Notice the Arab in the bottom right corner! He is looking at the station, are they showing who they intend to blame for a possible biological attack on the underground?

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Perhaps it's because it's cut off on the right, or maybe I'm just dense...  Not seeing anything straight away.  Can You elaborate?  What is it You're seeing?

Do you see the suspicious man in the Turbin on the bottom right?  He is looking straigt at the Station as though he has other Intentions.  This is part of a psy-ops program to get people seeing the Muslim race as terrorists!  This is profoundly racist!!   Someone should sue the Transport police for stereo-typing Muslims in a Psy-ops manner!!!!

Your man is just above the H of Highways Agency , to the right of the mother holding (how conveniently) the red flag...that even points to the Osama lookalike.

I'm sure I posted this up a couple of days ago...


Strange Olympics Posters

In my continuing mission to spot odd things associated to the Olympic games, this has come to my attention:

These rather strange posters have popped up all over central London to encourage people to use other methods of transport during the Olympics:

I had to take the picture on my crappy mobile so apologies for the quality but someone pointed out to me that, if you look carefully:

There is a small arab-esque man, separated from the group looking very sternly at the underground station:

These posters are made by TFL and there are quite a few variations. This is not the only example displaying something like this, the majority of them have similar features.

Look out for them if you travel on the tube. Its like ‘Where’s Wally’ with terrorists.


Ah.  Thank You.  My monitor sucks - filled with red "snow" - so seeing detail is difficult.  Thanks for the "blow-up" (if I can use that term!).

Lol! Just hope we can put an end to their game!   And I don't mean the olympic games, though it would be good to stop the whole thing from taking place.

Well...  I offer a solution.  [smile] See my blog (, and particularly:

The End of Entropy

Money is Not Needed in Energy Abundance

The Hot Dog Stand:  How Much Would You Charge?

And My petition:

Thanks DTOM for sharing the video and the enlarged images!    Cheers!!!

I know I saw the video somewhere, but I thought I would just add an enlarged photo of the poster.  to see what people could discern from it.  


Many Thanks DTOM



Got to looking at the "Highways Agency" logo...  Does it not look like a pyramid with a floating capstone?  The text says, "Safe roads, reliable journeys, informed travelers."  Hmmm.  And the logo to the right (can't see the whole name) is either a stylized theta or a 90° rotated phi...  All the ads are for transportation except the "Mayor of London" ad...

And the ads create a blockade - like that is to be acceptable...  Hmmmmmmm.

You have good eyes if you can see all that Amaterasu!    The most I can see is that strange clould that looks like either a hammer and sickle or it is a phoenix!  Isn't phi part of that secret society phi-beta-capa?  They were responsible for the BP Disaster, That is why it was done on the 19th April, Beltane Day, Sacrifice by fire! 

I cheated.  I copied the image and brought it into Photoshop.  Much more detail.  [smile]

I wish I had Photoshop!  The computer I have came with nothing!!! 


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