With "friends" like The United States (notice how they deliberately started leaving out the America part a long time ago) who needs enemies!

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The war on terror is an abominable HOAX on the entire world meant to keep us in everlasting conflicts and wars...  PEACE  is what people cry out and governments will give us war until we are so sick of it we will accept any solution "they" provide no matter how bad it seems or no matter how much freedom you must give up because the only real war is upon mankind and the freedoms we are born with and they want to control for they are the gods of this world and you will listen or perish at there hands if you resist.. Is this freedom? will we be so war weary that we completely forget what freedom is? To be free or not to be free that has always been the question? How sad for america that we had it and just let it go because we were just to lazy and dependent on government to be vigilant and worst of all we kicked God and his teachings to the curb and all practically in unison said .. We knew better..  Did you know that is exactly why the bible says Lucifer was thrown out of heaven? Yea the most beautiful Angel of all, the angel of art and music said "I will be like the most High/  How you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer son of the dawn. You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations. You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven. I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit enthroned on the mount of the assembly, on the uttermost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the mountains. I will make myself like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:12-14).  We in effect have done the same thing and look at us! We are lost and at the mercy of a demonic government that wants to enslave not only us but the whole world..  what a slippery slope we created when we first abandoned our creator..  The men who created this country had respect for God and the free exercise of expressing thanks to Him .. They leaned not on there own understanding but sought a higher  purpose and BOLDLY said "In God We Trust" ...    we are on a path of destruction and have no one but ourselves to blame.. Maybe there is still time, i don't know, i only know what i see right in front of me and it isn't pretty..  I see dead people everywhere, mayhem and suffering and i am no fun at parties.. Repent for the end is near is not just a sign some crazy guy holds in the street anymore..  


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