While this author may share some of the sentiments with the Bard of Avon regarding lawyers, somehow it does not seem to meet accepted rules of decorum and law. http://bit.ly/xvooke
Nevertheless, the profession of lawyers aka attorneys, must be repressed with prejudice. This author’s suggested course of action involves removing the source of revenue that the ever growing attorney hoard relies upon for sustenance.
At the founding of this country, there was a great need for the profession of lawyers. Simply, the literacy rate and average learnedness of the population was such that rank and file Americans were ill equipped to represent themselves in court in either civil or criminal matters.
But in the Age of the internet, and the attainment of a high literacy rate, the only reason most people with a high school degrees need a lawyer to represent them is because of the deliberately obtuse, complicated manner with which the rules of law is recorded.
Anybody who has represented themselves in court, or who has been deliberately betrayed by their attorney, is familiar with the unnecessarily complex manner the law, and its rules, are set down in writing. (On top of that, our Courts have signed off on forcing WE THE PEOPLE to pay for electronic and written access to the Rules of Law via such companies as LexisNexis and WestLaw. Shouldn’t our tax dollars at least afford WE THE PEOPLE with free and easy access to our Rules of Law?)
[Article Continues below almost universal translator]
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Latin words, Court Rules, and Case Law create a gut wrenching “Simon Says” legal environment. The Law should be overwhelmingly common sense, yet no civil litigant, nor a defendant in the criminal manners, can be certain “Simon Says” gotcha mistake will not cost them their case.
And all the lawyers reading this will retort, “That is why you need a lawyer!”
To which this author responds with the pragmatic rejoinder, “Who can afford a lawyer?”
The Rule of Law must be reduced t concise, simple English writing in one place for the following reasons....
Continue reading for free here Shakespeare: The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers
Those were my thoughts.
In Closing:
Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.
Please join with me in mutually pledging to each other and our fellow citizens our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor to our mutual endeavors of restoring liberty and economic opportunity to WE THE PEOPLE as our Founding Fathers envisioned and intended. [Last
This article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine http://ushistory.org/paine. I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own “Common Sense” http://amzn.to/kbRuar
TellMyPolitician http://goo.gl/1FWfz
Keep Fighting the Good Fight!
In Liberty,
Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot
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Lawless America
Justice in Minnesota #JIM
Bring Home the Politicians #BHTP
Get out of our House #GOOOH
Critical Thinking Notice - This author advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical Thinking (http://bit.ly/ubI6ve) in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author... unless and until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective.
The lawyers really are a problem aren't they? How many U.S presidents were lawyers? As I recall something like half...
Guess you have to know the law in order to break it.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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