June 18, 2012

In order to focus attention on the dictatorial and imperial presidency of Obama, Alex Jones and the Infowars team have decided to launch a contest.

Taking cues from the successful Obama Joker contest we held in 2009, the new effort will use posters strategically placed in lawful public commons areas to convey the obvious – the globalist puppet Barry aka Barack Obama is a tyrannical dictator who has willfully and continually violated the Constitution and betrayed the trust of the American people. Because a lickspittle corporate media has virtually ignored the significance of Obama’s treason, we believe it is crucial to raise awareness with a new poster campaign.

Phase One

Win $5,000 by producing a poster and a video of its placement in a lawful public commons area. The poster must stress the tyranny of Obama and include the web address.

An example would be Obama festooned with a Hitler mustache or a likewise resemblance of classic totalitarian posterage (Mao or Stalin, for example). However, the sky’s the limit and we encourage you to get creative and come up with your own motif.

Alex has suggested the following cues to get you started: Rat Dictator Obama, Dictator Scum, Murdering Dictator, etc. Concentrate on Obama’s crimes and you’ll find the appropriate message.

Again, remember to include the Infowars address.

You can create your own poster or use ours (links to poster-sized images below).

This is a package deal and the video presentation and its overall aesthetics and dynamic content are as equally important as the graphical impact of the poster and its message.

Phase One is on a tight schedule. All video entries must be on YouTube or a similar video hosting platform by Friday, June 22, at midnight CST. Alex will announce the winner on Monday’s worldwide transmission.

Send a link to your entry to:

Phase Two

Same deal as above, but with a more expansive time-frame. The winner of this phase of the contest will receive a whopping $10,000. The deadline in July 6, 2012, at midnight CST.

We can’t emphasize how important this contest is with a lackadaisical Congress and a compliant corporate media that either completely ignores Obama’s treachery or criminally glosses over it.

Entries and winner of the Phase 1 contest will be eligible for the Phase 2 contest as well.

For more details and inspiration, see It’s Official: Presidency Now a Dictatorship.

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Wouldn't it be great if we all did just a little bit of this more often :)

Right on. You can always print the posters they provide.

You can be kind of sneaky about it too... use your imagination. For example, if you live in an apartment building, leave one outside everyone's door. Then when people talk about it, makes for a good conversation opener. Act like you got one too :)

'Remember, as you go along your busy way, to pause occasionally to take some time and smash the state.'  circa 1970 graffiti

Nice. The state is smashing us, thus we smash back.

I love the sentiment in the quote I posted but quite frankly, I do not feel the need to 'smash' anything. The govt I live under is not my govt and I pay it very little heed. I keep an eye on it like I would a snake (I want to know where it is and what its up to) but otherwise I ignore it. In my view, to be a party to bringing down an entity that due to its own misdeeds and illegal behavior is in its death throes, would be a mark of dishonor on my good name. I think so little of govt that to lift a finger against it would be, imo, to grant it a status that it has neither earned nor deserves. Imho, it merits nothing more than scorn [and even that may be giving it too much attention ;) ]

The government is not a snake its a cancerous parasite and if you leave alone it will only get worse eventually it will kill you - the host.

"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment." Marcus Aurelius

i just got new ink for my printer ..  great posters MURDERING DICTATOR..  looks great on paper (my personal fav) made 30 copies to start .. they all print out great ;)  will be posting them   ..   those free local paper stands are a good place to place some of them :P

Oh now you KNOW what I like :)

Good thinkin' ;)

i ran outta ink ...  Lol i used my back magic maker on the last 5 copies ..  it works ;) Obama gotta go ..  we'll deal with O'Romney when its his turn!~~~~ RIGHT NOW OBAMA GOTTA GO! ~~~  one dick at a time ~~  congress needs some posters of this nature -_- 


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