Published: 21 December, 2011, 21:40
Edited: 22 December, 2011, 03:01
Detention Act will imprison Americans abroad
If you’re upset that congressional approval of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 can send you away to military prisons and be tortured in America, don’t worry — it could be worse.
The US could send you somewhere else.
No, really. They could. And they can. Anywhere else, too. Really.
While the bill that left Capitol Hill last week and awaits authorization from US President Barack Obama allows for the United States to indefinitely detain and torture American citizens suspected of aiding enemy forces, one provision in the bill specifies that that detention doesn’t necessarily have to occur domestically — nor does it have to be in a foreign prison run by the US.
The ongoing detention of foreign terror suspects at the US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has been a hot topic since the War on Terror began, with American military authorities torturing could-be criminals without ever bringing them to trial. An exposé years earlier on the Abu Ghraib facility in Iraq revealed how American troops were subjecting detainees to disgusting, inhumane conditions; conditions which left some dead without ever going to trial. While Abu Ghraib has since been shut down, Guantanamo Bay continues to hold suspected criminals despite a promise to Obama to shut it down.
Aren't there enough prisons in Amerika ?
I guess not, Maria. You're family won't even know what country you're in.
If our own military follows these orders to round up American people that do not go along with the government plan of a New World Order , then our own military personal are nothing more than TERROIST themselves. Period.
So true. Why have they let it get this far already?
So guilty until they say you aren't, get tired of torturing you, or kill you, huh? The word that jumps off the page to me is "SUSPECTED"; that's a pretty broad spectrum.....
"Destroying the New World Order"
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