Bilderberg Favorite Rubio Calls For Attacking Iran & Syria

Florida Senator cements his place as a neo-con poster child

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bilderberg Group elitists who are considering Marco Rubio to become Mitt Romney’s running mate were probably enamored by Rubio’s “foreign policy chops” during a Brookings Institution speech yesterday in which the Florida Senator cemented his place as a neo-con poster child by calling for a US-led military assault on Iran and Syria.

Speaking of Iran, Rubio stated, “We should also be preparing our allies, and the world, for the reality that unfortunately, if all else fails, preventing a nuclear Iran may, tragically, require a military solution.”

He also said that Syria should become a target for “American leadership,” in the context of ignoring UN mandates and sending in American troops to directly help rebel fighters who, as we have documented, are being directed by Al-Qaeda terrorists.

“You need the center of gravity to instigate this coalition (supporting opposition groups in Syria) and move forward with a defined plan,” said Rubio. “In the absence of American power and American influence and American leadership, it’s hard to do that.”

Rubio’s zeal for committing the United States to yet more unaffordable and pointless wars is likely to get him in the good books of the Bilderberg Group. It also went down well with the Brookings Institution, an establishment think tank that openly admits in its own memos that the “responsibility to protect” humanitarian ruse is merely a crude pretext for long-planned regime change in Syria.

The Telegraph’s Tim Stanley points out that Rubio is basically firming up his spot as a poster child for neoconservatives who are petrified at the fact that Ron Paul and Rand Paul have brought a large percentage of the Republican Party back to its non-interventionist roots.

“It’s hard not to be troubled by Rubio’s all-encompassing vision of American hegemony,” he writes. “Especially if you’re not American. Another quote: “What happens all over the world is our business. Every aspect of [our] lives is directly impacted by global events. The security of our cities is connected to the security of small hamlets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.”

“Apparently, if some goatherd in the mountains of Afghanistan loses one of his flock to a landmine, the consequences for Topeka, Kansas could be terrible. The absurdity of the theory that literally every security problem in the world is a direct threat to the United States is but one example of Rubio’s naïveté. In his vision, America never makes mistakes and everyone loves it. Small nations regard the US as their protector against bigger nations, whose wickedness is irrational.”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

During his speech, Rubio also took time to praise the ridiculously contrived ‘Kony 2012′ fad, which as we vehemently documented at the time was nothing less than an effort to grease the skids for the U.S. military invasion of Africa.

“So Rubio is campaigning for the vice president slot in the Republican Party by promising to embroil our country in two major Middle East wars, and moreover to do so without the backing of international law,” writes Juan Cole. “But this step is precisely the mistake George W. Bush made in Iraq, and it meant that the US was mostly on its own in fighting, dying and paying for that war. Syria is 2/3s the size of Iraq, and Iran is 3 times more populous, so Rubio is committing us not only to bear more thousands of war dead and badly wounded but also to spend trillions in distant Middle Eastern deserts.”

As we reported earlier this month, a story by veteran Washington Post columnist Al Kamen explained how Rubio was looking to “boost his foreign-policy chops” by following around the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to international summits as a means of building his internationalist credibility.

Kamen more than subtly suggested that Rubio could be a favorite of the Bilderberg Group, which he described as “uber-secret global power brokers”, a collection of financiers, politicians, CEOs, academia and media bigwigs, who routinely have an influence on the U.S. presidential election, picking Barack Obama’s VP in 2008 and John Kerry’s running mate in 2004.

Earlier this week, Rubio hit the campaign trail with Romney, described by observers as appearing like “a running mate audition,” just days after making a Freudian slip when he told a forum, “Three, four, five, six, seven years from now, if I do a good job as vice president — I’m sorry, as senator — I’ll have the chance to do all sorts of things.”

Bilderberg’s influence on U.S. presidential elections is well documented. During the June 2008 Bilderberg meeting in Northern Virginia, the press lost track of the whereabouts of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Reports subsequently suggested that the two had got together for a “private meeting” in Northern Virginia, which almost certainly meant they had both attended that year’s Bilderberg confab.

Veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker yesterday confirmed that our report earlier this week that Bilderberg are almost certain meet at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31st to June 3rd.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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  10. Russia warning: Syria and Iran strikes could trigger ‘chain reaction’
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Well, I get to the very last paragraphy and see that Iran is sending 15,000 troops to help Syria! ...Looks and sounds like the "CIA - Al Queda" Just might bein the wrong business ,in the Midddle East, I haven't ever heard of Muslam Prostitutes. Romney is a White Obama,as for as Rubio, he is a Kiss up. Brown noser! Just maybe Iran,Syria and some of the rest are following. Quaddaffi and taking there sivereign rights back. And ,Personally I think The People of the Republic of the united STATES of America....Need to desparately to do, to save what is OURS and if others that want liberty,Freedom and Rights, Let them ask for help ,if we can ,we can! But fight in False Flag Wars as Egypt and Lybia no never participate with THE BROTHRHOO, AL QUEDA, ANY TERRORIST GROUP KNOWN TO MAN, NEVER ,NEVER, AGAIN SHOULD AN AMRICAN LIFE BE FELLED BY ENEMIES WITHIN NOR OUT OF THE BOUNDRIES OF OUR JURISDICTIONS.......


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