weekend never to return!
Next question - Who planted the thermite?
Next question - Where was NORAD?
I hope that it will help to wake people up, but I am afraid that it will be overlooked by the masses. People just don't want to believe they serve a devil of the worst sorts. Millatary families don't want to accept that their sons, daughters, father or mother, has been serving curruption.
We don't have to look far to see this, Look to tha assasanation of JFK. We know that was a impossible explanation by the Gov, and has since been proven to be false. Not admitted of course, but any real court would have find in a manner of the evidence provided.
I was on the appalation trail not long ago and tried to wake some people up to the facts of 911. Most are still sold out on the plane being the only source. When you ask them about building seven, they say it was effected by the other buildings. I tell them that it was built to withstand a hit from the largest plane we had in the day it was constructed. They look at me with disgust and perfer to not engage me any longer.
These people are compleatly brain washed and don't want to believe that we are not the land of the free anymore.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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